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Journal of Behavioral Medicine

Uitgave 4/2021 Special Series on Rural Health in Behavioral Medicine

Inhoudsopgave (13 Artikelen)

Combination outreach and wellness intervention for distressed rural veterans: results of a multimethod pilot study

Lilian Dindo, McKenzie K. Roddy, Derrecka Boykin, Ken Woods, Merlyn Rodrigues, Tracey L. Smith, Raquel D. Gonzalez, Gala True

A systematic review of behavioral interventions for rural breast cancer survivors

Chelsea G. Ratcliff, Debbie Torres, Emily A. Tullos, Yimin Geng, Qian Lu

Age-varying associations between physical activity and psychological outcomes among rural cancer survivors

Nishat Bhuiyan, Ashley N. Linden-Carmichael, Stephanie T. Lanza, Kathryn H. Schmitz, Scherezade K. Mama

Recent trends in the rural–urban suicide disparity among veterans using VA health care

Brian Shiner, Talya Peltzman, Sarah L. Cornelius, Jiang Gui, Jenna Forehand, Bradley V. Watts

Social-ecological considerations for the sleep health of rural mothers

Alexandra R. Fischer, Sha-Rhonda M. Green, Heather E. Gunn

Taking the message to the rural patient: evidence-based PTSD care

Nancy C. Bernardy, Macgregor Montano, Lisa-Ann Cuccurullo, Kristen Breen, Bernard F. Cole

Associations of parenting factors and weight related outcomes in African American adolescents with overweight and obesity

Haylee Loncar, Dawn K. Wilson, Allison M. Sweeney, Mary Quattlebaum, Nicole Zarrett

Pediatric recurring pain in the community: the role of children’s sleep and internalizing symptoms

Samantha A. Miadich, Reagan S. Breitenstein, Mary C. Davis, Leah D. Doane, Kathryn Lemery-Chalfant

The role of parental support for youth physical activity transportation and community-level poverty in the healthy communities study

Allison M. Sweeney, Dawn K. Wilson, Russell Pate, M. Lee Van Horn, Kerry McIver, Marsha Dowda

When belongingness backfires: experienced discrimination predicts increased cardiometabolic risk among college students high in social belonging

  • Brief Report

Maryam Hussain, Angela E. Johnson, Jacqueline Hua, Bianca M. Hinojosa, Matthew J. Zawadzki, Jennifer L. Howell