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16-12-2019 | S.I. : Early Diagnosis and Intervention

Early Intervention Providers’ Perspectives About Working with Families of Toddlers with Suspected ASD: A Qualitative Study

Auteurs: Wendy L. Stone, Lisa V. Ibanez, Pascale Carpentier, Elyanah Posner, Alice Bravo, Lindsay Frederick, Jill Locke

Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders | Uitgave 3/2021

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Part C early intervention (EI) providers are at the front line of service provision for children under 3 years old with developmental delays or disabilities. As such, they can play a key role in both the early detection of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and the provision of ASD-specialized treatment. Focus groups were conducted with 25 EI providers from three agencies in a Northwestern U.S. county to understand their role in the identification of ASD and communication about ASD concerns to families. Results revealed the tension that providers experience between maintaining a positive and supportive relationship with families and raising the issue of possible ASD. Cultural influences affecting ASD care and suggestions for desired resources were also discussed.
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Early Intervention Providers’ Perspectives About Working with Families of Toddlers with Suspected ASD: A Qualitative Study
Wendy L. Stone
Lisa V. Ibanez
Pascale Carpentier
Elyanah Posner
Alice Bravo
Lindsay Frederick
Jill Locke
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders / Uitgave 3/2021
Print ISSN: 0162-3257
Elektronisch ISSN: 1573-3432