01-08-2015 | Book review
Alex Olinkiewicz: In my mind: A Journey Through my Life with Asperger’s/Autism
Create Space (An Amazon.com Company), 2012, 252 pp, ISBN 9781477620076, $22.00 (Paper)
Ernst VanBergeijk
Gepubliceerd in:
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Uitgave 8/2015
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In my mind is a first person narrative as told by a young man on the autism spectrum that is in the midst of transitioning from high school to post-secondary life. Alex Olinkiewicz, the book’s author, gained notoriety at age 16 when he created a You Tube video which is the basis for this book. The video, also titled
In my mind, has garnered well over one million hits. This is a self-published book, which Alex wrote in collaboration with Dr. Richard O’Connell, in 2012. Dr. O’Connell is a guidance counselor from the Shelter Island School District on the eastern end of Long Island, NY. The book is actually a transcription of a series of conversations Alex and significant people in his life have with Dr. O’Connell. In
2014 his self-published book was picked up by the Future Horizons™ publishing company and re-issued with an updated title
: In my mind: From his life with autism Alex answers all of your questions. The 2014 edition was expanded to 329 pages and reflects the changes in the new autism diagnosis under the
Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-
5). …