Uitgave 6/1998
Inhoudsopgave (15 Artikelen)
Attentional Capacities in Children with Autism: Is There a General Deficit in Shifting Focus?
Daisy M. Pascualvaca, Bryan D. Fantie, Maria Papageorgiou, Allan F. Mirsky
Children with Autism Fail to Orient to Naturally Occurring Social Stimuli
Geraldine Dawson, Andrew N. Meltzoff, Julie Osterling, Julie Rinaldi, Emily Brown
Spontaneous Play in Children with Autism: A Reappraisal
Sarah Libby, Stuart Powell, David Messer, Rita Jordan
Autistic Behavior in Young Boys with Fragile X Syndrome
Donald B. Bailey Jr., Gary B. Mesibov, Deborah D. Hatton, Renee D. Clark, Jane E. Roberts, Lisa Mayhew
Social Functioning Among Girls with Fragile X or Turner Syndrome and Their Sisters
Michèle M. M. Mazzocco, Thomas Baumgardner, Lisa S. Freund, Allan L. Reiss
The Preserved Speech Variant: A Subgroup of the Rett Complex: A Clinical Report of 30 Cases
Michele Zappella, Christopher Gillberg, Stephan Ehlers
Delayed Language Onset as a Predictor of Clinical Symptoms in Pervasive Developmental Disorders
Richard Eisenmajer, Margot Prior, Sue Leekam, Lorna Wing, Ben Ong, Judith Gould, Michael Welham
Procedures for Teaching Appropriate Gestural Communication Skills to Children with Autism
Dawn M. Buffington, Patricia J. Krantz, Lynn E. McClannahan, Claire L. Poulson
Subtyping Stereotypic Behavior in Children: The Association Between Stereotypic Behavior, Mood, and Heart Rate
Sophie H. N. Willemsen-Swinkels, Jan K. Buitelaar, Marjoleine Dekker, Herman van Engeland
Brief Report: The Development of the Children's Social Behavior Questionnaire: Preliminary Data
Ellen (E.F.) Luteijn, Sandy (A.E.) Jackson, Fred R. Volkmar, Ruud B. Minderaa
Brief Report: The Association of Neurofibromatosis Type 1 and Autism
P. Gail Williams, Joseph H. Hersh
Letters to the Editor
- Letter to the Editor
Nicole Simon, Bernard Rimland, Robert L. Findling, Kathleen Maxwell, Max Wiznitzer