Uitgave 2/2007
Inhoudsopgave (15 Artikelen)
Social Cognition and Externalizing Psychopathology: An Investigation of the Mediating Role of Language
- Original Paper
Zohreh Yaghoub Zadeh, Nancie Im-Bolter, Nancy J. Cohen
Individual, Family, Peer, and Academic Characteristics of Male Juvenile Sexual Offenders
- Original Paper
Scott T. Ronis, Charles M. Borduin
“Accept Me, or Else…”: Disputed Overestimation of Social Competence Predicts Increases in Proactive Aggression
- Original Paper
Bram Orobio de Castro, Mara Brendgen, Herman Van Boxtel, Frank Vitaro, Linda Schaepers
Environmental Correlates of Gambling Behavior in Urban Adolescents
- Original Paper
Emerson M. Wickwire, James P. Whelan, Andrew W. Meyers, David M. Murray
Parent and Child Agreement for Acute Stress Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and other Psychopathology in a Prospective Study of Children and Adolescents Exposed to Single-Event Trauma
- Original Paper
Richard Meiser-Stedman, Patrick Smith, Edward Glucksman, William Yule, Tim Dalgleish
Associations of Maternal Prenatal Smoking with Early Childhood Physical Aggression, Hyperactivity-Impulsivity, and Their Co-Occurrence
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Stephan C. J. Huijbregts, Jean R. Séguin, Mark Zoccolillo, Michel Boivin, Richard E. Tremblay
Stability in Bullying and Victimization and its Association with Social Adjustment in Childhood and Adolescence
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Ron H. J. Scholte, Rutger C. M. E. Engels, Geertjan Overbeek, Raymond A. T. de Kemp, Gerbert J. T. Haselager
Restraint and Cancellation: Multiple Inhibition Deficits in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Original Paper
Russell Schachar, Gordon D. Logan, Philippe Robaey, Shirley Chen, Abel Ickowicz, Cathy Barr
What is the Social Impact of ADHD in Girls? A Multi-Method Assessment
- Original Paper
Jeneva L. Ohan, Charlotte Johnston
Predicting Change in Parenting Stress Across Early Childhood: Child and Maternal Factors
- Original Paper
Amanda P. Williford, Susan D. Calkins, Susan P. Keane
Academic Pathways between Attention Problems and Depressive Symptoms Among Urban African American Children
- Original Paper
Keith C. Herman, Sharon F. Lambert, Nicholas S. Ialongo, Rick Ostrander
Self-Handicapping Prior to Academic-Oriented Tasks in Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Medication Effects and Comparisons with Controls
- Original Paper
Daniel A. Waschbusch, Rebecca Craig, William E. Pelham Jr, Sara King
Stress Sensitization and Adolescent Depressive Severity as a Function of Childhood Adversity: A Link to Anxiety Disorders
- Original Paper
Emmanuel P. Espejo, Constance L. Hammen, Nicole P. Connolly, Patricia A. Brennan, Jake M. Najman, William Bor
Patterns of Psychopathology in the Families of Children with Conduct Problems, Depression, and both Psychiatric Conditions
- Original Paper
Lisa M. Kopp, Theodore P. Beauchaine
Memory for Angry Faces, Impulsivity, and Problematic Behavior in Adolescence
- Original Paper
Mathieu d’Acremont, Martial Van der Linden