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22-07-2023 | Empirical Research

The Sustained Effects of Achievement Goal Profiles on School Achievement across the Transition to Secondary School

Auteurs: Ying Zhang, Rainer Watermann, Annabell Daniel

Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Youth and Adolescence | Uitgave 10/2023

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Achievement goals play an important role in activating and sustaining students’ ongoing motivation, emotional well-being, and achievement attainment over time. However, little is known empirically about the sustained effects of achievement goal profiles on students’ subsequent school achievement, especially for early adolescents during the educational transition. Based on 1764 German students (Mage = 10.47, SD = 0.56; 50.6% female) who participated in a 3-year longitudinal study from Grade 4 to Grade 6, the present research aimed to examine the role of students’ achievement goal profiles in the final year of elementary school in predicting their school achievement one year and two years after the transition to secondary school. Results of regression models showed that endorsing a mastery-oriented profile (vs. a high multiple profile or a low mastery profile) at the end of elementary school predicted higher German grades one year and two years after the transition to secondary school even after controlling for their prior achievement and basic cognitive abilities. Moreover, the sustained beneficial effects of a mastery-oriented profile (vs. a low mastery profile) on students’ achievement gains can be explained by their higher joy of learning. These results indicate that a mastery-oriented profile in elementary school can be considered an important personal factor that facilitates students’ smooth sailing after the transition to secondary school.
Alleen toegankelijk voor geautoriseerde gebruikers
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The Sustained Effects of Achievement Goal Profiles on School Achievement across the Transition to Secondary School
Ying Zhang
Rainer Watermann
Annabell Daniel
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Journal of Youth and Adolescence / Uitgave 10/2023
Print ISSN: 0047-2891
Elektronisch ISSN: 1573-6601