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01-03-2006 | Artikelen

De wisc-iii bij kinderen met ernstige gedragsproblemen, ontwikkelingsproblemen en/of psychiatrische problemen

Auteurs: Henk Oosterbaan, Gert Kroes, van Brechtje Gent, Eric E. J. De Bruyn

Gepubliceerd in: Kind en adolescent | Uitgave 1/2006

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Oosterbaan, H., Kroes, G., Van Gent, B., & De Bruyn, E. E. J. (2006). Thewisc-iiiin children with serious behavioural problems, development problems and/or psychiatric problems, Kind en Adolescent, 27 (1), 56-69.
Summary: Research was conducted into how the recently standardised intelligence test wisc-IIInl compares with its predecessor, the wisc-r, in children with serious behavioural problems, development problems and/or psychiatric problems. The research group consisted of 59 children of elementary school age, who attended a cluster-4 school, and who were also receiving support. These children had taken the wisc-r test in the past; they were now retested using the WISC-IIInl. The iq scores of both test versions appeared to match well, apart from a slight drop in verbal iq in the WISC-IIInl. In this research group, the factor structure of the wisc-iiinl was found to be more similar to the factor structure found in the national standard group of the wisc-r, than to the factor structure to be found in the national standard group of the wisc-iiinl.
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De wisc-iii bij kinderen met ernstige gedragsproblemen, ontwikkelingsproblemen en/of psychiatrische problemen
Henk Oosterbaan
Gert Kroes
van Brechtje Gent
Eric E. J. De Bruyn
Bohn Stafleu van Loghum
Gepubliceerd in
Kind en adolescent / Uitgave 1/2006
Print ISSN: 0167-2436
Elektronisch ISSN: 1876-5998