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26-07-2017 | ORIGINAL PAPER

Mindfulness and Psychological Health Outcomes: a Latent Profile Analysis Among Military Personnel and College Students

Auteurs: Adrian J. Bravo, Matthew R. Pearson, Michelle L. Kelley

Gepubliceerd in: Mindfulness | Uitgave 1/2018

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Previous research on trait mindfulness facets using person-centered analyses (e.g., latent profile analysis [LPA]) has identified four distinct mindfulness profiles among college students: a high mindfulness group (high on all facets of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire [FFMQ]), a judgmentally observing group (highest on observing, but low on non-judging of inner experience and acting with awareness), a non-judgmentally aware group (high on non-judging of inner experience and acting with awareness, but very low on observing), and a low mindfulness group (low on all facets of the FFMQ). In the present study, we used LPA to identify distinct mindfulness profiles in a community-based sample of US military personnel (majority veterans; n = 407) and non-military college students (n = 310) and compare these profiles on symptoms of psychological health outcomes (e.g., suicidality, PTSD, anxiety, rumination) and percentage of participants exceeding clinically significant cutoffs for depressive symptoms, substance use, and alcohol use. In the subsample of college students, we replicated previous research and found four distinct mindfulness profiles; however, in the military subsample, we found three distinct mindfulness profiles (a combined low mindfulness/judgmentally observing class). In both subsamples, we found that the most adaptive profile was the “high mindfulness” profile (i.e., demonstrated the lowest scores on all psychological symptoms and the lowest probability of exceeding clinical cutoffs). Based on these findings, we purport that the comprehensive examination of an individual’s mindfulness profile could help clinicians tailor interventions/treatments that capitalize on an individual’s specific strengths and work to address their specific deficits.
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Mindfulness and Psychological Health Outcomes: a Latent Profile Analysis Among Military Personnel and College Students
Adrian J. Bravo
Matthew R. Pearson
Michelle L. Kelley
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Mindfulness / Uitgave 1/2018
Print ISSN: 1868-8527
Elektronisch ISSN: 1868-8535