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28-03-2022 | Empirical Research

Parent-Adolescent Vocational Aspiration Congruence and its Relations with Academic Adjustment

Auteurs: Bora Lee, Hyung In Park, Soungjuu Park

Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Youth and Adolescence | Uitgave 7/2022

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Adolescents’ own vocational aspirations and those of parents for their adolescent children play significant roles in adolescents’ development. The present study examined how the (in)congruence between adolescents’ vocational aspirations and their parents’ aspirations for them were associated with adolescents’ academic achievement and test anxiety. The study’s sample included 662 parent-adolescent pairs (adolescent Mage = 14.09), and the aspiration and adjustment data were collected at intervals 3 years apart. Using polynomial regression analyses and surface graphs, parent-child aspiration congruence was found to be significantly associated with later academic achievement and test anxiety, but incongruence did not show any significant relationship with either outcome. Such patterns were more prominent among boys (n = 306) than girls and among high socioeconomic status (SES) adolescents (n = 324) than among low SES adolescents. The findings suggest that academic adjustment is more predictable when there is parent-child congruence than when there is incongruence in aspirations.
We acknowledge that aspirations are conceptually different from expectations, where aspirations refer to ideal goals and expectations refer to realistic goals. However, due to a lack of studies on parents’ aspirations for their children and partly due to the interchangeable nature of the terms in a few studies, we reviewed research in both areas.
In an alternative analysis, we included the 48 cases in the low-SES group and analyzed the models. The reason that we included them in the low-SES group and not the high-SES one was to balance the sample size. The results from the alternative analysis were no different from the results reported in the current manuscript.
In the beginning phase of the study, school type (i.e., whether one follows a vocational school track or an academic school track) was added as a moderator but it was dropped from the final manuscript because (a) the sample size of each group was not equivalent (i.e., 73% of the sample attending academically oriented high schools) and (b) the construct was closely related with SES (i.e., those from lower SES backgrounds are more likely to attend vocational schools).
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Parent-Adolescent Vocational Aspiration Congruence and its Relations with Academic Adjustment
Bora Lee
Hyung In Park
Soungjuu Park
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Journal of Youth and Adolescence / Uitgave 7/2022
Print ISSN: 0047-2891
Elektronisch ISSN: 1573-6601