Sensorimotor adaptation refers to the adjustment of motor commands and representations in response to changing environmental or internal demands in order to maintain appropriate, goal-directed motor performance. For example, imagine adjusting to the driving characteristics of a rental car on holiday, or to using a mouse that moves the cursor faster than you are used to when using a friend’s computer. The early phase of such adaptation is characterized by fast improvements and is thought to involve strategic, cognitive processes, whereas the late phase is characterized by relatively slow improvements and increasing reliance on automaticity (e.g., Anguera et al.,
2010; Eversheim & Bock,
2001; McDougle et al.,
2015; Taylor et al.,
The capacity of individuals to modify motor behavior to changing demands (i.e., adaptability) varies across the lifespan. For example, younger children have been found to be less proficient at locomotor adaptation, with children under the age of six years old being unable to adapt completely and slightly older children adapting more slowly compared to adults (e.g., Rossi et al.,
2019; Vasudevan et al.,
2011). Similarly, younger children have been reported to be poorer at manual adaptation in response to a mechanical force field perturbation (Tahej et al.,
2012). In addition, numerous studies have found that older adults show poorer adaptability in comparison to younger adults in both manual adaptation paradigms with visual perturbation (e.g., Anguera et al.,
2011; Bock,
2005; Fernandez-Ruiz et al.,
2000; Seidler,
2007; Wolpe et al.,
2020) and mechanical perturbation (e.g., Huang & Ahmed,
2014). In contrast, other studies using locomotor adaptation paradigms did not observe differences in adaptation rates between younger and older adults (e.g., Bakkum et al.,
2021; Malone & Bastian,
2016; Vervoort et al.,
2019; but see Fettrow et al.,
2021). Taken together, prior findings hint at an inverted-u relationship between age and sensorimotor adaptability across the lifespan with performance peaking in young adulthood. Moreover, prior work suggests that, in particular, the strategic, explicit components of adaptation are sensitive to age differences, whereas implicit, more automatic mechanisms may be relatively unaffected. Specifically, studies on healthy aging provide indications that reduction in motor adaptability with older age is driven by a decline in explicit and working memory systems (Anguera et al.,
2011; Vandevoorde & Orban de Xivry,
2019; Wolpe et al.,
2020), and that in children implicit sensorimotor adaptation matures earlier than explicit spatial representation (Tahej et al.,
2012). However, the hypothesis that explicit components are particularly sensitive to age differences has not systematically been tested within a single sample across the lifespan, as previous studies had either a developmental or healthy aging approach focusing on group differences relative to young adults. Moreover, prior studies have evaluated smaller samples (typically up to 30 participants per age group), potentially contributing to some of the mixed evidence described above.
In addition to the effects of age, there may also be effects of sex on sensorimotor adaptation as men and women differ in many sensory systems, neural anatomy, and functional responses (Mark et al.,
2014). Indeed, one study by Moreno-Briseño et al. (
2010) has hinted at sex-differences in adaptability. They examined how men and women adapted their ball throwing performance to a 30 degree visual distortion induced via prism lenses. While they did not observe adaptation differences between groups, they found that women showed significantly larger aftereffects which could suggest that sensorimotor representations were updated more strongly in women than in men. The authors proposed that women relied more on implicit, more automatic spatial alignment processes that reorganize visual and motor information, which led to larger aftereffects. However, this was not supported in a study by Wolpe et al. (
2020), who controlled for sex in their statistical model to test the effects of healthy aging on manual adaptation. While they found the aforementioned effect of age, they did not observe effects of sex. Overall, reports on sex differences in sensorimotor adaptation thus are scarce and findings are inconsistent.
In the present study, we investigated age and sex differences in sensorimotor adaptation across the lifespan. As part of a public science experiment, we had participants spanning a wide age range (8–70 years) complete a manual adaptation task. We hypothesized that the relationship between age and adaptability would be quadratic, with both younger and older individuals showing poorer adaptation compared to individuals more towards the middle of our age range. In particular, this was expected for the relatively early, explicit phase of adaptation. Using an explorative approach, we also evaluated whether there were sex differences in adaptability.
The current study is the first to investigate the relationship between age and sensorimotor adaptation within a single, lifespan sample. We observed a typical adaptation pattern across our group of participants aged 8 to 70 years, supporting the notion that our experimental paradigm translates well from a controlled laboratory setting to the relatively uncontrolled setting of a science museum. Our results further revealed a quadratic relationship between age and adaptability, with both younger and older participants showing slower adaptation and de-adaptation rates than those in the middle of the age range. More specifically, we observed an inverted u-shaped relationship between age and early adaptation rates, suggesting that age affects the relatively early strategic, cognitive processes. We did not see this effect for adaptation rate calculated across the second half of our adaptation trials. This suggests that age does not impact the later, more implicit processes of adaptation; however, given the relatively small number of trials that participants performed, it could be argued that the current task may not be suited to adequately assess this and we acknowledge that replication therefore is necessary. Finally, we found no indications that sex affected visuomotor adaptation rates, although there was an overall smaller error for females than males across all study blocks.
Several studies comparing younger and older adults propose that age-related reductions in sensorimotor adaptation may be linked to an age-related reduction in cognitive functions involved in such adaptation (e.g., Li et al.,
2021; Vandevoorde & Orban de Xivry,
2019). For example, earlier work has demonstrated that spatial working memory—which could be used to apply an explicit aiming strategy—was positively associated with adaptability (Anguera et al.,
2011; Ruitenberg et al.,
2018a). In addition, inhibitory control has been shown to be positively associated with adaptability (Li et al.,
2021; Simon & Bock,
2017). Such control may be necessary to suppress typical, unadapted movement plans that are not functional for dealing with the perturbation. As these functions are known to not just decline with older age but to also still be in development during childhood and adolescence (Conklin et al.,
2007; Isbell et al.,
2015), this could explain our observed quadratic relationship between age and adaptability.
Neuroimaging studies also support the notion that sensorimotor adaptation involves a combination of more cognitive and procedural processes that are differentially affected by age. For example, Anguera et al., (
2011) found that both early rates of visuomotor adaptability and spatial working memory were linked to activation in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex for younger but not older adults. More recently, Wolpe et al. (
2020) demonstrated that age differences in adaptation within an adult cohort aged 18–89 years were related to smaller gray matter volume in the striatum and prefrontal cortex (thought to be involved in explicit processes of adaptation), but not in the cerebellum (thought to be involved in implicit processes). Similar to the cognitive functions described above, these brain areas are known not just to be affected by aging but to also be slow to develop, particularly prefrontal cortex (up to 20–25 years old; Amso & Casey,
2006). Our observation that adaptation rates started to improve in the early 20s fits this trajectory. We further observed that declines in adaptability start to emerge around the mid-40s. This is in line with reports that in particular explicit components of adaptation are already affected at pre-retirement adult age (Heuer et al.,
2011). A similar age of onset has been described for other domains, including sensorimotor inhibitory function (Ruitenberg et al.,
2019), bimanual coordination (Boisgontier et al.,
2018), and cognitive function (Singh-Manoux et al.,
2012). Our findings, in combination with the behavioral and neuroimaging literature, thus support a shared cognitive resource hypothesis from both a developmental and aging perspective to explain the quadratic relationship between age-related differences across the lifespan in explicit, strategic processes involved in visuomotor adaptation and cognitive functions.
Notable strengths of the present study are its lifespan approach and sample size. Whereas the majority of previous studies examining age effects on sensorimotor adaptation compared performance of young adults to that of either children or older adults, our study included both a developmental and healthy aging perspective in which we used age as a continuous variable. Moreover, our sample size greatly exceeds those reported in prior investigations on group-based age or sex differences in sensorimotor adaptation (i.e., typically
n = 10–30 per group; with exception of Wolpe et al.,
2020, who included
n = 322 adults and conducted analyses using age as a continuous variable). A limitation of our study is that the designation of the early and late adaptation phases are made rather arbitrarily within the field of sensorimotor adaptation. That is, most studies on sensorimotor adaptation define the early and late phase within the context of their design, depending for example on the duration of the experiment and the total number of adaptation trials. Possibly the current design may have obscured relatively smaller sex differences between early and late adaptation that arise even later during learning. Moreover, we acknowledge that our visuomotor task does not formally distinguish between measures of implicit and explicit contributions to adaptation. As such, future studies on lifespan differences in sensorimotor adaptation should consider employing dedicated tasks (e.g., an error clamp paradigm; Morehead et al.,
2017) to obtain distinct measures for these processes. This may also help to elucidate the relationship and joint contribution of these processes in adaptation (Maresch et al.,
2021) and the extent to which individuals may be able to compensate for specific declines in one process by relying more on the other. Furthermore, as our experimental procedure only included one type of sensorimotor adaptation, namely adaptation of hand movements to rotated visual feedback, the generalizability of findings to other types of adaptation is unclear. Future studies should examine lifespan differences in manual adaptation to other types of perturbations (e.g., force-field reaching; prism adaptation) and in other modalities of adaptation (e.g., locomotor adaptation, which involves bilateral whole-body control), as these may recruit different cognitive processes and/or brain areas and thus be differently affected by age and/or sex. Finally, future studies could investigate potential age and sex differences in retention and savings of adaptation. Participants in the present study performed the manual adaptation task only once, but previous studies have shown that participants adapt faster when they are re-exposed to the same perturbation thus suggesting that changes in sensorimotor representations and/or memories of adaptation strategies persist after the initial training session. Such savings of adaptation have been observed 1 day after initial performance (Seidler et al.,
2017), several months later (Ruitenberg et al.,
2018b), and even 1 year after initial adaptation (Landi et al.,
Overall, our findings demonstrate an inverted u-shaped relationship between age and sensorimotor adaptation across the lifespan. Both younger and older participants specifically show slower adaptation in the relatively early stages that are thought to rely on strategic, cognitive processes, but not later stages that are thought to involve implicit processes. Our findings underline the importance of accounting for age differences in visuomotor adaptation research when for example comparing healthy and clinical groups. In addition, these results could have implications for the design of neuropsychological rehabilitation programs in which patients with congenital or acquired brain damage must (re)learn sensorimotor skills. For instance, programs may be tailored for patients from certain age groups by offering more frequent or longer training sessions that tap into implicit learning processes for younger and older individuals. In addition, it may allow for the development of interventions that can potentially counteract and/or slow age-related declines in motor (re)learning.
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