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Open Access 25-04-2020 | Original Article

Cognitive Vulnerability in the Context of Panic: Assessment of Panic-Related Associations and Interpretations in Individuals with Varying Levels of Anxiety Sensitivity

Auteurs: Lisa Zahler, Katharina Sommer, Andrea Reinecke, Frank H. Wilhelm, Jürgen Margraf, Marcella L. Woud

Gepubliceerd in: Cognitive Therapy and Research | Uitgave 4/2020

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Cognitive models of panic disorder (PD) highlight the role of panic-related associations and interpretations. However, results are mixed and rely on specific measures. This study examined panic-related associations and interpretations using established and new paradigms in individuals varying on anxiety sensitivity (AS).


Associations were measured using a priming task and a novel Single Target Implicit Association Test (STIAT); interpretations were assessed using the Interpretation Bias Questionnaire (IBQ) and a novel Scrambled Sentences Task (SST). Symptoms were assessed via a provocation task (Straw Breathing Task, SBT).


Panic-related interpretations correlated with AS and other PD-related measures. Of the association tasks, only the priming task correlated with one of the other PD-related measures. Panic-related interpretations assessed via the SST, but not priming, STIAT, and IBQ, predicted SBT reactivity. The relationship between AS and SBT reactivity was mediated by panic-related interpretations.


Our data provide support for panic-related interpretations as an important cognitive mechanism.
Alleen toegankelijk voor geautoriseerde gebruikers
An overview of the main questionnaires and computer tasks used in the study can be found in Table 1 in the supplementary material.
For an overview of the complete stimulus material per computer task, see Tables 2 to 5 in the supplementary material.
Hermans et al. (2010) removed one particular neutral word pair (“groceries – shopping”) from the original stimulus set from the analyses as this word pair elicited significantly more fear in people with PD and was related to agoraphobia. We modified this word pair (“groceries – arrange”) to create a neutral valence. In addition, we modified another original word pair, i.e., “meal – prepare” to “vacation – prepare” since the original one could be associated with vomiting or nausea, which in turn is represented in the DSM 5 panic criteria.
In contrast to the original stimulus material by Teachman et al. (2007), we included the target word “shortness of breath” instead of the original item “sweating” as the former is more specifically related to the cardiovascular symptoms of PD.
Only the analyses for the main hypotheses will be reported in the text, but the correlation analyses of the remaining variables (i.e., DASS-21, STAI-T and STAI-S) are presented in Table 2.
One participant scored more than three interquartile ranges from the nearer edge of the boxplot on the ACQ. When removing this case, the correlations between the ACQ score and priming and IBQ scores remained equally strong. Further, the correlation between the ACQ score and the STIAT score remained non-significant. However, the correlation between the ACQ score and the SST score was no longer significant.
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Cognitive Vulnerability in the Context of Panic: Assessment of Panic-Related Associations and Interpretations in Individuals with Varying Levels of Anxiety Sensitivity
Lisa Zahler
Katharina Sommer
Andrea Reinecke
Frank H. Wilhelm
Jürgen Margraf
Marcella L. Woud
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Cognitive Therapy and Research / Uitgave 4/2020
Print ISSN: 0147-5916
Elektronisch ISSN: 1573-2819

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