01-03-2008 | Forum
Prestatie-indicatoren GGZ en verslavingszorg geëvalueerd: haken, ogen en ontwikkelingen
Gepubliceerd in: TSG - Tijdschrift voor gezondheidswetenschappen | Uitgave 3/2008
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Performance indicators in mental health care evaluated: problems and developments
In the Netherlands a set of 28 performance indicators for mental health and addiction care has been developed by key stakeholders. In order to improve this set, the problems institutes experienced in providing the required data were investigated.
Institutes found it difficult to respond because definitions were not shared and indicators were considered not applicable. Information systems and differences between registration protocols used by institutes caused important limitations in the comparability of results. Numerous changes in the set of indicators have been applied as a results of the study. A question that remains is to what extent this highly aggregated level of reporting can provide information that fits the needs of clients, healthcare inspection, insurers and institutes themselves.
Keywords: Performance indicators, mental health care, evaluation study