It has been estimated that the prevalence of foot pain in community dwelling adults aged 65 years and over is between 20 and 42% [
4] and foot pain is known to contribute to locomotor disability [
9]. However, research has been hampered by the lack of an instrument with which to measure foot-related disability. The Manchester Foot Pain and Disability Index (FPDI) [
10] could potentially fill this gap. The FPDI is a self-complete questionnaire consisting of 19-items, each of which has three possible response categories: "none of the time", "on some days" or "on most/every day(s)" [
10]. These items were developed from interviews with people attending foot clinics for treatment who were asked open-ended questions about pain, disability, activity limitation and footwear [
10]. In the development of the questionnaire, it was suggested that the two items relating to work and leisure be removed, as they might not relevant to all populations. Exploratory factor analysis then suggested that the remaining 17 items could be formed into four subscales: functional problems (10 items), two pain intensity constructs (2 items and 3 items) and personal appearance (2 items). The authors suggested that the two pain intensity subscales be combined to give 3 subscales in total (function, pain intensity, appearance) over the 17 items [
In the original development of the FPDI, Garrow et al [
10] suggested that a simple score could be derived for each subscale. However, in their subsequent population survey, they defined disabling foot pain as present if at least one of the 17 pain intensity, function or appearance items occurred on at least "some days" in the past month [
6]. Other authors have also used this approach [
12]. A further study by Cook et al used exploratory factor analysis to derive two subscales (foot and ankle function (9 items) and pain and appearance (7 items)) for the FPDI having deleted one item ("My feet are worse in the morning") because it did not load on to either of the factors [
13]. These authors called this the Modified Manchester FPDI. However, a more recent study by Roddy et al [
14] undertook confirmatory factor analysis to verify the original three subscales of Garrow et al in the 17 items (function (10 items), pain (5 items) and appearance (2 items)) [
10] and demonstrated the validity and reliability of a new definition of disabling pain that required the occurrence of a problem on at least one of the ten items on the function subscale on "most/every day(s)" in the past month. In this latter study [
14], the definition of disabling pain was modified, as using Garrow's definition [
6], 98% of older adults with foot pain were classified as having disabling foot pain.
Each of the definitions described above produces a dichotomous evaluation of disabling foot pain, that is, disability is either present or absent. In reality, the disability caused by foot pain will be displayed along a continuum, with different people displaying differing degrees of disability. Garrow et al proposed that, using a simple scoring system, individual scores for each of the three subscales could be generated to produce an overall index of disability [
10] and then, in a later study, suggested summating scores for each of the subscales expressed as a percentage ("none of the time" = 0, "on some days" = 1, "on most/every day(s)" = 2) [
6]. This scoring system was used subsequently by Menz et al to produce a total FPDI score ranging from 0 to 34 in addition to subscale scores [
12]. Other authors have used a different scoring system ("none of the time" = 1, "on some days" = 2, "on most/every day(s)" = 3) to produce a total score ranging from 0 to 51 and individual subscale scores [
15]. However, these summated totals were not suitable to correctly examine changes in score over time, or differences in scores between groups, because they were not shown to be unidimensional and were not of an interval-level, i.e. where a difference of, say, two points on the score is equivalent at all points along the continuum [
The only way to derive interval-level scores from ordinal item responses such as those in the FPDI is through the use of the Rasch unidimensional measurement model [
19]. The objective of this study was to employ the Rasch model to assess the performance of the three FPDI subscales and to attempt to derive interval level subscale scores for each of the three factors of the FPDI [
The FPDI is a measure of disability arising as a result of foot-pain that has been used in recent epidemiological studies and clinical trials [
15]. In epidemiological studies, the FPDI has been used to produce a dichotomised measure of disability, that is, disability is either present or absent. Recent clinimetric studies and a clinical trial summated the seventeen ordinal items to produce a foot disability score ranging from 0 to 34 [
12] or 17 to 51 [
15]. In the current study, we used the Rasch unidimensional measurement model [
19] to obtain interval-level scores for the FPDI pain and function sub-scales.
These analyses have shown that the function and pain subscales of the FPDI are unidimensional and that interval level scores can be obtained from the items of these subscales. It was not possible to assess the measurement properties of the appearance subscale due to the small number of people without extreme responses on this subscale. This is perhaps not surprising, as the appearance subscale consists of only two items, making scoring problematic.
There was some evidence of differential item functioning (DIF) by age on the item relating to avoiding rough and hard surfaces on the function subscale, which could indicate a lack of unidimensionality in this subscale [
31]. Attempts were made to correct for this by estimating the item location separately for the younger and older age groups [
30]. However, this did not improve the model overall and made the scoring of the subscale more complicated, so this was not carried forward. The item could have been deleted, but this would have changed the subscale from its original form, which was not thought to be desirable. Instead, the item was retained. Furthermore, the original t-test of unidimensionality [
27] and the residual correlations between items did not suggest that the function subscale breached unidimensionality. It could be that this item displays DIF because younger people, who are generally still employed, cannot avoid such surfaces or this DIF could have arisen as a result of the small sample size. However, the presence of this DIF and potential reasons for it should be confirmed in an independent sample. It seems likely though that this is a Type I statistical error.
There was also evidence of misfit, from the F-test, for the item relating to having constant pain in the feet but it was not considered necessary to attempt to correct this misfit because of the good fit on the residual and chi-square statistics. It is also known that the F-statistic is very sensitive to departures from fit to the Rasch model [
Although this study has investigated the Rasch measurement properties of the FPDI items for the first time, there are several limitations that deserve consideration. The moderate sample size used in this study may have reduced the ability of the analyses to detect misfit to the Rasch model. However, all categories of all items in the pain scale were endorsed by at least 10 people, as were 8 of the items in the function scale (Item 1: 5 people endorse most/every day(s), Item 11: 9 people endorsed most/every day(s)), generally meeting the minimum sample size requirement suggested by Linacre [
35]. Although the sample size was only moderate, it had enough statistical power to detect the DIF displayed by Item 6 in the function subscale with respect to age group. Also, in this subscale, the p-value for the overall fit to the Rasch model, described by the item-person interaction chi-square statistic far exceeded the value of 0.05 required in order to find no evidence against the overall fit to the Rasch model.
A further caveat is that this analysis was undertaken in a population of adults aged 50 years and over from a relatively limited geographical area of the UK, and the sample was almost entirely from a white British background. Although Rasch analysis allows a score to be calibrated independently of the distribution of item responses in the sample [
21], further analyses should be carried out in younger or more ethnically diverse populations before applying the scoring mechanism more widely. It may also be possible to use the Rasch-scored FPDI in a patient population, where disability would be expected to be more severe, as the population sample in this study had a much lower level of disability than the FPDI subscales were able to measure. Again, further analyses are needed before the FPDI subscales are used in this context and the Foot Impact Scale [
36] has already been developing using Rasch analysis for use in populations with rheumatoid arthritis.
In order to be fully useful in clinical practice and research, the score needs to be transferable between populations. There are two main ways in which this could be carried out: the repeated use of the Rasch model or a conversion table. If the Rasch model were to be used in every dataset, a slightly different score range would result on each occasion, but this would allow people to gain a score even if they did not complete all of the items. This option also requires that the clinician or researcher have access to Rasch analysis software. The alternative option is to use a conversion table between a simple sum score of a person's responses (0, 1, 2 for each item) and the Rasch score. This type of table would be simpler, but would mean that those people who do not complete all of the items in the subscale cannot get a score. There is currently little guidance on in the literature on how to transfer a Rasch score between populations, and the final decision on how to do this should be made by the context of each individual study.
The availability of these interval-level subscale scores for function and pain in those with foot pain will allow the severity of disability to be more finely defined than has previously been possible with the dichotomisation of these subscales [
14]. Whilst not necessarily replacing the dichotomous scoring methods suggested by Garrow et al [
10] and Roddy et al [
14], this interval-level scoring will allow more detailed research, for example looking at progression of disability, than is allowed for by the simple dichotomous measure. Interval-level scores will also allow the use of the FPDI in studies where the aim is to assess change in foot pain and disability severity over time or differences between groups. The interval-level nature of the Rasch person location estimates allows for the sensible investigation of change scores over time and between groups [
However, with a continuum of disability, it is useful to have a definition of when a score is high enough to classify the individual person as being 'disabled', or when a change in the score over time is clinically significant. Hence, further work is needed to define clinically important changes on these subscales, such that they can be used more meaningfully in longitudinal research into foot disability.
SM and this study are supported financially by the Medial Research Council, UK (grant code: G9900220), and by funding secured from Support for Science by the North Staffordshire Primary Care Research Consortium for NHS service support costs. ER is supported financially by Keele University Medical School and the Arthritis Research Campaign. The authors would like to thank Dr Elaine Thomas, Prof Peter Croft and Dr Christian Mallen for their useful comments on the draft of this manuscript, the Keele GP Research Partnership, the administrative staff at Keele University's Arthritis Research Campaign National Primary Care Centre and the general practices from the North Staffordshire Primary Care Research Consortium.
Grant supporters: Medical Research Council, UK. North Staffordshire Primary Care Research Consortium
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Authors' contributions
SM conceived and conducted the analysis and helped in the drafting of the manuscript. ER helped in the drafting of the manuscript. All authors approved the final manuscript.