Uitgave 3/2008
Inhoudsopgave (8 Artikelen)
Physiological and psychological stress reactivity in chronic tinnitus
Kristin Heinecke, Cornelia Weise, Kristin Schwarz, Winfried Rief
Parental problem drinking, parenting, and adolescent alcohol use
- Open Access
Carmen S. van der Zwaluw, Ron H. J. Scholte, Ad A. Vermulst, Jan K. Buitelaar, Robbert Jan Verkes, Rutger C. M. E. Engels
Effects of written anger expression in chronic pain patients: making meaning from pain
Jennifer E. Graham, Marci Lobel, Peter Glass, Irina Lokshina
The impact of medication regimen factors on adherence to chronic treatment: a review of literature
Karen S. Ingersoll, Jessye Cohen
Evaluation of mediators of change in the treatment of epilepsy with acceptance and commitment therapy
Tobias Lundgren, JoAnne Dahl, Steven C. Hayes
The influence of trait and state rumination on cardiovascular recovery from a negative emotional stressor
Brenda L. Key, Tavis S. Campbell, Simon L. Bacon, William Gerin
Social integration of daily activities and cortisol secretion: a laboratory based manipulation
Cinnamon A. Stetler, Gregory E. Miller
Anger inhibition and pain: conceptualizations, evidence and new directions
John W. Burns, Phillip J. Quartana, Stephen Bruehl