09-12-2015 | Original Article
Mothers’ Temperament and Personality: Their Relationship to Parenting Behaviors, Locus of Control, and Young Children’s Functioning
Gepubliceerd in: Child Psychiatry & Human Development | Uitgave 5/2016
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There appears to be a lack of construct clarity and a dearth of studies that have examined both mothers’ temperament and personality in conjunction with parenting behaviors when predicting young children’s functioning. As a result, this study examined these constructs jointly so that a further understanding of how mothers’ temperament and personality may work together to predict young children’s functioning could be gained. As part of this study, 214 diverse mothers with young children who ranged in age from 2- to 6-years rated their own temperament and personality, their parenting characteristics, and their young children’s functioning (i.e., temperament and emotional and behavioral functioning). Based on the findings of hierarchical regression analyses completed in this study, both mothers’ temperament and personality may be important individual predictors of young children’s temperament but may be important joint predictors, along with parenting behaviors, of young children’s behavior problems. Consequently, future research should examine the role that mothers’ temperament and personality characteristics may play in conjunction with their parenting behaviors when trying to understand young children’s functioning. These findings will be particularly helpful for professionals providing parenting interventions to families with young children who have difficult temperament styles and/or emotional and behavioral problems.