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17-04-2019 | Original Paper

Self-Compassion and Mindfulness: Modeling Change Processes Associated with the Reduction of Perinatal Depression

Auteurs: Kishani Townshend, Nerina Caltabiano

Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Child and Family Studies | Uitgave 7/2019

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During pregnancy, different mindfulness skills may reduce a mother’s depressive symptoms. This study investigated factors within the Self-Compassion Scale (SCS) and Five Facet Mindfulness Scale (FFMQ) that were significantly associated with the reduction of perinatal depression.


The sample consisted of 77 pregnant women at risk of developing perinatal depression. Regression analysis, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) were used to analyze factors associated with reductions in perinatal depression.


The CFA showed self-compassion scale had 6 factors and mindfulness scale had 5 factors. The regression analysis confirmed previous findings that self-compassion and mindfulness were significant change processes associated with the reduction of perinatal depression as measured by the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). Model 1 (Pre-EPDS → Pre-SCS → Post-FFMQ → Post EPDS) fit the data with commendable goodness-of-fit indices (χ2 = 6.37, df = 5, p = .27, CFI = .98, TLI = .97, RMSEA = .06, LO 90 = .00, HI 90 = .16, PCLOSE = .38, GFI = .97, AGFI = .92, Bollen-Stine Bootstrap p = 1.00). A novel finding from the present study suggests self-kindness from SCS in addition to observing and acting with awareness from FFMQ were associated with significant reductions in perinatal depression. The reverse model (Pre-EPDS → Pre-FFMQ → Post-SCS → Post-EPDS) failed to fit the data.


These findings indicate targeted skill development in self-kindness, observing and acting with awareness may have clinical utility for pregnant women at risk of developing perinatal depression. Future research with larger sample sizes, a control group and at least 3 measurement points is necessary to verify these findings.
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Self-Compassion and Mindfulness: Modeling Change Processes Associated with the Reduction of Perinatal Depression
Kishani Townshend
Nerina Caltabiano
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Journal of Child and Family Studies / Uitgave 7/2019
Print ISSN: 1062-1024
Elektronisch ISSN: 1573-2843