Uitgave 2/1999
Inhoudsopgave (6 Artikelen)
Using Genetic Analyses to Clarify the Distinction Between Depressive and Anxious Symptoms in Children
Thalia C. Eley, Jim Stevenson
Development of Adolescent Problem Behavior
Dennis V. Ary, Terry E. Duncan, Anthony Biglan, Carol W. Metzler, John W. Noell, Keith Smolkowski
Measurement of Impulsivity: Construct Coherence, Longitudinal Stability, and Relationship with Externalizing Problems in Middle Childhood and Adolescence
Sheryl L. Olson, Elizabeth M. Schilling, John E. Bates
Identification of AD/HD Subtypes Using Laboratory-Based Measures: A Cluster Analysis
David J. Marks, Jessica Himelstein, Jeffrey H. Newcorn, Jeffrey M. Halperin