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Deliberative and intuitive risk perceptions as predictors of colorectal cancer screening over time

Auteurs: Jennifer L. Hay, Marcel Ramos, Yuelin Li, Susan Holland, Debra Brennessel, M. Margaret Kemeny

Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Behavioral Medicine | Uitgave 1/2016

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Cancer risk perceptions may involve intuitions—including both affect as well as gut-level thoughts about risk—and deliberative risk magnitudes. Yet, little research has examined the potentially diverse relations between risk perceptions and behavior across time. A highly diverse primary care sample (N = 544, aged ≥50) was utilized to compare how deliberative and intuitive perceptions of risk relate to chart-confirmed colorectal cancer screening at cross-sectional and prospective time points. At baseline, deliberative and intuitive risk perceptions were negatively associated with chart-confirmed colorectal cancer screening adherence in bivariable but not multivariable analyses. Among those who were non-adherent with colorectal cancer screening at baseline, deliberative and intuitive risk perceptions were positively associated with prospective uptake of chart-confirmed colorectal cancer screening adherence at 12-months in bivariable analyses; only deliberative risk perceptions remained significant in the multivariable model. This study indicates that diverse risk perceptions are differentially important for screening at different time points.
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Deliberative and intuitive risk perceptions as predictors of colorectal cancer screening over time
Jennifer L. Hay
Marcel Ramos
Yuelin Li
Susan Holland
Debra Brennessel
M. Margaret Kemeny
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Journal of Behavioral Medicine / Uitgave 1/2016
Print ISSN: 0160-7715
Elektronisch ISSN: 1573-3521

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