Uitgave 1/2012
Families in Trouble: Bridging the Gaps Among Child, Adult, and Couple Functioning
Inhoudsopgave (8 Artikelen)
- Editorial to the Special Issue
Families in Trouble: Bridging the Gaps Among Child, Adult, and Couple Functioning
Nina Heinrichs, Ronald J. Prinz
- Open Access
Bidirectional Associations Between Coparenting Relations and Family Member Anxiety: A Review and Conceptual Model
Mirjana Majdandžić, Wieke de Vente, Mark E. Feinberg, Evin Aktar, Susan M. Bögels
The Third Rail of Family Systems: Sibling Relationships, Mental and Behavioral Health, and Preventive Intervention in Childhood and Adolescence
Mark E. Feinberg, Anna R. Solmeyer, Susan M. McHale
Youth Experiences of Family Violence and Teen Dating Violence Perpetration: Cognitive and Emotional Mediators
Ernest N. Jouriles, Renee McDonald, Victoria Mueller, John H. Grych
A Parent–Child Interactional Model of Social Anxiety Disorder in Youth
Thomas H. Ollendick, Kristy E. Benoit