Previous findings across DTI studies exploring the neurobiology of mental wellbeing in adolescent populations have been heterogenous, with much of the previous research using either a measure of subjective wellbeing or psychological wellbeing, but not both, and had not considered a dual-factor perspective of wellbeing and psychopathology. Therefore, the goal of the current study utilizing DTI data obtained from the First Hundred Brains cohort, a fixed dataset of 101 unique early adolescents, was to identify potential neurobiological profiles from FA values across 21 major white matter tracts throughout the brain, that may underlie differences in measures of wellbeing. Via cluster analysis three distinct and significantly different cluster profiles were identified, and confirmatory discriminant function analysis revealed that these three cluster groups were maximally separated by two key patterns (discriminant functions). First, consistent FA changes in 12 tracts (representing projection, association and commissural fibers); and second, consistent FA changes in the right UF and the CC genu, which are two tracts with functional connections within the frontal lobes. Between-groups analyses revealed that the three clusters did not significantly differ in any measures of mental health and wellbeing. However, two significant left lateralized, negative associations (SLF-L and K10 in cluster 1, and SCR-L and COMPAS-W total in cluster 2) were found, providing preliminary evidence of the potential laterality of the relationship between markers of white matter integrity and mental health and wellbeing specifically in early adolescents.
Structural Connectivity Differences in Cluster Groups
Overall, the clusters identified were neurobiologically distinct in a few ways. Cluster 1 showed an intermediate FA profile in all tracts compared to clusters 2 and 3, had significantly increased AD scores in the CNG-R and PLIC-L compared to cluster 2, and significantly decreased RD scores in the 14 of the 21 tracts compared to cluster 2 and 3. Although cluster 1 had the intermediate FA profile, such FA values (i.e., increased relative to cluster 2) in combination with increased AD and decreased RD, could be reflective of larger axonal diameter or higher myelination (Feldman et al.,
Cluster 2 had a distinct profile with significantly decreased FA scores across all tracts compared to the other clusters, had significantly increased RD scores in 14 of the tracts compared to the other clusters, and significantly decreased AD scores compared to cluster 1 and 3 in the CNG-R, in the CNG-L compared to cluster 3, and in the PLIC-L compared to cluster 1 and 3. Focusing on the four most distinguishing tracts in terms of FA that were revealed from the discriminant function analysis, the findings from the multinomial logistic regression showed that cluster 2 was significantly more likely to have increased RD scores in PCR-L, SCR-R and SLF-R, and decreased AD in PCR-L compared to cluster 1. Therefore, in the PCR-L specifically, as AD may be a marker of axon numbers and axonal coherence, and RD may represent changes in myelination, axonal packing or myelin integrity (Lebel et al.,
2019). The combination of decreased FA, increased RD and decreased AD compared to the other clusters, may be reflective of axonal degeneration, or potentially slower development Feldman et al. (
Cluster 3 had a distinct profile of increased FA scores across all tracts compared to the other clusters and was significantly different across all tracts except for the CST-R and L, UF-R and L, and the CC genu (no different from cluster 1). There were no significant differences in terms of AD scores in cluster 3 compared to the other clusters, but significantly decreased RD scores in 18 tracts compared to cluster 2 were evident. Relating to the multinomial logistic regression, cluster 3 was significantly more likely to have decreased RD and increased AD in the SCR-R specifically. Studies in healthy children suggest that FA and RD values represent axonal packing and diameter, and/or myelination (Krogsrud et al.,
2016), therefore, the neurobiological profile of cluster 3 with
increased FA along with
decreased RD and unaffected or increased AD, compared to the other clusters, might indicate dense axonal packing, large axonal diameter, excessive myelination, and/or reduced neural branching and functionality of the myelin sheath (Feldman et al.,
2010; Soares et al.,
Mental Health and Wellbeing Across Clusters
While the analysis found no significant differences between the clusters in terms of mental health and wellbeing, there were ostensible health and wellbeing differences across the clusters. For example, cluster 3 had the lowest total quality of life and wellbeing scores (including all subjective wellbeing subscale scores and two out of the three psychological wellbeing subscales), and the highest psychological distress scores. Further, overall cluster 3 had the highest proportion of those categorized as having high or very high psychological distress, and the lowest proportion of those classified as well (according to ABS cut offs). These results taken together with the neurobiological profile of cluster 3, could indicate that dense axonal packing, large axonal diameter, excessive myelination, and/or reduced neural branching and functionality of the myelin sheath in early adolescence may be linked to lower overall mental health and wellbeing. Such patterns may indicate the possible emergence of psychopathology and should therefore be followed longitudinally in this specific cohort to track further potential changes in structural connectivity. In contrast, cluster 2 had the highest overall wellbeing and quality of life scores, and lowest psychological distress scores, with a neurobiological profile of lower FA values. The lack of statistical significance despite ostensible differences in health and wellbeing (particularly in cluster 2 and 3), may in part be due to the small size of the two clusters, and the general population sample as opposed to a clinical sample. Therefore, future research should aim to confirm or refute these trends with larger sample sizes and examine the differences in neurobiological profiles and mental health and wellbeing in more detail, and longitudinally, to establish any potential causal links.
Associations Between Mental Health and Wellbeing in Individual Clusters
Among all participants (i.e., the whole sample) after a Bonferroni correction, no significant associations with wellbeing measures and FA values were evident. In a previous study from the LABS a consistent pattern of significant correlations in the whole sample (
N = 73) between social connectedness and FA (negative), RD (positive) and AD (positive) clusters in numerous tracts, including clusters of the CC genu were found (Driver et al.,
2023). This indicated that adolescents with lower social connectedness had a white matter profile suggestive of reduced axonal density or coherence. Such consistent association patterns were not evident in the whole sample analysed in the current study.
Despite analyses identifying no significant differences between the three cluster groups in measures of wellbeing, correlation analyses performed on the wellbeing measures and FA values in the individual cluster groups identified two significant associations. Given the seemingly contrasting findings of these two associations, it is important to consider such findings according to the differing subgroup white matter profiles. Cluster 1, with the intermediate white matter profile which may be reflective of larger axonal diameter or higher myelination, had a negative relationship identified for K10 and the SLF-L, such that those with lower psychological distress had higher FA values in this tract. The SLF is one of the largest association fiber bundle systems, connecting frontal, temporal, and parietal areas ipsilaterally (Janelle et al.,
2022), and is thought to be responsible for language function, motor planning (left hemisphere), and spatial orientation (mainly right hemisphere) (Janelle et al.,
2022), and increases in FA in the SLF has been found to correlate with improved emotion recognition (Mürner-Lavanchy et al.,
2020). This tract is said to mature rapidly during adolescence but also shows a protracted development (Lebel et al.,
2019). When considering the neurobiological profile of cluster 1 in comparison to cluster 2 (Fig.
2; with the overall white matter profile suggesting axonal degeneration or more likely slower development), this pattern of DTI measures may be reflective of more rapid development in this tract for cluster 1, and the development of the SLF-L may also be linked to better mental health and wellbeing.
The second negative correlation was in cluster 2, between COMPAS-W total wellbeing and the SCR-L, such that those with higher total wellbeing had lower FA values in this tract. This suggests that for this subgroup, with an overall profile of decreased FA (reflecting axonal degeneration or slower development), better wellbeing was associated with lower FA values specifically in the SCR-L. Vitolo et al. (
2022) reported that those who were identified as low dispositional users of reappraisal had increased mean diffusivity in the SCR. Although mean diffusivity is based on the averaged diffusion along all axes, higher mean diffusivity values and lower FA values both correspond with less diffusion restriction and less directionality. Therefore, the correlations observed in SCR-L FA in cluster 2, contrast with Vitolo et al’s. (
2022) increased mean diffusivity findings, when considering positive markers of wellbeing (i.e., better reappraisal skills and better mental wellbeing). The difference in findings may be due to the broader age range (18–40 years), and mostly female sample, of Vitolo et al’s study, and therefore may be explained by developmental differences. The findings from the current study also contrast with earlier studies that reported that adolescents with depression had lower FA values in the SCR (LeWinn et al.,
2014). The SCR is a key projection fiber which connects the brain stem to the cortex and has been found to be associated with various aspects of attention (Stave et al.,
2017), arousal, emotional conditioning, and memory consolidation. Additionally, it has been reported that increased wellbeing may be associated with reduced gray matter volume in the pontine nuclei (Gatt et al.,
2018), and the authors postulated that the aforementioned processes that involve the brain stem, may therefore play a role in wellbeing, which may explain the association with wellbeing in this brain area and associated white matter tracts. Additionally, it has been reported that wellbeing is not stable in adolescence and may decrease as youth mature (Patalay & Fitzsimons,
2018) and therefore, the higher wellbeing scores in cluster 2 with the corresponding lower FA values may be reflective of slower developmental maturity.
Taken together, the findings of lower FA being associated with higher total wellbeing (cluster 2), and lower FA being associated with higher psychological distress (cluster 1), may also provide collective evidence of psychopathology and wellbeing operating on a functionally independent dual continuum. This further supports the dual-factor models’ emphasis on the need to measure both psychopathology and wellbeing for understanding and interpreting levels of the other. Thus, although there were no significant differences between the three cluster groups and the different measures of wellbeing, ignoring the potential for differences in structural connectivity when evaluating relationships with wellbeing measures, would have resulted in an omission of these cluster specific relationships.
Due to both associations being found in left hemisphere tracts, there appears to be a slight left side dominance in the current study, suggesting that FA values in left hemisphere tracts may be more representative as neurobiological markers of mental health and wellbeing outcomes in early adolescence. In previous LABS findings via electroencephalography, there were hemispheric differences in relationships with neural activity and psychological distress and wellbeing (Sacks et al.,
2023). Similar to the current study, a significant left lateralized relationship was found with wellbeing, however a right lateralized relationship was found with psychological distress (Sacks et al.,
2023). The lateralized relationships were postulated to potentially provide support for a dual factor model of mental health and wellbeing (Sacks et al.,
2023). In a an earlier review of neuroimaging studies however, it was concluded that although there was some evidence to suggest left sided laterality in regards to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and positive affect, there was overall limited literature to definitively conclude evidence of laterality of any associations with the brain and mental health and wellbeing (King,
2019). Relating to white matter specifically, previous literature finding associations between aspects of wellbeing and structural connectivity, only reported on bilateral findings (Jung et al.,
2022; Vitolo et al.,
2022). Additionally, although Kotikalapudi et al. (
2022) reported that optimism was associated with AD in numerous tracts in the right hemisphere exclusively, their participants were mostly female and ranged from 18 to 40 years old. From a developmental perspective, a recent study reported on the FA values of the three branches of the SLF, finding a significant right lateralization in adolescents, but only in two portions of the SLF (Amemiya et al.,
2021), whilst a longitudinal study in 9–13 year olds reported that pubertal stage was positively correlated with fiber density in the SLF-R specifically (Genc et al.,
2020). Another study following female participants annually for six years from age nine, found that earlier pubertal timing (but not tempo), predicted greater FA and in left-lateralized tracts, including the corona radiata (Chahal et al.,
2018). An earlier small study reported that girls (
n = 29 aged 12–14 years) exhibited higher FA in the SCR-R compared to aged matched boys, who exhibited higher AD in several tracts including the SLF-R (Bava et al.,
2011). Consequently, as there appears to be inconclusive evidence in previous literature relating to lateralization in terms of adolescent development and relating to mental health and wellbeing measures, the findings from the current study provide preliminary evidence for the potential laterality of the relationship between markers of white matter integrity and mental health and wellbeing specifically in early adolescents.
There are some limitations to this study that warrant discussion. Firstly, due to the cross-sectional exploratory nature of this study, the results limit understanding of the potential developmental underlying neurobiological processes. It is acknowledged that a key role of developmental neuroimaging is to elucidate any variability in behavioral and cognitive development within a representative sample (Lebel et al.,
2019). As such, the First Hundred Brains cohort is comprised only of 12–13-year old’s, from a general population sample, with the goal of future research with this cohort to expand on these cross-sectional findings with follow up longitudinal research, as this cohort progresses through adolescence. Secondly, as this study was exploratory, future studies should aim to refute or confirm such findings. Next, although there is evidence that stage of puberty may influence white matter development (Genc et al.,
2017), this was not measured in the current study. However, the constrained age range in this cohort reduces the likelihood of difference due to puberty, and a puberty measure has since been added to the LABS research program which can be included in future longitudinal follow-up studies with the First Hundred Brains cohort. Regarding the cluster groups, although cluster 2 and 3 were adequate for statistical power
N ≥ 20;(Dalmaijer et al.,
2022), a larger sample size would be beneficial to enhance the statistical power of the subsequent analysis of the cluster groups. However, overall the large sample size within this controlled age bracket far exceeds thresholds that are considered adequate for neuroimaging sample sizes (Vitolo et al.,
2022). Further, the small age range of participants in this study reduces the potential for developmental variation and is a strength of the current study compared to previous research that includes much broader age ranges. The selection of white matter tracts in this study was based on previous literature that implicated these tracts in wellbeing related constructs and represented each of the three types of tracts. However, it is possible that the integrity of other white matter tracts that have not been included in this analysis may be associated with wellbeing and may contribute to further differentiation of the cluster groups. Therefore, future research could expand the breadth of tracts investigated to further understanding of the neurobiological markers of wellbeing in adolescents. Finally, it is acknowledged that crossing fibers are an inherent problem in certain DTI software and analysis techniques (Schilling et al.,
2022), which can result in lower FA values within a certain voxel (Feldman et al.,
2010), and FA values depend significantly on type of acquisition and analysis used (Lebel et al.,
2019). Therefore, it is possible that these results have been affected by crossing fibers. Future research including alternative volumetric measures of white matter may provide more evidence for the interpretation of the current findings.
The data driven exploratory approach of this study provides preliminary evidence of variations in indicators of white matter integrity in early adolescence that may be linked to differences (albeit subtle in this study), to mental health and wellbeing. In other words, the analysis undertaken here revealed associations across two white matter tracts in clusters with significantly different profiles of DTI measures, that were not observed at the whole sample level. As previous literature is largely varied and somewhat disparate relating to white matter and mental health and wellbeing in early adolescence, the findings from this study contribute to building a more comprehensive understanding of the potential neurobiology of wellbeing in early adolescence. Given the nature of the LABS and that this cohort is sampled from the general population, the white matter profiling and associated mental health and wellbeing measures, although subtle, may be indicative of different levels of both protection and risk of emerging psychopathology, which need to be tracked longitudinally to validate such preliminary evidence. That is, the cluster group with poorer mental health and wellbeing metrics and corresponding perturbations in structural connectivity indicators (cluster 3) may be at risk of developing mental disorders. In a DTI based cluster analysis study of an older clinical population, similar subgroups were found with corresponding associations with mental health outcomes (i.e., severity of symptoms and functioning) (Hermens et al.,
2019). Along with the evidence that 50% of mental disorders occur before the age of 14, this supports the notion that identifying the early neurobiological markers of mental health and wellbeing, and emerging psychopathology, and continuing to monitor subgroups from early adolescents, is warranted. Research focused on adolescent mental health vulnerability
and opportunity, is vitally important for early detection and prevention of psychopathology, and improvement in mental health and wellbeing. Therefore, it is the intention of the LABS to further track such neurobiological markers of mental health and wellbeing using the fixed First Hundred Brains cohort as they progress through adolescence. Additionality, in early adolescence specifically, the dual-factor model of mental health and wellbeing was found to be valuable in observing and interpreting changes in wellbeing and psychopathology profiles over time, whereby it was identified that those with low peer support were most likely to change from complete mental health to vulnerable status (Petersen et al.,
2022), Therefore, should the profiles of the current adolescent cohort worsen, then interventions that target modifiable factors such as social connectedness (Driver et al.,
2023) and sleep (Jamieson et al.,
2020), that can affect white matter integrity perturbations, may be warranted. Improving assessment and characterization of wellbeing, and monitoring changes longitudinally may be key to improving clinical assessments and subsequent interventions for youth.