Uitgave 4/2006
Inhoudsopgave (18 Artikelen)
Using the Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) among Older Adult Inpatients with Varying Cognitive Function
Eva Baró, Montse Ferrer, Olga Vázquez, Ramón Miralles, Angels Pont, Asunción Esperanza, Antoni Ma Cervera, Jordi Alonso
Performance of a Weight-related Measure of Quality of Life in a Psychiatric Sample
Ronette L. Kolotkin, Ross D. Crosby, Patricia K. Corey-Lisle, Hong Li, Jodi M. Swanson
Impact of Fatigue in Parkinson’s Disease: The Fatigue Impact Scale for Daily Use (D-FIS)
Pablo Martinez-Martin, Maria Jose Catalan, Julian Benito-Leon, Angel Ortega Moreno, Ivana Zamarbide, Esther Cubo, Nadeje van Blercon, Victor Campos Arillo, Margarita Pondal, Gurutz Linazasoro, Fernando Alonso, Pedro García Ruiz, Belen Frades
Validating, Improving Reliability, and Estimating Correlation of the Four Subscales in the WHOQOL-BREF using Multidimensional Rasch Analysis
Wen-Chung Wang, Grace Yao, Yih-Jian Tsai, Jung-Der Wang, Ching-Lin Hsieh
Why are You Calling Me? How Study Introductions Change Response Patterns
Dylan M. Smith, Norbert Schwarz, Todd R. Roberts, Peter A. Ubel
Utility-based Quality of Life Measures in Alzheimer’s Disease
Gary Naglie, George Tomlinson, Catherine Tansey, Jane Irvine, Paul Ritvo, Sandra E. Black, Morris Freedman, Michel Silberfeld, Murray Krahn
The Effect of Age, Race and Gender on Preference Scores for Hypothetical Health States
Eve Wittenberg, Elkan Halpern, Nomia Divi, Lisa A. Prosser, Sally S. Araki, Jane C. Weeks
Comparison between Children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) and their Parents Concerning Perceived Quality of Life
Karine Toupin April, Debbie Ehrmann Feldman, Robert W. Platt, Ciarán M. Duffy
Health-related Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents after Invasive Treatment for Congenital Heart Disease
A. W. Spijkerboer, E. M. W. J. Utens, W. B. De Koning, A. J. J. C. Bogers, W. A. Helbing, F. C. Verhulst
Validating a Self-report Measure of Global Subjective Well-being to Predict Adverse Clinical Outcomes
L. Douglas Ried, Michael J. Tueth, Eileen Handberg, Harry Nyanteh
Health Status Assessed by the SF-36 Along the Diabetes Continuum in an Australian Population
Catherine R. Chittleborough, Katherine L. Baldock, Anne W. Taylor, Patrick J. Phillips
Health-related Quality of Life, Depression and Anxiety in Thyroid Cancer Patients
Sefik Tagay, Stephan Herpertz, Matthias Langkafel, Yesim Erim, Andreas Bockisch, Wolfgang Senf, Rainer Görges
The Role of Meaning in the Prediction of Psychosocial Well-being of Testicular Cancer Survivors
J. Fleer, H. J. Hoekstra, D.Th. Sleijfer, M. A. Tuinman, J. E. H. M. Hoekstra-Weebers
Burden of Care in Families of Patients with Schizophrenia
Alejandra Caqueo-Urízar, José Gutiérrez-Maldonado
Putting Wilson and Cleary to the Test: Analysis of a HRQOL Conceptual Model using Structural Equation Modeling
Karen H. Sousa, Oi-Man Kwok
Characteristics of Health-related Self-report Measures for Children Aged Three to Eight Years: A Review of the Literature
Joanne Cremeens, Christine Eiser, Mark Blades
Changes in the SF-12 among Depressed Elders Six Months after Discharge from an Inpatient Geropsychiatric Unit
- Brief communication
Philip A. Rozario, Nancy L. Morrow-Howell, Enola K. Proctor
Validation of the Hungarian Translation of Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale
- Brief communiaction
Katalin Muszbek, Anna Szekely, Éva Mária Balogh, Mária Molnár, Magdolna Rohánszky, Ágnes Ruzsa, Katalin Varga, Melinda Szöllosi, Piroska Vadász