Uitgave 3/2006
Inhoudsopgave (27 Artikelen)
Multidimensional Computerized Adaptive Testing of the EORTC QLQ-C30: Basic Developments and Evaluations
Morten Aa. Petersen, Mogens Groenvold, Neil Aaronson, Peter Fayers, Mirjam Sprangers, Jakob B. Bjorner
Assessment of Differential Item Functioning for Demographic Comparisons in the MOS SF-36 Health Survey
Anthony J. Perkins, Timothy E. Stump, Patrick O. Monahan, Colleen A. McHorney
Application of Robust Statistical Methods for Sensitivity Analysis of Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes
Jennifer L. Beaumont, Lisa M. Lix, Kathleen J. Yost, Elizabeth A. Hahn
Is Psychometric Scoring of the McNew Quality of Life After Myocardial Infarction Questionnaire Superior to the Clinimetric Scoring? A Comparison of the Two Approaches
A. Ribera, G. Permanyer-Miralda, J. Alonso, P. Cascant, N. Soriano, C. Brotons
Measuring Stroke Impact with SIS: Construct Validity of SIS Telephone Administration
Sooyeon Kwon, Pamela Duncan, Stephanie Studenski, Subashan Perera, Sue Min Lai, Dean Reker
ISSQoL: A New Questionnaire for Evaluating the Quality of Life of People Living with HIV in the HAART Era*
R. Bucciardini, R. Murri, M. Guarinieri, F. Starace, M. Martini, A. Vatrella, L. Cafaro, M. Fantoni, R. Grisetti, A. d’Arminio Monforte, V. Fragola, R. Arcieri, C. Del Borgo, A. Tramarin, M. Massella, D. Lorenzetti, S. Vella
Predictors of the Extent of Agreements between Terminally ill Cancer Patients and their Family Caregivers in Taiwan
- Commentary
Morten Aa. Petersen, Mogens Groenvold
Analyzing Oncology Clinical Trial Data Using the Q-TWiST Method: Clinical Importance and Sources for Health State Preference Data*
Dennis A. Revicki, David Feeny, Timothy L. Hunt, Bernard F. Cole
Clinically Important Differences in Q-TWiST – One TWiST too Many, or TWiST and Shout?
- Reply
Dennis A. Revicki, David Feeny, Timothy L. Hunt, Bernard F. Cole
Eliciting Utilities Using Functional Methodology: People’s Disutilities for the Adverse Outcomes of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Alexandra Gamelin, María Teresa Muñoz Sastre, Paul Clay Sorum, Etienne Mullet
Problems Eliciting Cues in SEIQoL-DW: Quality of Life Areas in Small-Cell Lung Cancer Patients
Marjan Westerman, Tony Hak, Anne-Mei The, Harry Groen, Gerrit van der Wal
Health-Related Quality of Life Among Self-Reported Arthritis Sufferers: Effects of Race/Ethnicity and Residence
Stacey H. Kovac, Ted R. Mikuls, Amy Mudano, Kenneth G. Saag
Quality of Life and its Relation to Cancer-Related Stress in Women of Families with Hereditary Cancer without Demonstrated Mutation
Amy Østertun Geirdal, Lovise Mæhle, Ketil Heimdal, Astrid Stormorken, Pål Møller, Alv A. Dahl
Exacerbations, Hospital Admissions and Impaired Health Status in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Marc Miravitlles, Miriam Calle, Francisco Alvarez-Gutierrez, Elena Gobartt, Francisco López, Antonio Martín
Measuring the Impact of Diabetes Through Patient Report of Treatment Satisfaction, Productivity and Symptom Experience
Meryl Brod, Soren E. Skovlund, Kim U. Wittrup-Jensen
Is a Generic Quality of Life Instrument Helpful for Evaluating Women with Urinary Incontinence?
Seung-June Oh, Ja Hyeon Ku
Variations in Self-Rated Health Among Patients with HIV Infection
Joseph M. Mrus, Bruce R. Schackman, Albert W. Wu, Kenneth A. Freedberg, Joel Tsevat, Michael S. Yi, Robert Zackin
Determinants of Changes in Perceived Quality of Life in the Course of Schizophrenia
Michael Ritsner, Anatoly Gibel, Yael Ratner
The Natural Progression of Health-Related Quality of Life: Results of a Five-Year Prospective Study of SF-36 Scores in a Normative Population
Wilma M. Hopman, Claudie Berger, Lawrence Joseph, Tanveer Towheed, Elizabeth VandenKerkhof, Tassos Anastassiades, Jonathan D. Adachi, George Ioannidis, Jacques P. Brown, David A. Hanley, Emmanuel A. Papadimitropoulos
Gender Differences in Effects of Physical Activity on Quality of Life and Resource Utilization
Takeshi Morimoto, Yuko Oguma, Shin Yamazaki, Shigeru Sokejima, Takeo Nakayama, Shunichi Fukuhara
Self-Reported Health in High and Very High Incomes
Georgios D. Mantzavinis, Thomas A. Trikalinos, Ioannis D. K. Dimoliatis, John P. A. Ioannidis
Korean Translation and Validity of FACT-BMT Version 4 and the Quality of Life in Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation Patients
- Brief Communication
Heejung Yoo, Kyoohyung Lee, Jehwan Lee, Sonya Eremenco, Seungjoon Choi, Hwan Kim, Jungshin Lee
The Impact of Lupus Erythematosus Cutaneous on the Quality of life: The Brazilian–Portuguese Version of DLQI
L. B. Ferraz, F. A. Almeida, M. R. Vasconcellos, A. S. Faccina, R. M. Ciconelli, M. B. Ferraz