01-09-2007 | Artikelen
Lopen jongeren met een lichte verstandelijke beperking meer kans om in aanraking te komen met justitie?
Gepubliceerd in: Kind en adolescent | Uitgave 3/2007
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Collot d’Escury, A. M. (2007). Are adolescents with mild intellectual disabilities (
) more likely to appear before judicial authorities?, Kind en Adolescent, 28 (3), 197-214.
Adolescents with mild intellectual disabilities (mid) are overrepresented in juvenile delinquency, juvenile penitentiary and correction facilities. Are they less smart or are mid juveniles more susceptible to delinquent behaviour, either through various risk factors such as drug abuse, delinquent friends, and social economic circumstances, or through a lack of protective factors such as attachment, involvement and moral reasoning, or is the vulnerability of mid juveniles due to cognitive weakness, such as planning, working memory and inhibition? This chapter summarises recent literature and research on the various factors that are associated with delinquency in mid children, and concludes that mid children are more susceptible to delinquency compared with their non-mid peers with respect to risk factors, protective factors and cognitive factors. mid juveniles are susceptible particularly in multiple task situations or complex tasks requiring a high working memory load as well as inhibition and or planning capacities. Although depression and a lack of friends make a significant contribution, more research is needed.
Keywords: juveniles, mild intellectual disabilities, delinquency.