In the current study, we found that the elevated plasma levels of neuroactive amino acids (glutamate) and decreased plasma levels of essential amino acids (lysine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, histidine) represented mostly distinct characteristics of plasma amino acids in autistic children. Also to the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that analyzed the correlation between PPAs and a set of clinical phenotypes, including adaptability, cognition ability, severity of autism and regression in ASD.
The Differences Between ASD Children and Healthy Children: Plasma Amino Acids
The present study found that Compared to healthy children, autistic children had elevated glutamate, glutamine, γ-aminobutyric acid, glycine and citrulline, being consistent with previous studies(Adams et al.,
2011; Cai et al.,
2016; Naushad et al.,
2013), and reduced lysine, tryptophan, phenylalanine and histidine, which is in line with previous researches(Adams et al.,
2011; Naushad et al.,
2013; Ormstad et al.,
2018; Xing et al.,
3). Glutamate is an important excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain, and when elevated, it might be involved in the pathogenesis of ASD due to the following reasons: firstly, excessive glutamate leads to brain excitotoxicity by over-stimulating glutamate receptors in autism, causing neuronal oxidative stress and mitochondrial damage(Blaylock & Strunecka,
2009). Secondly, it has an important role in children’s early cerebral cortex development. Excessive glutamate in autism disrupts the balance in glutamate metabolism, causing abnormal development in the cerebral cortex(Manent & Represa,
2007). Moreover, excessive glutamate would cause neuronal cell membrane, cytoskeleton and DNA damage by activating a series of enzymes involved in the development and function of normal neurons(Choi,
1985). Among these activated enzymes, some would further increase the glutamate level and cause severe excitotoxicity by changing the permeability of the blood-brain barrier(Melendez, Melathe, Rodriguez, Mazurkiewicz, & Davies,
1999). Besides, as glutamine is the amide of glutamate, excessive glutamate would cause glutamine abnormalities(Yüksel & Öngür,
In contrast, glycine and γ-aminobutyric acid are inhibitory neurotransmitters that have an important role in cell proliferation, differentiation and synaptic maturation in the central nervous system(Ito,
2016; Owens & Kriegstein,
2002). Increased γ-aminobutyric acid and glycine in autistic children can disturb the excitation/inhibition balance in brain, which might lead to autism(Marotta et al.,
2020; Zheng, Wang, Li, Rauw, & Baker,
Essential amino acids in the human body must be supplied by food; however, some autistic children may have eating difficulties and gastrointestinal symptoms, and be very picky about the taste and color of food(Kral, Eriksen, Souders, & Pinto-Martin,
2013). Accordingly, decreased essential amino acids (lysine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, histidine) in autistic children might be partially due to insufficient food intake or poor eating habits. Besides, we also found that the plasma levels of ethanolamine and glutathione (reduced) in the ASD group were decreased, which is consistent with the previous studies(Bala et al.,
2016; Geier et al.,
2009; James et al.,
2004). Ethanolamine is involved in synthesizing phosphatidylethanolamine, and reduced ethanolamine in autistic children might cause chronic oxidative stress via decreased phosphatidylethanolamine synthesis(Wang et al.,
2014). Glutathione is a tri-peptide involved in the redox balance of glutathione in the intracellular environment. The intracellular environment is maintained by a high glutathione (reduced)/glutathione (oxidative) ratio(Schafer & Buettner,
2001), which regulates a wide range of cell functions, including the scavenging of oxygen free radicals, cell membrane integrity, signal transduction, and so on(Dickinson et al.,
2003). Therefore, reduced glutathione in autistic children may disrupt the redox balance of glutathione, thus further aggravating oxidative stress.
Interestingly, we also found that the plasma levels of sarcosine and δ-aminolevulinic acid were elevated. Sarcosine is an intermediate product of glycine metabolism, and the increased sarcosine level in our study might be due to increased glycine level, although Adams et al (Adams et al.,
2011) found no significant difference in the sarcosine plasma level between the autistic children and neurotypical children in their study. However, most measurements of secondary plasmas amino acids and amino acid metabolites, including sarcosine being below the detection limit of 0.05 umoles/100ml and the large range age span of recruited subjects (5-16y) limited the interpretation of the outcomes of their study(Adams et al.,
2011). Vargason et al(Vargason et al.,
2018) also measured the level of Sarcosine, but omitted it from further analysis due to the subjects’ intervention issue. In addition, besides children, they(Vargason et al.,
2018) also recruited adult subjects, and therefore, the age span of included subjects was large (11.8 ± 8.5y), which made it difficult to compare their PPA’s outcomes with current study and other studies that only included children’ subjects, as the level of plasma amino acids substantially varies with age(Lepage et al.,
The plasma level of δ-aminolevulinic acid or pyroglutamic acid was not reported in the previous large sample sizes case-control studies
5). In vivo, δ-aminolevulinic acid as the precursor of heme, is produced by glycine and succinyl-CoA under the δ-amino-γ-levulinic acid (ALA) synthetase(McLeod, Mack, & Brown,
1991), and δ-aminolevulinic acid must activate mitochondria so that it can convert into heme in the cell(Malik & Djaldetti,
1979). Most studies have indicated mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress as the neuropathological basis of autism (Gorman et al.,
2015; Rossignol & Frye,
2012). Therefore, the elevated δ-aminolevulinic acid in autistic children might cause mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress. However, a recent animal model study showed that δ-aminolevulinic acid could inhibit oxidative stress and ameliorate autistic-like behaviors for the prenatal valproic acid-exposed rats(Matsuo, Yabuki, & Fukunaga,
2020), which implicate that accumulation of δ-aminolevulinic acid may result from autism-induced mitochondria dysfunction. The further studies needed regarding the relationship between δ-aminolevulinic acid and pathogenesis of autism.
Pyroglutamic acid is cyclized to form lactams from free amino groups of glutamate or glutamine. Pyroglutamic acid can antagonize nerve excitement by inhibiting glutamate(Abraham & Podell,
1981).The reduced plasma level of pyroglutamic acid in autistic children revealed in our study might further aggravate the neuroexcitatory toxicity of autism by reducing the inhibitory effect of pyroglutamate acid on glutamate.
In addition, we found that the levels of homocysteine, hydroxyproline and ornithine in autism were reduced, which were contrary to previous researches’ results (Vargason et al.,
2018; Zou et al.,
2020). The homocysteine is a non-protein sulfurized amino acid, which might vary with different age and sex(Guo, Li, & Ding,
2020). Also, congenital hyperhomocysteinemia may occur due to a lack of cofactors such as vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and folic acid(Bhatia & Singh,
2015). Most previous studies did not exclude children with acquired vitamin B12 deficiency, so homocysteine might be increased in their studies. Moreover, previous study has shown that abnormal transsulfur metabolism might be involved in ASD(James et al.,
2006). Therefore, the reduced plasma of homocysteine in our study might lead to the dysfunction of transsulfur metabolism, contributing to the occurrence of ASD by its metabolic pathway (transsulfuration pathway). Hydroxyproline is a component of collagen, which is the basis for all connective tissues (tendon, bones and cartilage) (Li & Wu,
2018). Previous research has shown that the increased hydroxyproline levels might be associated with joint hypermobility in autistic children (Bala et al.,
2016). These children also manifested repetitive behaviors, such as clapping, waving, etc.
The Correlation Between Plasma Amino Acid and Clinical Phenotype
The correlation between plasma amino acid and clinical phenotype was further analyzed using logistic regression analysis in the autistic children group.
In terms of severity of autism, there were positively correlation between severity of autism and the plasma level of tryptophan (Table
4); the higher the plasma tryptophan level, the worse the severity of autism.
The plasma level of tryptophan was reduced in the current study, which was in line with previous studies(Adams et al.,
2011; Naushad et al.,
2013; Xing et al.,
2021). Autistic children often suffer from picky eating and intestinal disorders, which might result in decreased protein intake, and/or insufficient digestion and absorption of protein into amino acids. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid in the human body, which is taken from outside to meet the body’s needs. Autistic children tend to have poor eating behaviors and digestive dysfunction, which may partially lead to the decreased plasma level of tryptophan (Xing et al.,
2021). Tryptophan is a precursor of important compounds, such as serotonin and quinolinic acid, which are involved in neurodevelopment and synaptogenesis(Boccuto et al.,
2013). A deficiency in tryptophan, which caused the decreased synaptic serotonin, resulted in the worsened repetitive behaviors and irritability in autism(C. McDougle et al.,
1993). Decreased blood tryptophan levels of autistic children have been found in several studies(Adams et al.,
2011; C. McDougle et al.,
1993; Naushad et al.,
2013; Xing et al.,
2021), but not reported in all studies(Muller, Anacker, & Veenstra-VanderWeele,
2016). A meta-analysis(Gabriele, Sacco, & Persico,
2014) revealed that blood serotonin level was increased in some autistic children, although most included studies in the meta-analysis being small sample sizes studies. A large sample size studies regarding the relationship between the levels of tryptophan and serotonin in the blood of autistic children are needed.
Besides, tryptophan is a precursor of quinolinic acid, and the kynurenine pathway (KP) is the primary route for tryptophan catabolism in the liver(Davis & Liu,
2015). The KP of tryptophan degradation is activated in neuroinflammatory states(Lim et al.,
2016), creating KP metabolites kynurenic acid and quinolinic acid. Different studies have reported different findings with reference to the results of KP metabolites. Lim et al. (Lim et al.,
2016) reported that autistic children has increased tryptophan, kynurenic acid and quinolinic acid, whereas Bryn et al. (Bryn, Verkerk, Skjeldal, Saugstad, & Ormstad,
2017) found that autistic children had decreased tryptophan, kynurenic acid and quinolinic acid. In the present study, we found that autistic children had decreased tryptophan and unchanged kynurenic acid. Inconsistent results might be due to different sample sizes of cases in the different studies. Secondly, quinolinic acid is the structural precursor of NAD+, which is a critical energy carrier in mitochondria(Stone & Darlington,
2002). Moreover, the low tryptophan plasma level in autistic children might cause mitochondrial dysfunction, which affect neuronal development and morphology, neurite overgrowth, and synaptic plasticity. What more, the KP and the gut microbiome tend to influence each other, which may further reduce tryptophan intake in autism(Van der Leek, Yanishevsky, & Kozyrskyj,
Otherwise, we further explore the association between tryptophan level and severity of autism. The interesting finding in our research is that the higher the tryptophan level, the more severity of autism. Different previous studies had different opinions on the relationship between tryptophan levels of blood and severity of symptoms of autistic children. Some studies(C. J. McDougle et al.,
1996; Naushad et al.,
2013) reported the decreased tryptophan levels would deteriorate the symptoms of autistic patients, whereas other studies(Bergwerff, Luman, Blom, & Oosterlaan,
2016; Jennings & Basiri,
2022; Kaluzna-Czaplinska, Jozwik-Pruska, Chirumbolo, & Bjorklund,
2017) found that the higher tryptophan the more severe symptoms of autistic patients. Previous study also found tryptophan levels were higher in the children with Asperger’s syndrome than in the control children (Ormstad et al.
2018), which was partly consistent with our study views. The elevated (5-HT + 5-HTP)/tryptophan ratio was found in Asperger’s syndrome, which lowered the activity of the peripheral 5-HT synthesis pathway and increased plasma tryptophan levels(Ormstad et al.
2018). This result gives us the reflection that there may exist a balance downstream of the tryptophan pathway. Our finding indicates that more severe group of autistic children might be accompanied by the lowered activity of the serotonin synthesis pathway, which might contribute to increase plasma tryptophan levels. It shows that the serotonergic pathophysiology may be more impaired in the more severe group of autistic children. Inadequate intake and impaired metabolic conversion of serotonin lead to more severe symptoms of autism. Regretfully, the study did not measure the downstream metabolites of the tryptophan pathway. Meanwhile, more details about the underlying mechanisms of kynurenine pathway metabolites should also be considered. This present study warrants the need for a comprehensive focus on the expression of upstream and downstream products of the tryptophan metabolic pathway and kynurenine pathway in the future.
Moreover, some previous studies also analyzed the correlation between plasma amino acids and the severity of autism(Adams et al.,
2011; Cai et al.,
2016; Zou et al.,
2020). Adams et al. found the respective plasma level of ethanolamine, proline, serine or beta-amino-isobutyrate was correlated with the severity of autism(Adams et al.,
2011), although the severity of autism was evaluated by the three assessment tools, i.e., Pervasive Development Disorder Behavior Inventory (PDD-BI), Autism Evaluation Treatment Checklist (ATEC), and Severity of Autism Scale (SAS) (Table
5) in their study. Ethanolamine, obtained from the diet, is involved in synthesizing phosphatidylethanolamine(Wang et al.,
2014). The intake of ethanolamine differs with different ages, and a large age span (5-16y) of the subjects included in their study might impact interpretation of outcomes to some extent. β-aminoisobutyric acid is a nonproteinogenic amino acid, a known catabolite of thymine, and one of the four nucleobases in the nucleic acid of DNA(Tanianskii et al.,
2019). Adams et al. showed that increased β-aminoisobutyric acid might increase the rate of DNA turnover and inhibit the conversion of β-aminoisobutyric acid to produce energy in the citric acid cycle of mitochondria(Adams et al.,
2011). Although Adams et al. showed that the plasma level of proline and severity of autism were correlated, they did not found that any difference in proline level between the ASD and control groups in their study. Also, Adams et al. found that the plasma level of serine was increased in the ASD group, which was consistent with previous researches(Vargason et al.,
2018; Zou et al.,
2020), and they also found that the level of serine was correlated with the severity of autism. Serine is the main contributor of one-carbon units, and one-carbon metabolism is associated with redox metabolism and methylation(Vargason et al.,
2018). The impairment in methylation and oxidative stress affect the occurrence of ASD. Increased serine might affect one-carbon metabolism, thus leading to ASD.
Cai et al.(Cai et al.,
2016) found the plasma level of glutamate was positively associated with increasing severity of ASD. In their study, Cai and colleagues showed three possible mechanisms in their study, which were mostly related to the excitotoxicity of glutamate.
In 2020, Zou et al(Zou et al.,
2020) also found that the level of homocysteine was positively correlated with the severity of autism, although they evaluated the severity of autistic children with ADOS-CSS (Table
Regarding the regression, although there were no significant differences between plasma amino acids and regression in the current study, the level of glutathione might have a significant trend toward associate with regression (Table
4). Glutathione is a tripeptide, composed of glutamic acid, cysteine, and glycine, involved in the redox balance of glutathione in the intracellular environment. In addition, a previous study showed that the serum glutamate/glutamine ratio was elevated in ASD PIQ ≥ 70 group(Xing et al.,
However, when the correlation was analyzed between plasma amino acids and other respective clinical phenotypes, including cognition and adaptability, there were no significant differences in the current study.