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Explicating the Dispositional Basis of the OCRDs: a Hierarchical Perspective

Auteurs: David Watson, Sara M. Stasik-O’Brien, Stephanie Ellickson-Larew, Kasey Stanton

Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment | Uitgave 3/2018

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We examined the dispositional component of the obsessive-compulsive and related disorders (OCRDs) in a large adult sample. Our battery included two hierarchical measures of personality, which allowed us to examine relations with both higher-order domains and lower-order facets of the five-factor model. In addition, our study included multiple indicators of each OCRD, which enabled us to model them as latent factors. Principal factor analyses of these indicators revealed six dimensions: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Hoarding, Excoriation, Body Dissatisfaction, Trichotillomania, and Body Preoccupation. Body Dissatisfaction, OCD, and Hoarding showed the strongest links to personality, with the other symptoms displaying more moderate associations. Neuroticism was the strongest and broadest predictor of the OCRDs at the domain level, exhibiting significant positive relations with every symptom dimension except Body Preoccupation in both bivariate and multivariate analyses. Conscientiousness showed negative associations with Body Dissatisfaction and Hoarding, and was positively related to Body Preoccupation. Finally, openness was negatively linked to OCD at both the bivariate and multivariate level. In comparison to domain-level analyses, the lower-order facets jointly contributed an additional 11.8% (Excoriation) to 17.6% (OCD) of the criterion variance, with a mean increment of 14.2%. Three neuroticism facets—anger, self-consciousness, and impulsiveness—displayed robust positive associations with two or more OCRD symptom factors, but no lower-order trait contributed significantly in every analysis. Overall, our results indicate that—similar to most other forms of psychopathology—OCRD symptoms have a common component of elevated neuroticism.
A reviewer raised the issue of whether our results were changed by including the non-clinical participants who answered “no” to all three questions. To examine this issue, we reran our analyses including only those individuals who answered “yes” to at least one question. Our findings essentially were unchanged. Most notably, structural analyses revealed the same basic factors as those shown in Table 1; moreover, these factors correlated very similarly with personality. Consequently, we report results here using data from all participants.
Although the NEO-PI-3 and FI-FFM both contain Modesty scales, they correlated only .42 with one another in this sample; therefore, we did not combine them.
In interpreting regression results, we ignore suppressor effects (Watson et al. 2013) in which novel, unexpected associations emerge at the multivariate level (e.g., significant positive correlations become significant negative regression weights). These suppressor effects were not predicted and are difficult to interpret.
Neuroticism also was significantly related to Body Preoccupation in these analyses (β = .35). Given that neuroticism was unrelated to this OCRD factor at the bivariate level (r = .07; see Table 3), however, the meaning of this finding is unclear.
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Explicating the Dispositional Basis of the OCRDs: a Hierarchical Perspective
David Watson
Sara M. Stasik-O’Brien
Stephanie Ellickson-Larew
Kasey Stanton
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment / Uitgave 3/2018
Print ISSN: 0882-2689
Elektronisch ISSN: 1573-3505