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Onnodige slechtziendheid onder ouderen in zorginstellingen: lessen uit een interventieproject in de regio Den Bosch

Auteurs: J. J. Limburg, E. T. Smith, F. G. van der Horst, R. A. G. J. M. Gruntjes, P. F. J. Verstraten, J. A. M. J. Bartels, J. M. P. van Langen

Gepubliceerd in: Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie | Uitgave 4/2014

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Avoidable visual impairment among residents in care institutions: lessons from an intervention project in the Den Bosch region


Many elderly in care institutions in The Netherlands are visually impaired (visual acuity < 0.3). They fall more frequently, are more depressed and require more care. In this project visually impaired residents were identified and referred for adequate eye care. The aim of this study is to evaluate the intervention, including validation of the screening, assessment of the prevalence and causes of visual impairment as well as the outcome of the treatment. The effectiveness of the care chain is also evaluated.

Materials and methods

640 residents were offered a basic eye examination and 210 of them were referred, via their general practitioner, to an optometrist (10), ophthalmologist (98), or centre for visually impaired persons (1).


Compliance in this study was poor. The prevalence of visual impairment (24%) was lower than in comparable studies. Cataract was the main cause in 51%. Overall 17 (8.1%) residents were treated by ophthalmologists and nine (4.3%) were referred to optical shops. Constraints in the care chain are identified.


Vision screening in care institutions for elderly is feasible and useful. The care chain should be shorter and simpler. That will increase the effectiveness of this intervention, and thereby the quality of life for many residents.
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Onnodige slechtziendheid onder ouderen in zorginstellingen: lessen uit een interventieproject in de regio Den Bosch
J. J. Limburg
E. T. Smith
F. G. van der Horst
R. A. G. J. M. Gruntjes
P. F. J. Verstraten
J. A. M. J. Bartels
J. M. P. van Langen
Bohn Stafleu van Loghum
Gepubliceerd in
Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie / Uitgave 4/2014
Print ISSN: 0167-9228
Elektronisch ISSN: 1875-6832

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