01-03-2008 | Forum
Volksgezondheid en persvrijheid botsen
Aesklepios en Hygiea vogelvrij in het publieke domein
Gepubliceerd in: TSG - Tijdschrift voor gezondheidswetenschappen | Uitgave 3/2008
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Public health and freedom of the press clash
Health information exchanged via omnipresently accessible media meets appreciation, acceptance, scepsis or disgust. Opinions dominate the debates on the benefits, limits and risks of health communication via mass media. Monocausal explanations and simplistic solutions ignore the complexity of the relationships between health care or public health and the public arena. Values, norms and conventions in the three domains don’t fit well or discord with each other. Tensions grow between respect for the free interaction of publicity forces and increased control, regulations and even censorship. What we need first, are research and (public) debate.
Keywords: health communication, mass media, journalism, ethics, censorship