Uitgave 1/2004
Inhoudsopgave (8 Artikelen)
Adolescents React to the Events of September 11, 2001: Focused Versus Ambient Impact
Carol K. Whalen, Barbara Henker, Pamela S. King, Larry D. Jamner, Linda Levine
A Test of the Tripartite Model of Anxiety and Depression in Elementary and High School Boys and Girls
Heather A. K. Jacques, Eric J. Mash
Variations in Anxiety and Depression as a Function of ADHD Subtypes Defined by DSM-IV: Do Subtype Differences Exist or Not?
Thomas J. Power, Tracy E. Costigan, Ricardo B. Eiraldi, Stephen S. Leff
Nine Months of Multicomponent Behavioral Treatment for ADHD and Effectiveness of MTA Fading Procedures
L. Eugene Arnold, Shirley Chuang, Mark Davies, Howard B. Abikoff, C. Keith Conners, Glen R. Elliott, Laurence L. Greenhill, Lily Hechtman, Stephen P. Hinshaw, Betsy Hoza, Peter S. Jensen, Helena C. Kraemer, Kristen S. Langworthy-Lam, John S. March, Jeffrey H. Newcorn, William E. Pelham, Joanne B. Severe, James M. Swanson, Benedetto Vitiello, Karen C. Wells, Timothy Wigal
Choosing or Being Chosen by Aggressive–Disruptive Peers: Do They Contribute to Children's Externalizing and Internalizing Problems?
Sylvie Mrug, Betsy Hoza, William M. Bukowski
Pitfalls of the Peer World: How Children Cope with Common Rejection Experiences
Marlene J. Sandstrom
Parent-Child Interactions in Relation to Critical and Emotionally Overinvolved Expressed Emotion (EE): Is EE a Proxy for Behavior?
Carolyn A. McCarty, Anna S. Lau, Sylvia M. Valeri, John R. Weisz
The Structure of Negative Self-Statements in Children and Adolescents: A Confirmatory Factor-Analytic Approach
Carolyn A. Schniering, Ronald M. Rapee