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22-07-2019 | Empirical Research

Parental Motivational Perseverance Predicts Adolescents’ Depressive Symptoms: An Intergenerational Analysis with Actor-Partner Interdependence Model

Auteurs: Kazuhiro Ohtani, Kou Murayama, Ryo Ishii, Noriaki Fukuzumi, Michiko Sakaki, Shinichi Ishikawa, Takashi Suzuki, Ayumi Tanaka

Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Youth and Adolescence | Uitgave 1/2020

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Adolescents’ depressive symptoms are affected by a number of factors including life stress, gender, socio-economic status, and parental depression symptoms. However, little is known about whether adolescent depressive symptoms are also affected by parental motivational characteristics. The current study explores the relationship between parental motivational perseverance (i.e., parents’ persistency in the face of setbacks and difficulties) and children’s depressive symptoms during the adolescence, given the critical role of perseverance in psychological well-being. The predictive utility of two motivational characteristics relevant to perseverance: parents’ growth mindset (i.e., one’s belief about the malleability of human competence) and grit (i.e., perseverance for long term goals) were examined. Four hundred pairs of Japanese parents (82% mothers) and their adolescent children (50% females; average age at the time of the first assessment = 14.05 years; SD = 0.84) independently completed surveys measuring their growth mindset, grit, and depressive symptoms at two time points (approximately one year apart; attrition rate = 25%). The Actor-Partner Independence Model, a statistical model that accounts for inter-dependence between dyads (e.g., parents and children), was used to examine how parental motivational perseverance predicts the long-term change in their offspring’s depressive symptoms. The results showed that parental grit led to the decrease in adolescents’ depressive symptoms through the changes in adolescents’ grit. On the other hand, parental growth mindset directly predicted the adolescents’ depressive symptoms, and this was not mediated by the adolescents’ growth mindset. These findings underscore the importance of parental motivational characteristics in regards to adolescents’ depressive symptoms.
Mindset may be a domain-specific construct, and can be defined in a variety of domains. In accordance with existing literature, the current study focuses on the intelligence mindset (i.e., implicit theory of intelligence) – a belief regarding one’s intelligence.
Whether the distribution of SES was similar to the past public survey was tested with a large, representative sample (via two-stage stratified random sampling) of child-rearing families in Japan (the Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training 2017). The result was non-significant x2(11) = 10.64, p = .47, suggesting that the sample was similar to the past survey in terms of SES condition.
Attrition analyses were conducted in which mean differences in T1 variables relevant for this research (i.e., growth mindset, grit, depressive symptoms) were compared between participants who completely missed at T2 and those who participated T2. Any significant mean differences between the groups were not obtained. For parent, mindset t(397) = 1.20, p = .23; grit t(398) = 0.60, p = .55; depressive symptoms t(398) = 0.32, p = .75. For adolescent, mindset t(397) = 0.41, p = .68; grit t(398) = 0.17, p = .86, depressive symptoms t(398) = 0.43, p = .67.
The data was also analyzed by FIML in which all correlations among predictor variables were explicitly modeled; all sets of predictor correlations were declared WITH statement in Mplus, which allows us to make use of the full sample (N = 400) to estimate parameters. As expected, identical path coefficients reported in Table 3 were obtained. However, the model caused an improper solution (i.e., negative variance in error variance) and we could not fix the problem. Therefore, the result obtained by the analysis discussed in the manuscript were reported.
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Parental Motivational Perseverance Predicts Adolescents’ Depressive Symptoms: An Intergenerational Analysis with Actor-Partner Interdependence Model
Kazuhiro Ohtani
Kou Murayama
Ryo Ishii
Noriaki Fukuzumi
Michiko Sakaki
Shinichi Ishikawa
Takashi Suzuki
Ayumi Tanaka
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Journal of Youth and Adolescence / Uitgave 1/2020
Print ISSN: 0047-2891
Elektronisch ISSN: 1573-6601