Research population and data collection
The Brabant Injury Outcome Surveillance (BIOS) study is a prospective cohort follow-up study of adult injury patients (18 years or older) who were admitted to one of the 10 participating hospitals through the emergency department (ED), and who survived until hospital discharge [
12]. The inclusion of the study was conducted from 1 August 2015 until 30 November 2016. The exclusion criteria were the inability to understand the Dutch language, the absence of a permanent address of residence, and the suspected presence of a pathological fracture due to a malignancy or metastasis [
12]. The study was approved by the Medical Ethics Committee of the Province of Brabant (METC code: NL50258.028.14).
The information on age, gender, nature, and severity of the injury were derived from the hospital registries. The severity of the injury was defined by the Injury Severity Score (ISS) [
13]. The ISS is based on the square of the highest Abbreviated Injury Scales (AIS) of the three most severely injured body regions. The AIS describes the type, location, and severity of an injury [
14]. Patients with an ISS of 16 and more are defined as severely injured. With the AIS score, it can be determined whether a patient has TBI, and what the severity level of the TBI is (mild, moderate, or severe). TBI was defined as mild with AIS head < 3, moderate with AIS head = 3, and severe with an AIS head > 3 [
12]. Additional data were collected by a postal survey that patients received 1 month after injury [
12]. The survey included the EQ-5D + C, the EQ-VAS, the highest level of education, and the existence of comorbidity.
HRQoL data
The EQ-5D consists of five items on different dimensions of health (one item per dimension): mobility, self-care, usual activity, pain/discomfort, and anxiety/depression. The questions on the different dimensions are available in two versions: a three-level version and a five-level version. We used the three-level version (EQ-5D-3L). In the 3L version, the answer options to each question are ‘no problems,’ ‘some problems,’ and ‘extreme problems’/‘unable to perform.’ Data can be represented by means of a profile summarizing the respondents’ reported health problems defining the severity level (where 1 means no problems), e.g., ‘21332,’ and used in a descriptive way and, after summarizing response into an unweighted summary score, also referred to as ‘misery index’ (range 0–15) or a so-called 0–1 utility score. Furthermore, the respondents were asked to rate their health from 0 to 100 on a VAS scale, where 0 is the worst imaginable health state, and 100 is the best imaginable health state. The score that is provided in this question by the respondent is the EQ-VAS score.
In the BIOS study, an additional dimension was added to the EQ-5D questionnaire for cognition. This bolt-on should capture information on cognitive functioning, operationalized as concentration, memory, and IQ [
10]. The cognition bolt-on consisted of one question, and was framed like the other dimension questions, with the same number of response options [
3]. The instruction was (translated from the Dutch questionnaire): By placing a check mark in one box in each group below, please indicate which statement best describes your own state of health. The cognition bolt-on item was worded as follows: cognition (such as memory, concentration). The answer options were: I have no problems with my cognitive functioning; I have some problems with my cognitive functioning; I have severe problems with my cognitive functioning.
Data analysis
The data analyses were performed with SPSS version 24. The responses of the patients to the question on the highest level of education were categorized in a variable with the values low, medium, and high education level. Comorbidity status was determined per patient as the number of pre-existing conditions. Respondents were included in the analyses if all questions of the EQ-5D including the cognition dimension and the EQ-VAS score were answered. The frequencies of the socio-demographics were determined with frequency analyses in SPSS. Furthermore, independent sample t tests were performed on the frequencies of the socio-demographics, comparing the group of TBI patients with the group of non-TBI patients. To determine whether there was a distributional effect in terms of ceiling effect, the proportion of perfect health profiles (11111 for EQ-5D and 111111 for EQ-5D + C) among all observed profiles was determined (the higher the share, the more ceiling).
The convergent validity of the EQ-5D and the EQ-5D + C was measured by determining the association between the EQ-VAS, the EQ-5D, and the EQ-5D + C, respectively. We first calculated the misery index for both the EQ-5D and the EQ-5D + C, consisting of the sum of the levels of the five dimensions (e.g., health profile 11111 had a misery index of 5), where the highest score 15 represents the poorest health. Next, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients between the EQ-5D and EQ-5D + C misery indices and EQ-VAS were determined for TBI and non-TBI patients, after it was confirmed that the assumptions of the Spearman’s rank correlation were met [
In order to determine the explanatory power of EQ-5D and EQ-5D + C, we performed univariate and multivariable analyses using the EQ-VAS as dependent variable. With the univariate analyses we tested whether all dimensions of the EQ-5D(+ C) were related to the EQ-VAS. The levels ‘some problems’ and ‘extreme problems’ of all dimensions, including the cognitive dimension, were used to predict the EQ-VAS. The two severity levels were recoded into dummy variables, with the ‘no problems’ level as the reference category. With each of the dummy variables, the EQ-VAS score was then predicted. Thereafter, multivariable analyses were done, as the assumptions of the linear regression model were met, with different combinations of the dimensions of the EQ-5D and the cognitive dimension in the model. The combinations consisted of the original EQ-5D dimensions, the EQ-5D dimensions with the cognitive dimension, and all combinations of five out of the six dimensions. An additional model was tested for the EQ-5D and the EQ-5D + C for both groups with the backward deletion strategy.
To determine the classification efficiency of both the EQ-5D and the EQ-5D + C, the Shannon index (H’) and the Shannon Evenness index (J’) were determined [
16]. These two indices provide information on the ability of the EQ-5D(+ C) to measure diversity in the population [
17]. The Shannon index was calculated with the following formula:
H′ = − ∑
pi, where p
i is the proportion of people with a certain health profile, and
C is the total number of possible health profiles. The higher the value of
H′, the more information is captured by the EQ-5D or EQ-5D + C. The total number of possible health profiles is 3*3*3*3*3 = 243 for the EQ-5D, and 729 for the EQ-5D + C. The Shannon Evenness index was calculated with the formula:
J′ =
max, where
max is
2logC and indicates the total number of possible health profiles. The Shannon Evenness index increases if the extra dimension is used to make more distinction between patients and flattens the distribution into more different health profiles [
18]. According to Pielou [
19], any assessment of
H′ using a sample of the total ‘true’ population will lead to an underestimation of information captured, with a magnitude of (
C − 1)/2
N. This underestimation may be considerable when
C is large such as in the EQ-5D, but especially EQ-5D + C. Therefore, we also calculated adjusted values of
H′ and
J′, taking this underestimation bias into account.