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Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

Uitgave 3/1999

Inhoudsopgave (12 Artikelen)

  • Preface

Editorial Preface

Catherine Lord

Exclusion of Linkage to the HLA Region in Ninety Multiplex Sibships with Autism

Tamara Rogers, Luba Kalaydjieva, Joachim Hallmayer, P. Brent Petersen, Peter Nicholas, Carmen Pingree, William M. McMahon, Donna Spiker, Linda Lotspeich, Helena Kraemer, Patty McCague, Sue Dimiceli, Nassim Nouri, Tawna Peachy, Joan Yang, David Hinds, Neil Risch, Richard M. Myers

Do Children with PDDNOS Have a Theory of Mind?

Charles Sicotte, Ruth M. T. Stemberger

Play Interactions of Family Members Towards Children with Autism

Nabil Hassan El-Ghoroury, Raymond G. Romanczyk

Deletion of Chromosome 2 q37 and Autism: A Distinct Subtype?

Mohammad Ghaziuddin, Margit Burmeister

Book Reviews

John B. Thomas, Christina M. Corsello

Ask the Editor

Catherine Lord