Uitgave 7-8/2013
Inhoudsopgave (14 Artikelen)
- Open Access
- Editor's comment
Crown years for non-invasive cardiovascular imaging (Part IV): 30 years of cardiac computed tomography
E. E. van der Wall
- Open Access
- Editorial comment
Lifestyle changes in secondary prevention of coronary heart disease: breaking the chains of unhealthy habits
R. J. G. Peters
- Open Access
- Review Article
OPTImal CArdiac REhabilitation (OPTICARE) following Acute Coronary Syndromes: Rationale and design of a randomised, controlled trial to investigate the benefits of expanded educational and behavioural intervention programs
M. Sunamura, N. ter Hoeve, H. J. G. van den Berg-Emons, M. Haverkamp, K. Redekop, M. L. Geleijnse, H. J. Stam, E. Boersma, R. T. van Domburg
- Open Access
- Editor's comment
Association between pulmonary hypertension and an atrial septal defect
M. C. Post
- Open Access
- Original Article
Latent pulmonary hypertension in atrial septal defect: Dynamic stress echocardiography reveals unapparent pulmonary hypertension and confirms rapid normalisation after ASD closure
S. A. Lange, M. U. Braun, S. P. Schoen, R. H. Strasser
- Open Access
- Editorial comment
Coronary artery calcification: does it predict obstructive coronary artery disease?
A. S. Dharampal, P. J. de Feyter
- Open Access
- Original Article
Different value of coronary calcium score to predict obstructive coronary artery disease in patients with and without moderate chronic kidney disease
K. H. Yiu, F. R. de Graaf, J. E. van Velzen, N. A. Marsan, C. J. Roos, M. K. de Bie, H. F. Tse, E. E. van der Wall, M. J. Schalij, J. J. Bax, J. D. Schuijf, J. W. Jukema
- Open Access
- Design study article
Routine versus aggressive upstream rhythm control for prevention of early atrial fibrillation in heart failure: background, aims and design of the RACE 3 study
M. Alings, M. D. Smit, M. L. Moes, H. J. G. M. Crijns, J. G. P. Tijssen, J. Brügemann, H. L. Hillege, D. A. Lane, G. Y. H. Lip, J. R. L. M. Smeets, R. G. Tieleman, R. Tukkie, F. F. Willems, R. A. Vermond, D. J. Van Veldhuisen, I. C. Van Gelder
- Open Access
- Case Report
Transient left ventricular systolic dysfunction mimicking myocardial infarction after pericardiocentesis
R. W. J. H. Weijers, J. C. Post
- Imaging in Cardiology
Two circumflex arteries originating from both right and left coronary sinuses of Valsalva
A. Ulucay, M. A. Celkan, M. F. Aksoy