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Quality of Life Research

Uitgave 9/2007

Inhoudsopgave (11 Artikelen)

Health-related quality of life in patients after lumbar disc surgery: a longitudinal observational study

Dirk Heider, Katharina Kitze, Margrit Zieger, Steffi G. Riedel-Heller, Matthias C. Angermeyer

Short-term physical and emotional health outcomes of public sector ART in the Free State province of South Africa

Edwin Wouters, Herman Meulemans, H. C. J. Van Rensburg, J. C. Heunis, Dimitri Mortelmans

Personal accounts of exercise and quality of life from the perspective of breast cancer survivors

  • Original Paper

Helen M. Milne, Andrew Guilfoyle, Sandy Gordon, Karen E. Wallman, Kerry S. Courneya

Demographic characteristics and quality of life of patients with unexplained complaints: a descriptive study in general practice

  • Open Access

Hèlen Koch, Marloes A. van Bokhoven, Gerben ter Riet, Trudy van der Weijden, Geert Jan Dinant, Patrick J. E. Bindels

Vitamin D status: effects on quality of life in osteoporosis among Turkish women

Sibel Basaran, Rengin Guzel, Ilke Coskun-Benlidayi, Fusun Guler-Uysal

Responsiveness of the Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Quality of Life Scale (AAQoL)

Louis S. Matza, Joseph A. Johnston, Douglas E. Faries, Karen G. Malley, Meryl Brod

Psychometric properties of the WHODASII in rehabilitation patients

Miriam Pösl, Alarcos Cieza, Gerold Stucki

Validation of the Chinese version of the Schizophrenia Quality of Life Scale Revision 4 (SQLS-R4) in Taiwanese patients with schizophrenia

  • Brief Communication

Po-Ju Kuo, Mei-Jin Chen-Sea, Ru-Band Lu, Ming-Shun Chung, Chien-Cheng Kuo, Wei-Che Huang, Hui-Ing Ma

The predictive validity of health-related quality of life measures: mortality in a longitudinal population-based study

Mark S. Kaplan, Jean-Marie Berthelot, David Feeny, Bentson H. McFarland, Saeeda Khan, Heather Orpana