Uitgave 4/2020
Inhoudsopgave (8 Artikelen)
Factorial Structure and Invariance Analysis of the BIS–BAS Scale, IPIP-R Version
Ronald Toro, Juan García-García, Flor Zaldívar-Basurto
Moderating the Role of Self-Compassion in the Relationship Between Perfectionism and Depression
Abbas Abdollahi, Kelly A. Allen, Azadeh Taheri
Predictive Influence of Irrational Beliefs on Self-esteem of University Students with Late Blindness
Liziana N. Onuigbo, Charity N. Onyishi, Chiedu Eseadi
Development and Psychometric Properties of a New Measure of Irrational Thinking: The Scale of Irrational Contents and Styles-Basics (SICS-B)
José Ruiz-Rodríguez, Carlos Suso-Ribera, Francesc Sorribes-Vall
Efficacy of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy on Academic Procrastination Behaviours Among Students Enrolled in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics Education (PCME)
Christian S. Ugwuanyi, Celina S. Gana, Chika C. Ugwuanyi, Dorothy N. Ezenwa, Ngozi M. Eya, Catherine U. Ene, Ngozi M. Nwoye, Damian C. Ncheke, Friday M. Adene, Moses O. Ede, Charity N. Onyishi, Victor O. Ossai
Suicide Attempts in Turkish University Students: The Role of Cognitive Style, Hopelessness, Cognitive Reactivity, Rumination, Self-esteem, and Personality Traits
Esma Akpinar Aslan, Sedat Batmaz, Mesut Yildiz, Emrah Songur