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Authors | Measures | Methodology and analysis |
| Results | Psychological health factor | Quality rating |
Adams et al. (2012) | FFMQ SSQ BULIT-R BSQ | Correlational; ANOVAs, chi-square analyses and hierarchical regression analyses | 112. Students. Age: M = 20.00, SD = 1.69 | HDM predicted lower bulimic symptoms | Eating disorder | 1.82 |
Adams et al. (2014) | MAAS PANAS CES-D | Correlational; linear regression models | 399. General. Age: M = 42.00, SD = 9.74 | HDM predicted greater emotional stability during smoking cessation | Smoking | 1.91 |
Adams et al. (2015) | MAAS HSI PHQ (3 scales) | Correlational; path analyses | 399. General. Age: M = 42.00, SD = 9.74 | HDM moderated lower stress and alcohol levels | Stress Alcohol | 2.00 |
Alleva et al. (2014) | KIMS RRS QIDS | Correlational; mediation analysis | 254. Students. Age: M = 21.40, SD = 2.30 | Aspects of rumination (brooding, accepting without judgement, reflective pondering) mediate the link between mindfulness and depressive symptoms | Depressive symptoms | 1.64 |
Bajaj et al. (2016a) | MAAS RSES PANAS SWEMWBS | Correlational; structural equation modelling | 318. Students. Age: M = 20.30, SD = 1.30 | Self-esteem (SE) fully mediated the link between DM, positive affect and mental well-being. SE also partially mediated the link between DM and negative affect | Well-being | 1.80 |
Bajaj et al. (2016b) | MAAS RSES DASS | Correlational; structural equation modelling | 417. Students. Age: M = 20.20, SD = 1.40 | DM exerted indirect effect on anxiety and depression through SE | Anxiety Depression | 1.80 |
Bakker and Moulding (2012) | MAAS HSPS AAQ-II DASS-21 | Correlational; hierarchical regression analysis | 111. General. Age: M = 31.07, SD = 11.95 | HDM moderated SPS = lower levels of depression, anxiety and stress | Depression | 1.73 |
Bhambhani and Cabral (2015) | CAMS-R DASS-21 NAS EQ | Correlational; mediation analyses | 308. 69 general, age: M = 46.40, SD = 12.20, 239 students, age M = 22.30, SD = 7.00 | DM and non-attachment are independent predictors of non-clinical psychological distress. These factors explain fully the effect of decentering on psychological distress. | Psychological distress | 1.73 |
Bao et al. (2015) | MAAS WLEIS PPS | Correlational; multiple mediation model | 380. General. Age: M = 27.21, SD = 5.10 | DM = less stress | Stress | 1.82 |
Barnes and Lynn (2010) | FFMQ BDI-II | Correlational; hierarchical linear modelling | 102. Students. Age: M = 18.99, SD = 1.90 | Acting with awareness, non-reactivity and non-judging inversely related to depressive symptoms. Observing directly related to depressive symptoms | Depressive symptoms | 1.64 |
Barnhofer et al. (2011) | FFMQ EPQ BDI-II | Correlational; linear regression | 144. General. Age: M = 43.00, SD = 6.80 | HDM = low neuroticism/depressive symptoms | Neuroticism | 2.00 |
Bergin and Pakenham (2016) | FFMQ LSPSS DASS SLS PWBS | Correlational; hierarchical multiple regression analyses | 481. Students. Age: M = 21.90, SD = 5.78 | DM = improved psychological adjustment (depression, anxiety, life satisfaction and dimensions of psychological well-being). DM important to mitigate effects of stress on depression and anxiety | Psychological adjustment | 1.91 |
Bergomi et al. (2013) | FMI INC-S IAAM BSI PANAS | Correlational; structural equation modelling | 376. General. Age: M = 40.40, SD = 18.40 | DM moderates link between unavoidable distressing events and pathological symptoms/ negative affect | Pathological symptoms Negative affect | 1.90 |
Bice et al. (2014) | MAAS Need Fulfilment Measure I-PANAS-SF CES-D | Correlational; linear regression analyses, mediation analysis | 399. General. Age: M = 35.76,
SD = 12.00. | DM positively associated with need fulfilment and both negatively associated with poor mental health outcomes (neg. Affect and depressive symptoms) | Negative affect Depressive symptoms | 1.73 |
Black et al. (2012) | MAAS CES-D AQ PSS | Correlational; mediation path analysis | 5287. Students. Age: M = 16.20, SD = 7.00 | DM shields high pro-smoking intentions and low smoking refusal self-efficacy from turning into higher risk smoking behaviour | Smoking | 2.00 |
Bluth and Blanton (2014) | CAMM PANAS SCS SLSS PSS | Correlational; bivariate correlations and mediation analysis | 65. Students. | DM and self-compassion mediate pathway to emotional well-being | Emotional well-being | 1.73 |
Bodenlos et al. (2015) | FFMQ PSS-14 SF-36 RAPI | Correlational; bivariate correlations and multiple hierarchical regression analyses | 310. Students. Age: M = 19.70, SD = 1.30 | DM observation facet negatively associated with physical health. Acting with awareness and non-judging positively linked to emotional well-being | Physical health Emotional well-being | 1.82 |
Bowlin and Baer (2012) | FFMQ PWB SCS DASS | Correlational; ANOVA, chi-square and hierarchical regression analysis | 280. Students. Age: M = 19.00 | DM moderates between self-control and psychological symptoms | Depression | 1.64 |
Bränström et al. (2011) | FFMQ HADS PSOM PSS | Correlational; ANOVA and multiple regression analyses | 382. General | HDM diminishes stress and depression | Stress | 2.00 |
Brown et al. (2012) | MAAS PSS POMS PANAS FNE Salivary Cortisol | Correlational; restricted maximum likelihood mixed models | 44. Students. Age: M = 44.00, SD = 1.36 | HDM lowers cortisol responses | Stress | 1.67 |
Brown et al. (2015) | FFMQ SPWB SSRQ DTS CESD-R PSS PSWQ B-YAACQ | Correlational; structural equation modelling | 994. Students | Distinct facets of DM relate to individual psychological health outcomes | Depressive symptoms Stress Anxiety Alcohol | 1.82 |
Brown-Iannuzzi et al. (2014) | FFMQ PRS DES BDI | Correlational; multiple regression | 624. General. Age: M = 40.93, SD = 9.60 | DM dampens relationships between depressive symptoms related to discrimination | Depression | 1.82 |
Bullis et al. (2014) | KIMS ASI SFS STAI-T Distress tolerance Heart rate SUDS STAI-B DSQ | Correlational; hierarchical regression model | 48. General. Age: M = 29.10, SD = 8.32 | DM reduces heart rate activity and anxiety during CO2 challenge -firemen | Stress | 1.82 |
Christopher et al. (2013) | MAAS RAPI EIS ICSRLE | Correlational; hierarchical linear regression and mediational model | 125. Students. Age: M = 24.00, SD = 8.00 | Impulsivity mediated relationship between DM and alcohol-related problems | Alcohol use and problems | 1.73 |
Ciesla et al. (2012) | MAAS PANAS-X RSQ Daily stress | Correlational; hierarchical linear regression | 78. General. Age: M = 16.73, SD = 1.33 | DM lowers levels of dysphoric mood in adolescents. DM = less rumination | Rumination | 2.00 |
Coffey and Hartman (2008) | FFMQ TMMT TLI RRQ BSI | Correlational; structural equation modelling | 258. Students. Two samples. Age: M = 18.90, SD = 1.20 and M = 18.75, SD = 1.20 | DM lowers levels of dysphoric mood in adolescents | Stress | 1.80 |
Cole et al. (2014) | MAAS ER89 STAI-Trait CES-D AESI | Correlational; hierarchical regression analyses | 431. Students. Age: M = 22.40, SD = 3.20 | DM buffered positive relationship between academic stress and depression but not anxiety | Academic Stress Psychological well-being | 1.64 |
Daubenmier et al. (2014) | FFMQ STAI PSS RRQ PANAS Salivary cortisol | Correlational; regression analyses; | 43. General | LDM = psychological distress and CAR | Stress | 1.91 |
Day et al. (2015) | KIMS PCS PSWQ | Correlational; MANOVA | 214. Students. Age: M = 18.70, SD = 2.30 | PCS scores lower due to DM | Pain | 1.80 |
de Frias (2014) | MAAS MMSE PHQ MCQ MOS ERQ | Correlational; hierarchical regression analyses | 134. General. Age: M = 65.43, SD = 9.50 | DM positively related to mental health. DM buffers negative effects of life stress on mental health | Mental health | 1.82 |
Deng et al. (2014) | MAAS BDI SART | Correlational; Pearson’s correlation coefficient | 23. Students. Age: M = 21.90, SD = 1.60 | Depression negatively related to DM | Depression | 1.27 |
Feldman et al. (2016) | Study 1: CAMS-R FFMQ PANAS Heart rate Skin conductance | Study 1: Correlational Hierarchical regression analyses | Study 1: 97. Students. Age: M = 20.48, SD = 4.12 | Both studies found that higher DM = lower emotional reactivity to aversive experiences | Emotional reactivity | 1.82 |
Study 2: FFMQ PANAS BDEFS | Study 2: Correlational; multilevel modelling procedures | Study 2: 224. Students. Age: M = 19.71, SD = 3.02 (study 2). | ||||
Feltman et al. (2009) | Study 1: MAAS Neuroticism scale Trait anger scale | Correlational; hierarchical regression | Study 1: 195. Students | DM moderates pernicious neuroticism | Neuroticism | 1.55 |
Study 2: MAAS, Neuroticism scale BDI | Correlational; hierarchical regression | Study 2: 94. Students | ||||
Fetterman et al. (2010) | FFMQ Neuroticism scale Impulsivity scale | Correlational; regression analyses | 226. Students | HDM = lower impulsivity; higher self-control and mediates neuroticism | Neuroticism | 1.73 |
Fisak and Von Lehe (2012) | FFMQ PSWQ | Correlational; bivariate correlations and hierarchical regression analyses | 400. Students. Age: M = 21.67, SD = 4.95 | DM facets non-reactivity, non-judgment and acting with awareness, significantly predicted worry symptoms | Worry symptoms | 1.73 |
Fogarty et al. (2015) | FFMQ Heart rate Physical activity status scale PANAS | Longitudinal; mixed-model ANCOVAs, MACOVA | 80. General | DM = facilitates more adaptive emotional responding under stress | Emotional stress and differentiation | 1.83 |
Fossati et al. (2011) | MAAS PDQ-4 BPD scale ASQ | Correlational; stepwise multiple regressions and mediation analysis | 501. Students. Age: M = 17.22, SD = 0.88 | DM mediates need for approval and BPD features | Borderline Personality Disorder | 1.73 |
Gilbert and Christopher (2010) | MAAS CCI CES-D | Correlational; hierarchical linear regression analysis | 278. Students. Age: M = 22.10, SD = 6.22 | DM moderates depression | Depression | 1.73 |
Gouveia et al. (2016) | MAAS IM-P SCS PSI-SF | Correlational; regression-based pth analyses | 333. General. Age: M = 42.32, SD = 5.66 | Higher DM & self-compassion associated with greater mindful parenting which is associated with lower parenting stress | Stress | 1.91 |
Harrington et al. (2014) | KIMS SRIS PWB | Correlational; MANOVA | 184. Students. Age: M = 19.70, SD = 1.33 | DM positively correlated to psychological well being | Well being | 1.64 |
Hertz et al. (2015) | FFMQ ECR Salivary cortisol PANAS VAS | Experimental; mediation models | 228. General. Age: M = 21.31, SD = 6.12 | DM associated with lower cortisol during conflict via attachment avoidance. DM predicted less negative affect and more positive cognitive appraisals post-conflict via lower attachment anxiety | Stress | 1.80 |
Hou et al. (2015) | MAAS CAS-PA Salivary cortisol STAI PSS | Experimental; LCS modelling | 105. Students. Age: M = 21.00, SD = 1.16 | DM increases CAR and decreases anxiety | Anxiety | 1.90 |
Howell et al. (2008) | MAAS Well-being scale SQS | Correlational; path analysis | 305. Students. Age: M = 21.10, SD = 4.91 | DM predicts sleep quality and well being | Well being | 1.80 |
Howell et al. (2010) | MAAS SQS Glasgow sleep effort scale Pre-Sleep arousal scale Sleep hygiene index Epworth sleepiness scale Dysfunctional belief and attitudes scale | Correlational; structural equation modelling | 334. Students. Age: M = 20.89, SD = 4.98 | DM positively regulates sleep quality | Well being | 1.80 |
Jacobs et al. (2016) | KIMS TEIQue-SF DASS-21 MHB | Correlational; path analyses | 427. General. Age: M = 34.10, SD = 9.90 | DM facets linked to multiple health behaviours | Stress Multiple health behaviours | 1.90 |
Jimenez et al. (2010) | FMI CES-D NMR-15 mDES PWBS | Correlational; structural equation modelling | 514. Students | DM lowers depression | Depression | 1.90 |
Kadziolka et al. (2016) | FFMQ MAAS SCI Mindfulness practice – history questionnaire. ECG & heart rate Skin conductance | Experimental; bivariate correlations, ANOVAs | 47. General. Age: M = 22.21, SD = 2.90 | High DM associated with more effective down-regulation (parasympathetic nervous system activity, returning body to baseline) following stress | Stress | 1.64 |
Kangasniemi et al. 2014) | KIMS Physical activity AAQ-2 SCL-90 BDI-II | Experimental. ANOVA and ANCOVA. | 108. General. Age: M = 43.00, SD = 5.20 | Higher DM = Higher self-reported physical activity and less psychological and depressive symptoms. Correlation also found between objectively measured physical activity and psychological well-being | Physical activity Depressive symptoms | 1.91 |
Kiken and Shook (2012) | MAAS DAS LMSQ FES BDI-II BAI PANAS | Correlational; structural equation modelling | 181. Students. Age: M = 19.40, SD = 3.40 | DM reduces emotional disorders | Emotional distress | 1.91 |
Kong et al. (2016) | MAAS PANAS SPWB rsFMRI | Experimental; correlational analysis, linear regression | 290. Students. Age: M = 21.56, SD = 1.01 | Individual differences in DM linked to spontaneous brain activity. DM engages brain mechanisms that differentially influence hedonic and eudaimonic well-being | Well-being | 1.82 |
Lamis and Dvorak (2014) | MAAS NAS BDI-II SAEI-28 MCSD-B | Correlational; mediational model | 552. Students. Age: M = 19.85,
SD = 1.66 | Depressive symptoms and suicide rumination negatively associated with DM and non-attachment. DM-suicide rumination association in part mediated by depressive symptoms | Depressive symptoms Suicide rumination | 2.00 |
Lattimore et al. (2011) | Study 1: TFEQ-R21 KIMS HADS | Both studies: correlational; Pearson’s correlations | 386 total. Study 1: students. Age: M = 21.00, SD = 5.50 | DM reduces emotional eating in females | Eating disorder | 1.91 |
Study 2: FFMQ HADS TEFQ-R21 BIS-11 | Study 2: Age: M = 26.00, SD = 0.60 | |||||
Laurent et al. (2013) | FFMQ CES-D Salivary cortisol | Experimental; dyadic growth curve modelling | 100 couples. Age: M = 21.31, SD = 6.12 | Women’s DM (non-reactivity facet) predicted higher conflict cortisol levels. Men’s DM (describing facet) predicted lower cortisol reactivity | Stress | 1.91 |
Lavender et al. (2009) | MAAS BULIT-R WBSI | Correlational; hierarchical regression analyses | 406. Students. Age: M = 19.10, SD = 1.50 | HDM negatively associated with bulimic symptoms | Eating disorder | 1.55 |
Lavender et al. (2011) | KIMS EAT-26 DASS-21 | Correlational; hierarchical regression analyses | 406. Students. Age: M = 19.10, SD = 1.50 | HDM suggests lower levels of eating pathology among young adult women | Eating disorder | 1.73 |
Mahoney et al. (2015) | MAAS KIMS ASI-3 AAQ-II BAI GAS STAI-Y1 | Correlational; chi-square, independent t tests, Pearson’s correlations | 511. Younger adults age: M = 20.10, SD = 2.50. Older adults age: M = 71.80, SD = 7.30 | DM significantly inversely associated with anxiety sensitivity, experiential avoidance, trait and state anxiety | Anxiety | 1.90 |
Malinowski and Lim (2015) | FFMQ UWES-9 WEMWBS PCQ JAWS | Correlational; structural equation modelling | 299. General. Age: M = 40.10, SD = 11.60 | DM predicts work engagement and well-being | Wellbeing | 2.00 |
Marks et al. (2010) | MAAS IHSS-RLE RTSQ DASS-21 | Correlational; multiple regression analyses | 317. Students. Age: M = 16.10, SD = 1.10. | DM reduces depression, anxiety and stress due to life hassles | Stress | 1.91 |
Masuda et al. (2010) | MAAS IRI-PD SCS | Correlational; multiple regression | 625. Students. Age: M = 20.40, SD = 4.20 | DM inversely related to psychological ill health and emotional distress | Emotional Distress | 1.91 |
Masuda and Wendell (2010) | MAAS MAC-R GHQ-12 IRI-PD | Correlational; linear regression analyses | 795. Students. Age: M = 20.40, SD = 4.20 | DM mediates the relationship between disordered eating-related cognitions and psychological distress | Eating disorder | 1.82 |
Masuda et al. (2012) | MAAS EAT-26 GHQ-12 MAC-R AAQ-16 | Correlational; hierarchical multiple regressions | 278. Students. Age: M = 20.88, SD = 4.30 | DM moderates disordered eating | Eating disorder | 1.91 |
McDonald et al. (2016) | MAAS DASS-21 DERS ECR-R | Correlational; T tests, chi-square, Pearson’s correlations | 402. General | DM inversely related to distress, mediated by anxiety and emotion regulation deficits | Distress | 2.00 |
Michalak et al. (2011) | KIMS RSE BDI | Correlational; hierarchical regression analyses | 216. Students. Age: M = 24.80, SD = 7.60 | Self-esteem more strongly associated with depression in LDM | Depression | 1.64 |
Mun et al. (2014) | FFMQ PCP-S PCS CPAQ | Correlational; structural equation modelling | 335. Students. Age: M = 19.62, SD = 3.00 | DM mediates pain severity, catastrophising and impairment | Pain | 2.00 |
Murphy and MacKillop (2012) | FFMQ AUDIT-C UPPS-P MCQ | Correlational; hierarchical regression analyses | 116. Students. Age: M = 20.30, SD = 1.30 | Effects of DM on alcohol consumption mediated by impulsivity | Alcohol | 1.91 |
Ostafin et al. (2013) | FFMQ CPS IAT | Correlational; multiple regression analyses | 61. Students. Age: M = 19.60, SD = 1.90 | DM inversely related with alcohol preoccupation | Alcohol | 1.73 |
Paolini et al. (2012) | MAAS CCEBstate FCQstate PFS | Experimental; Spearman rank order correlations | 19. General | Brain study shows younger adults with HDM able to return to DMN; older adults low in DM continued to be pre-occupied with food | Eating disorders | 1.69 |
Pearson et al. (2015a) | MAAS LET PSWQ BYAACQ | Correlational; structural equation modelling | 1277. Students | DM inversely related to alcohol-related problems, anxiety and depressive symptoms | Alcohol /anxiety /depression | 1.82 |
Pearson et al. (2015b) | FFMQ CESD-R PSWQ ALS DTS | Correlational; Lo-Mendall-Rubin adjusted likelihood ratio test | 94. Students. Age: M = 20.60, SD = 4.40 | HDM associated with adaptive emotional outcomes, LDM associated with depressive and anxiety symptoms, affective instability and distress intolerance | Depression /anxiety | 1.77 |
Petrocchi and Ottaviani (2016) | FFMQ CES-D RRS | Longitudinal; multiple regression analysis | 41. Students. Age: M = 24.40, SD = 2.80 | DM prospectively predictive of lower depressive symptoms and rumination | Depression | 1.91 |
Pidgeon et al. (2013) | MAAS DASS-21 TFEQ-EE GNKQ | Correlational; bivariate correlations, moderation analysis | 157. General | DM is a moderator between psychological distress and engagement in emotional eating, | Eating disorder | 1.73 |
Prakash et al. (2015) | MAAS PSS DERS WBSI | Experimental; bivariate correlations, simple mediation models | 100. General | DM reduces stress | Stress | 1.82 |
Prazak et al. (2012) | KIMS Heart rate SWBS WBI DS14 | Correlational; multiple regressions | 506. Students. Age: M = 21.40, SD = 4.80 | HDM associated with better cardiovascular and psychological health | Cardiovascular /mental health | 1.55 |
Raes and Williams (2010) | KIMS-E LARSS BDI-II MDQ | Correlational; hierarchical regression analyses | 164. Students. Age: M = 19.21, SD = 0.91 | DM reduces uncontrollable ruminative cycles | Depression | 1.55 |
Raphiphatthana et al. (2016) | FFMQ BAI CES-D | Correlational; exploratory factor analysis | 284. Students | DM facets predictive of anhedonia over time | Depression /mental health | 1.70 |
Rasmussen and Pidgeon (2011) | MAAS RSES SIAS | Correlational; mediation analysis | 205. Students. Age: M = 23.10, SD = 6.70 | DM predictive of high self-esteem and low levels of social anxiety | Anxiety | 1.64 |
Richards et al. (2010) | MAAS Self care scale SRIS SOS-10 | Correlational; mediation analysis | 148. General. Age: M = 42.30, SD = 14.90 | DM mediates the relationship between self-care and well-being | Well-being | 1.73 |
Short et al. (2016) | FFMQ PANAS DASS-21 SCMS BRIEF PRF-IN DKEFS | Correlational; correlational analysis, multiple mediator models | 77. Students. Age: M = 21.20, SD = 6.00 | Executive functioning and self-regulation mediates the inverse relationship between DM and negative affect | Well-being | 1.82 |
Sirois and Tosti (2012) | MAAS GPS PCS SF-36 | Correlational; structural equation modelling | 339. Students. Age: M = 21.70, SD = 4.90 | DM mediates procrastination and stress | Stress | 1.80 |
Slonim et al. (2015) | FFMQ HPLP-II DASS | Correlational; canonical correlation and MANOVA | 207. Students. Age: M = 21.80, SD = 3.60 | DM associated with distress and self-care | Distress /well-being | 1.55 |
Smith et al. (2011) | MAAS AUDIT BDI-II Firefighter stress LOT-R PMS PHQ-15 PDS ISEL | Correlational; hierarchical multiple regression analyses | 124. General. Age: M = 33.70, SD = 8.13 | MD = fewer PTSD symptoms | PTSD | 1.73 |
Soysa and Wilcomb (2015) | FFMQ SCS-Short Self-efficacy scale DASS-21 WEMWBS | Correlational; hierarchical regression analyses | 204. Students | DM predictive of stress, depression, anxiety and well-being | Stress /depression /anxiety /well-being | 1.82 |
Tan and Martin (2016) | CAMM DASS-21 RSES RSCA AFQ-Y8 | Correlational; regression analyses | 106. General. Age: M = 15.00, SD = 1.20 | DM negatively associated with stress, anxiety, depression, cognitive inflexibility, and a positive association with self-esteem and resiliency | Stress /depression /anxiety /well-being | 1.91 |
Vinci et al. (2016) | FFMQ DMQ-R AUDIT | Correlational; linear regression analyses | 207. Students. Age: M = 20.10, SD = 1.90 | Coping motives and conformity motives mediate the relationship between DM and problematic alcohol use | Alcohol | 1.82 |
Vujanovic et al. (2007) | MAAS ASI MASQ ASQ BVS | Correlational; hierarchical multiple regression analyses. | 248. General. Age: M = 22.40, SD = 7.90 | DM with anxiety sensitivity predictive of anxious arousal symptoms and agoraphobic cognitions | Anxiety | 1.82 |
Walsh et al. (2009) | MAAS ECR-R NEO-PI-R | Correlational; regression analyses | 153. Students. Age: M = 25.90, SD = 6.70 | DM predicted by trait anxiety, attachment anxiety and attentional control | Anxiety | 1.73 |
Wang and Kong (2014) | MAAS WLEIS GHQ-12 SWLS | Correlational; structural equation modelling | 321. Students. Age: M = 27.20, SD = 5.40 | Emotional intelligence partially mediates the effect of DM on distress | Distress | 1.80 |
Waszczuk et al. (2015) | MAAS Mood and feelings scale CASI | Correlational; structural equation modelling | 2118. Twins. Age: M = 16.30, SD = 0.70 | DM is 33% hereditable and 66% due to non-shared environment, attentional control links DM to anxiety and depression sensitivity | Depression /anxiety | 2.00 |
Weinstein et al. (2009) | MAAS Stress appraisal single item COPE Anxiety measure LOT | Correlational; hierarchical regression analyses | 368. Students | DM = less use of avoidant coping strategies | Stress | 1.82 |
Wenzel et al. (2015) | KIMS WHO-5 BFI | Correlational; hierarchical linear regression | 1147. General. Age: M = 34.30, SD = 11.90 | DM mediator for high levels of neuroticism | Neuroticism | 1.82 |
Woodruff et al. (2014) | MAAS FFMQ SCS AAQ-II BAI BDI-SF SWLS QOL-BREF PANAS | Correlational; regressions | 147. Students | DM predictive of psychological health, but non-significant when self-compassion and psychological inflexibility are considered | Psychological health | 1.64 |
Wupperman et al. (2008) | MAAS MEPS-Int MEPS-Emo PAI-BOR EPQR-A | Correlational; hierarchical regression analyses and structural equation modelling | 342. Students | DM predicts BPD features | BPD | 1.89 |
Zimmaro et al. (2016) | MAAS PSS Salivary cortisol PWB | Correlational; regression analyses | 85. Students. Age: M = 19.34, SD = 1.35 | HDM associated with lower perceived stress and cortisol, and greater psychological well-being | Stress /well-being | 1.82 |