The aim of the present study was to investigate the ability of individuals with high-functioning ASD (HFA) to recognise fearful, happy, and neutral body movement (BM) when represented as static or dynamic stimuli. Taken together, our results showed no differences in accuracy between participants with and without ASD, either when the BM were displayed as static body postures or dynamic movements. Besides, we found slower RTs in participants with ASD, compared to TD ones, specifically in recognizing dynamic stimuli.
Differences Between Dynamic and Static BM Stimuli
With regard to static body (SB), we did not find any group difference in accuracy and RTs, in line with some previous studies that have investigated the recognition of emotional static body postures in ASD (Doody & Bull, 2013; Libero et al.
2014; Peterson et al.
2015; Weisberg et al.
2014). Similarly, in dynamic stimuli we did not find between groups differences in accuracy, regardless of whether the BM were depicted as solely kinematic information (PLDs) or with visible body form (FLDs), in agreement with previous findings using PLDs in adults with ASD (Actis-Grosso et al.
2015; Murphy et al.
2009; van Boxtel, Dapretto, & Lu, 2016).
The absence of between groups differences in accuracy could be interpreted as the ability to recognise the emotional meaning of observed BM being intact in participants with HFA. Nonetheless, a number of neuroimaging studies have reported comparable behavioural performance, but different brain activation, between participants with and without ASD when presented with BM stimuli (Hubert et al.
2007; Libero et al.
2014; McKay et al.
2012). In line with that, it has been suggested that high-cognitive resources can mediate the acquisition of compensatory strategies that develops with age in individuals with HFA (McKay et al., 2012). According to these studies, an alternative explanation for our failure to find between groups differences in accuracy could be that our participants might have used different—but equally successful—strategies to recognise the emotional meaning of bodily expressions that are mediated by high-cognitive resources and have been developed at a younger age. This alternative explanation would be consistent with research showing that the accuracy in recognizing emotional BM increased with age in children with HFA (Fridenson-Hayo et al.
2016; Mazzoni et al.
2020). However, we acknowledge that in the present study we did not use longitudinal design and thus it was not possible to assess the effective acquisition of compensatory strategies during development. Therefore, this interpretation of our results remains hypothetical and would need to be further investigated. In this regards, longitudinal design would be a very interesting approach for future research as it would help to shed light on the development of emotional BM decoding in individuals with ASD.
Alternatively, another possible explanation for the lack of observed difference in accuracy between the ASD and control groups may be due to the use of the forced-choice response methodology. In TD participants, the forced-choice response has been shown to artificially inflate the rate agreement on emotions expressed by face (Frank & Stennett, 2001) and body posture (Winters,
2005). For instance, Frank and Stennett (2001) showed that, when the correct response was removed, participants tend to respond anyway and to choose an incorrect option at above chance level. The authors suggested that this problem could be resolved by including a "none of the above" label as a response option. In our study, although the correct option was always presented, we did not provide the “none of the above” option and this may have led to artificially inflated the response agreements between the ASD and TD groups. Future studies should hence consider to include the “none of the above” option to avoid this issue.
Concerning RTs, we found an impairment in HFA group specific for the dynamic body stimuli, in line with previous evidence showing that individuals with ASD at all ages struggled in processing the information conveyed by dynamic BM (Atkinson, 2009; Mazzoni et al.
2020; Nackaerts et al.
2012; Philip et al.
2010). In particular, our finding of no group differences in SB, but greater RTs in participants with HFA in recognizing PLDs and FLDs, suggested that individuals with ASD need more time to decode dynamic stimuli compared to TD. Notably, in SB, a single static frame of BM was presented for 3 s, while in dynamic stimuli a sequence of BM was presented within the stimulus duration. Therefore, according to our results, it seems that when the motion information is just implied – as it is in SB – and is presented for a relatively long duration (3 s), the individuals with HFA have enough time to decode the BM emotional meaning and could respond readily as soon as the stimulus disappeared. On the contrary, they seem to need more time to decode dynamic cues from actual motion (FLDs and PLDs videos). This result is consistent with a study on coherent-motion judgment, showing that the performance of adolescents and adults with ASD decreased by shortening the video duration (Robertson et al., 2014). Moreover, our results are in agreement with EMG findings in children with ASD that suggested an impairment in action-chaining mechanism (Cattaneo et al., 2007). This mechanism (Fogassi et al., 2005) has been hypothesised to allow the observer to infer the agent’s intention (Gallese, Fadiga, Fogassi, & Rizzolatti, 2002) and emotions (Jezzini et al., 2015). Consistently, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) studies in humans have provided causal evidence for the specific involvement of parietal areas in processing emotional BM (Engelen et al.
2018; Mazzoni et al.
2017). Notably, those parietal areas are exactly the brain regions that are believed to underlie the action-chaining mechanism and are an important hub of the putative mirror neurons system (MNS). MNS’ neurons are active both during the execution and the observation of the same action (Rizzolatti et al.
2014) and allow the observer to comprehend an action through the representation of the observed movement within his/her motor system. Interestingly, a number of neuroimaging studies in ASD have showed structural, functional, and connectivity atypicalities in MNS areas during BM perception (Alaerts, Swinnen, & Wenderoth, 2017; Libero et al., 2014; McKay et al., 2012), suggesting that alteration of the MNS areas could explain the difficulty found in BM processing in ASD. In TD individuals, the internal mapping of the observed movement into the observer’s motor system occurs automatically and allows a very rapid recognition of the observed BM (Gallese et al.
2002). For instance, using MEG Meeren et al. (2016) showed a response in right posterior parietal cortex to fearful body postures as early as 80 ms after stimulus onset. Conversely, individuals with HFA may lack this internal simulation and to compensate for it they could develop alternative cognitive strategies that recruit different neural networks (Alaerts et al.
2017; McKay et al., 2012). In fact, although many individuals with HFA can achieve explicit or controlled mentalising skills, the implicit, automatic, and intuitive mechanism for emotion recognition remains impaired even in adulthood (Lai et al.
2014). Thus, although those strategies may allow participants with HFA to recognise the observed BM, they are likely not automatic and would require longer time to achieve BM recognition. In agreement with this, our results showed no group differences in accuracy, but greater RTs in participants with ASD, specifically in recognizing dynamic but not static stimuli.
On these premises, we hypothesise that—similarly to what has been described for grasping (Cattaneo et al.
2007)—our results could be explained by an impaired action-chaining mechanism that would prevent the individuals with ASD to rapidly distinguish the observed BM, e.g.
jump-to-exult from
jump-to-exercise, or
rise the arms to self-protect from
rise the arm to stretch out. Indeed, in static emotional body posture, only one single movement was displayed. As a consequence, to recognise SB images, the observers did not need to chain any movement because all the information was already available in the observed static posture. Conversely, when the BM stimulus was dynamic, in order to understand its meaning the observer needed to chain together a sequence of movements. This implies that, if the difficulty in ASD was specific to action-chaining, individuals with ASD should present difficulties in recognizing dynamic, but not static stimuli. Notably, this is exactly what we found in the present study.
However, alternative explanations should also be considered. If the use of the forced-choice paradigm did in fact inflate response agreement among the ASD participants, the slower responses in ASD group may reflect their uncertainty about what emotions the stimuli represented. Nonetheless, we found slower responses in ASD participants specifically for dynamic stimuli and this result offers a tentative support for an action-chaining mechanism deficit. Moreover, our results on emotional BM are consistent with previous evidence on static vs dynamic facial expressions. In TD population the motion information seems to facilitate the recognition of facial expressions (Tobin, Favelle, & Palermo, 2016), while previous behavioural and eye tracking studies found atypical responses to facial expressions elicited by dynamic compared to static stimuli in individuals with ASD (Tardif et al.
2007; Uono et al.
2009). Furthermore, reduced facial mimicry in high-functioning ASD was found in responses to dynamic but not to static facial expressions and this reduction was related to social dysfunction (Yoshimura et al.
2015). Finally, fMRI findings showed reduced activation and connectivity of social brain areas in response to dynamic facial expressions in in high-functioning ASD (Pelphrey et al.
2007; Sato et al.
2012). Altogether these studies seem to supports the hypothesis of impaired processing of dynamic emotional faces and are in agreement with our finding on emotional BM.
Advantage for Fearful Stimuli
Interestingly, in SB we found a significant advantage in recognizing fearful stimuli. Accuracy was higher in fearful SB than neutral and (marginally) happy SB in both groups. The fearful-advantage has been previously described in behavioural studies on recognition of emotional BM both in individuals with TD (Atkinson et al.
2004; Bannerman et al.
2009) and ASD (Mazzoni et al., 2020; Philip et al., 2010). From an evolutionary point of view, the vision of an emotional expression triggers adaptive actions (Darwin, 1872). Frijda wrote that "Emotions exist for the sake of signalling states of the world that have to be responded to or that no longer need response and action” (Frijda, 1988, p.354). In other words, this author suggests that the emotions exist for the sake of action, for dealing with the environment, and highlighted that different emotions arise in response to different situation and prompt different reaction (Frijda,
1988; Frijda et al.
1989). Some emotions are more relevant when the observer is close to the agent (e.g., disgust or happiness) (Gelder et al.
2015), as they are aimed to trigger a behavioural response over a close source of emotion (e.g. throwing away a bad food, or getting close to something pleasant in order to enjoy it). Those emotions are more likely to be expressed and recognised better through the face, which indeed requires proximity to be perceived. Instead, some other emotions are expressed and recognised better with BM (e.g. threatening signals, such as fear and anger, e.g. Actis-Grosso et al., 2015). Those emotions communicate the presence of threats or dangers in the environment, hence their recognition is as more important for survival as they can be seen from a distance. Indeed, this enables the observer to have “enough” time for reacting promptly and adaptively (e.g. fight or flight), maximizing the chance of survival. In particular, fearful BM perception is associated with increased vigilance and attention (Bannerman et al.
2009; Kret et al.
2013; Phelps et al.
2006; Tamietto et al.
2007), improved visual processing (Borhani et al.
2015; van Heijnsbergen, Meeren, Grèzes, & de Gelder, 2007), and enhanced reactivity of the motor system (Borgomaneri, Gazzola, & Avenanti, 2012; Borgomaneri et al.
2015). Due to its critical evolutionary salience, in our opinion, it is not completely surprising that we found a fear-advantage also in individuals with high-functioning ASD.
Our results are partially in contrast with some findings that posited a deficit in decoding fearful signals in ASD, possibly related to dysfunctions in amygdala (Ashwin, Chapman, Colle, & Baron-Cohen, 2006; Hadjikhani et al., 2009; Howard et al.
2000; Schultz,
2005). However, it is important to acknowledge that our sample includes people with HFA, who might have developed compensatory mechanisms to recognise the social relevant stimuli—especially when evolutionary vital—at a TD-level.
Moreover, our stimuli depicted the emotional expressions at their peak intensity, possibly being too easily recognizable for participants with HFA. Finally, in the present study participants were asked to perform a low demanding experimental task. Indeed, it has been showed that, when the task is complex, the performance of participants with ASD might be hampered by their difficulties with attention and working memory (Barendse et al., 2013; Happé, Ronald, & Plomin, 2006). Therefore, to prevent the results from reflecting the task demand instead of the emotion recognition ability, we minimised the cognitive demands by presenting only three emotional contents. This allowed us to limit the number of response options (i.e. working memory) and the duration of the experiment (i.e. attention). Since we tested individuals with HFA, there is the possibility that we obtained a ceiling effect in the accuracy because the task was actually too simple for our participants.
To unmask differences in accuracy in recognizing the emotional expression in individuals with HFA that have been in treatment for years, future studies aimed at i) presenting the stimuli briefly, ii) using subtler expressions, and iii) using more complex tasks—e.g. with increased number of presented emotions and response options- are desirable.
As a final comment, we acknowledge the small sample size as a major limit of the study that necessarily impose caution in interpreting our results. Historically, the field of emotional BM recognition in ASD has been characterised by small-scale studies that have yielded to contradictory results. In fact, small sample size may have only partially represented the ASD population as it is characterised by a well-recognized heterogeneity in functioning and clinical profile. Although in our statistical analyses we tried to account for the individual variability, it is important to highlight that our limited sample size does not allow to draw robust conclusions. This limitation is remarkable and future research is needed to corroborate our findings. Nevertheless, the present study added some novelty to the field as it explored a new aspect of bodily emotion recognition in ASD and showed an interesting – although preliminary—differences between static and dynamic body stimuli. Our results could hence serve as an interesting starting point for future research that should necessarily involve larger sample size in order to account for heterogeneity in ASD.