A centipede was happy – quite!
Until a toad in fun
Said, "Pray, which leg moves after which?"
This raised her doubts to such a pitch,
She fell exhausted in the ditch
Not knowing how to run.
Attentional focus effects during skilled performance have attracted interest historically. This is reflected in Craster’s (
1871) poem imagining the detrimental impact on running if a centipede focuses attention on its (many) leg movements. Since the late 1990s, an increasing number of contemporary studies of attentional focus have repeatedly demonstrated a reliable link between an external focus and enhanced skill, relative to control conditions and focusing internally on the body and movement mechanics (e.g., Shea & Wulf,
1999; Wulf & Prinz,
2001; Wulf et al.,
2001a). Considering the preponderance of skill learning and coaching which emphasises an internal focus (e.g., Durham et al.,
2009; Porter et al.,
2010; Van Vliet & Wulf,
2006; Yamada et al.,
2022) these outcomes defied convention. However, work in this field has developed and, in line with questions posed historically, shows an external focus to consistently provide a robust learning and performance advantage across a range of movement skill situations.
In studies, an internal focus is created by asking participants to focus on part of their body involved in the required movement (e.g., the arms whilst swimming), whereas an external focus is placed on the desired movement effect (e.g., the water or the point being swum to) (e.g., Freudenheim et al.,
2010; Stoate & Wulf,
2011). Using this approach, research has examined an array of skills and situations: An external (relative to an internal) focus results in superior movement efficiency, as may be measured via muscle electrical activity (e.g., Lohse et al.,
2010), force generation (e.g., Marchant et al.,
2009), muscular endurance (e.g., Marchant et al.,
2011), respiratory efficiency (e.g., Schücker et al.,
2016) and enhanced movement effectiveness such as improved success, reliability and precision (e.g., Abdollahipour et al.,
2015; Mornell & Wulf,
2019). These benefits have not been bound by the activity, level of expertise, age, or infirmity (e.g., Abdollahipour et al.,
2019; Chiviacowsky et al.,
2010; Flores et al.,
2015; Porter et al.,
2015) and have been apparent in a broad range of physical skills from numerous sports as well as the playing of musical instruments and activities associated with physical therapy and rehabilitation. (see Marchant,
2011; Wulf,
2013 for reviews).
Focusing internally on movement mechanics demonstrably interferes with automaticity and the efficient activation of muscles, thus detrimentally affecting movement outcomes (e.g., Allingham & Wöllner,
2021; Lohse et al.,
2011). The Constrained Action Hypothesis (McNevin et al.,
2003; Wulf et al.,
2001b) proposed that an internal focus on motor movements constrains, and conflicts with, subconscious control mechanisms thus undermining performance and learning. Further, McKay et al., (
2015) highlight that an internal focus may increase awareness of the self, which in turn may lead to “micro choking episodes” due to the increase in conscious control over movement (see also Wulf & Lewthwaite,
2010). An external focus, conversely, has the apparent advantage of removing or reducing a damaging self-focus and internal focus. It also avoids distracting and competing attentional cues by maintaining a focus on the intended and required task outcome. Such benefits are manifest in faster, more accurate and reflexive movements (e.g., Kuhn et al.,
2021); more coherent and flowing performance (e.g., Harris et al.,
2019) and more effective outcomes in dual and multiple tasks (e.g., Sherwood et al.,
2020). These effects are apparent using both actual external focus points and imagined points (e.g., Singh & Wulf,
2022; Yamada et al.,
2020). This increase in automaticity with an external versus an internal focus, leads to movement and performance advantages which appear relevant to all physical tasks, and which may make the difference between success and failure.
The benefits of focusing externally are well demonstrated, though the question of optimisation across a range of contexts is still the subject of investigations. One such avenue of study concerns external focus distance: Studies have shown that an external focus placed at a greater distance from, and more discernible from, the body and body movements (a distal focus), results in greater automaticity and improved performance compared to the use of an internal (on the body) or proximal external focus. Bell and Hardy (
2009) found that experienced golfers performed under pressure more effectively with a distal focus (flight) versus a proximal focus (club) and an internal focus (arms); Porter et al., (
2012) reported improved long jump performance with a focus on a distal point; McKay and Wulf (
2012) found darts players benefitted from a distal focus (target) versus a proximal focus (flight). Banks et al., (
2020) described a significant benefit to wild water kayak 100 m sprint speed with a distal focus on the finish versus either a proximal focus on the paddle or a control condition.
Whilst there now exists a significant body of research into attentional focus effects, most studies have used activities closed and discrete in nature, that is, they tend to be one-off, single movements performed in a predictable environment. This includes the use of movements which would not naturally be discrete and isolated but would be part of a serial or continuous whole. This, in turn, may make it more difficult to relate and generalise such results to a standard, complex activity. Full form activities, by their very nature, are more challenging to study and control, though one way in which we can explore such physical tasks is by using repetitive, cyclical skills. These continuous skills (e.g., cross country skiing, running, cycling, swimming, walking, canoeing) tend to involve moving through the environment to a future point, often at some distance from the start. Some work has been conducted using these types of activities, and the performance benefits have mirrored other work, in that an external focus has produced superior outcomes to an internal focus and control conditions (e.g., Stoate & Wulf,
2011, swimming; Schücker et al.,
2009, treadmill running; Schücker et al.,
2016, cycling). A key difference in continuous skills which are repeated over a long duration, is that there is more opportunity for the performer to be distracted from the optimum focus, or for a sub-optimal focus to deleteriously affect the outcome. With this in mind, it is pertinent to consider whether a consistently maintained external focus is beneficial over an extended period in a continuous skill.
The question of focus maintenance was addressed by Banks et al. (
2020) who investigated focus effects in wild water kayak sprinting. Wild water kayaking is an open,
1 continuous skill in which participants race down a course on a river whilst adapting appropriately to the fast-paced and constantly varying environment. The activity permitted the assessment of performance under different attentional conditions over a longer period in a normal form sporting context. The participants reported using a switching focus during a control trial sprint, though this was significantly bettered by a fixed external focus on the finish. This highlights that continuous skills tend to have a range of possible focal points, with distal points being potentially far away. It also makes the use of such activities valuable in understanding how best to optimise focus and may increase the field validity of such work—particularly important when coaches and their charges may often focus internally on movement mechanics, despite the growing body of support for external focus advantages (see Porter et al.,
A further question is whether an external, and specifically distal external, focus is equally advantageous for performers of differing skill levels. Many attentional focus investigations have used novice participants, though several studies have shown that a distal external focus is advantageous for people of different expertise levels (e.g., Wulf & Su,
2007, golf; Bell & Hardy,
2009, golf; Porter et al.,
2013, jumping; Ille et al.,
2013, track sprinting; Porter et al.,
2015, sprinting). This finding though, is not universal: Singh and Wulf (
2020) reported high-skilled volleyball players passing a ball more accurately to a target on the wall with a distal external focus, whereas low skilled participants were more accurate with a proximal external focus. These differences in outcomes, and the importance of accurately identifying the advantages of an appropriate distal (or proximal) focus, for individuals of differing skill levels, mean further study is important.
The purpose of the present work was to further investigate performance differences when using varied external focus points in an applied continuous skill with participants of differing levels of expertise. Kayak sprinting was selected as the activity for this study, which we used in its closed skill form on placid water (i.e., with insignificant competing variables in the performance environment which participants would need to attend or adapt to). This permitted appropriate comparisons between expertise groups. We were interested to examine whether a distal focus on the finish would lead to superior performance relative to a proximal focus on the boat. A control condition was also included to provide a comparison with the kayakers’ self-selected, and perhaps familiar, attentional focus. Maurer and Munzert (
2013) questioned whether familiarity with foci might yield superior outcomes compared to using directed, unfamiliar foci, though the majority of studies have found an external focus leads to the best performance outcomes irrespective of familiarity (e.g., Ille et al.,
2013). On this basis we hypothesised that a distal external focus would produce faster sprint performance, versus a proximal focus, irrespective of expertise.
Participants in both our expertise groups performed kayak sprints under three conditions: distal focus, proximal focus, and a control trial with no specified focus. Potential effects of practice, fatigue and condition sequence were controlled by counterbalancing the trial order. Manipulation checks were conducted immediately after each sprint to ensure instructions had been adhered to.
The present study aimed to extend understanding of attentional focus effects in continuous motor skills by manipulating the distance of external focus for both recreational and race-trained paddlers in a kayak sprinting task. Vision was directed at the same environmental feature in all conditions, ensuring that any differences in performance were attributable to attentional focus. Based on existing research findings, we hypothesized that a distal external focus would be more beneficial than a proximal external focus for both recreational and race-trained kayakers. The results reported above show that recreational kayakers completed a 75 m sprint on flat water faster when they were instructed to maintain a distal external focus of attention, compared with both a proximal external focus and no directed focus (control condition). This was consistent with our hypothesis. However, for K1 racers, instructions to maintain a distal external focus of attention during a 100 m sprint on flat water did not result in faster times than the proximal or control conditions.
The finding that a distal external focus benefitted performance for recreational kayakers is in line with previous findings in which a distal focus of attention was beneficial in motor skill performance (e.g., Banks et al.,
2020; McKay & Wulf,
2012). This is consistent with explanations that suggest a benefit from shifting focus away from bodily movements (e.g., McNevin et al.,
2003) and that focusing on the goal of the task (in this case the finish) may facilitate the whole-body movement necessary for accomplishing the outcome (Singh et al.,
The instruction to adopt a distal focus did not result in a comparable increase in speed for race-trained kayakers. This was not in line with our hypothesis. As in previous studies with skilled performers, it may have been the case that the participants’ self-selected focus was simply too effective to be surpassed in a one-off directed trial. For example, Bull et al. (
2022), found no benefit using an external focus of attention, compared with no directed focus, for skilled cricket players in a batting task. In an earlier study, Wulf (
2008), found that world-class Cirque du Soleil acrobats performed a balance task more effectively in a control condition in which they self-selected their focus, compared with a directed external focus.
The control condition in the present study allowed us to compare performance under the prescribed focus conditions with the self-selected focus used by the participants. For both the recreational kayakers and the KI racers, instructions to maintain a proximal external focus resulted in significantly slower sprint times than the control condition. These findings are interesting, firstly because no difference was observed according to level of expertise: instructions to maintain a proximal focus disrupted performance for both groups of participants relative to the control condition. Also, in light of previous research (e.g., Freudenheim et al.,
2010; Lawrence et al.,
2019; Wulf et al.,
1998) we anticipated that the instructions to maintain a proximal external focus might have improved performance compared to the control condition with no directed focus.
One potential explanation for the absence of a proximal external focus benefit may be derived from the nature of the task and the relationship between the performer and their equipment. In kayaking, the paddle is an implement to be actively manipulated to generate propulsion, whereas the boat is passive apparatus to be propelled. The performer is fitted to the kayak, which only moves whilst conjoined to the kayaker. A focus on the boat may therefore equate to a more proximal focus than one on the paddle. In effect, it may act as a quasi-internal focus due to the connected nature and relationship between kayak and kayaker.
It is also possible that a focus on the boat may have constrained the participants’ ability to sub-consciously balance and orientate the craft. Further, this boat focus may have diverted critical attentional resources from both effective propulsion and the goal of the activity. This then may have rendered the proximal focus more disruptive even compared to the participants’ self-selected foci in the control condition.
The apparent disparity between the results of the present study (proximal focus disrupted performance relative to a control condition) and previous work which has not found a difference between a proximal focus and a control condition (e.g., Banks et al.,
2020) suggests that a proximal–distal dichotomy might not always be nuanced enough to explain differences in external focus effects. As well as its distality, it could be that the specific focus point used is also important. For example, in some instances a very proximal external focus could act similarly to an internal focus, especially when the proximal focus is on passive apparatus to which the performer is attached. In a case such as this, it seems possible that a proximal external focus may concentrate attention on movement and balance (e.g., of the boat) that would otherwise be under the control of automatic processes.
It is worth considering what the optimal focus might be for performers of varying levels of expertise in a continuous skill. In this study we chose the finish as the distal focal point, but this is only one of a number of potential points between the boat (very proximal) and the finish (very distal). It is an open question what the optimal focal point might be in any given activity and how to optimize it. This could be either more proximally to the performer, or more distally to the goal, or somewhere in between, particularly in disciplines where the finish or end point is much further away from the start. The optimal focal point may not even remain the same throughout the performance of a continuous skill, it might switch between points. It also seems likely it may differ depending on the activity, the complexity of the environment being moved through and at what point in the activity a participant is.
With regard to expertise, one potentially important difference between the two study groups in the present work is the amount and structure of their training, combined with its intended purpose. For the recreational kayakers, their motivation is to be better (and faster) paddlers so they can enjoy their activity more. For the K1 sprinters, it is to perform to the highest standard and achieve the best times and positions possible in races. As a result, the training the K1 sprinters undertake is structured with that goal in mind. The intention is to optimise their performance via a dedicated and defined training schedule, designed to help them go as fast as possible in races. Conversely, the recreational paddlers do not train to race and are therefore less likely to be paddling as close to their potential maximum speed. This means that a generally beneficial intervention, such as a distal focus, may have a more immediate and discernible effect on those performers with the most room to develop.
It is possible that the high and specific levels of training and reproducible skill of the K1 racers, meant that when tested in an applied skill in the environment in which they routinely perform it, improvements in performance might have been more difficult to elicit. This would be consistent with previous work, such as a study by Maloney and Gorman (
2021), which found that external focus instructions did not result in differences in performance for skilled swimmers. However, their kinematic and kinetic measurements showed an external focus of attention did have discernible effects which resulted in superior self-organisation. In the present study, no such measurements were taken, though Maloney and Gorman’s work shows that it is possible for attentional focus instructions to have beneficial effects in skilled performers which are not reflected in immediately measurable performance outcomes. It could be the case that in experienced athletes, with high-level and tightly defined training, improvements in performance might be more difficult to detect. It is also possible that such advantages may take longer to become apparent, due to their already well-optimised technique. The present work shows that even with highly trained athletes, it is possible to disrupt performance within a single session via instructions to maintain a proximal external focus.
The results presented here are compatible with the idea that there may not necessarily be a difference between expert and recreational performers in terms of the effects of focus distance in continuous skills. Rather, it may be that the effects are more subtle in expert participants and not immediately discernible in terms of performance. It is also possible that the specific relationship between performer and equipment may exacerbate some attentional focus effects. The fact that an unfamiliar distal focus resulted in a sprint performance that matched the K1 racers’ well-practiced attentional focus in just one session is notable. If it was the case that participants already had the ideal/most appropriate/optimal focus, then any different, and therefore less ideal, focus would be expected to be disruptive to their performance. Future work could investigate whether a longer period of training using a distal focus might result in performance benefits. In activities where fractions of a second and other marginal gains make the difference between winning and losing, success and failure, such interventions may be critical.
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