In this study, we monitored during 21 days the anxiety-depressive symptoms and negative thoughts in a sample of undergraduate students. We applied network analysis to analyse the data and extract the most influential nodes. Based on the cognitive model of psychopathology (Beck,
2011), we hypothesised that negative thoughts would be more central in the network than symptoms. Therefore, we used bridge centrality metrics to separate the nodes into two communities (i.e., symptoms and thoughts) and analyse the most influential nodes by considering directed relationships that point from one community to another. Results were congruent with the cognitive model, as both in the anxiety and depression network, as in both temporal networks, the first three most central nodes were negative thoughts. Negative thoughts had a high bridge outdegree while symptoms had generally high bridge indegree, which can be interpreted as the severity of symptoms is predicted by negative automatic thoughts at a previous measurement point. Negative thoughts and symptoms had multiple edges connecting them, the network emerging as a single interconnected system rather than two separate groups of nodes. Further, we provide guidelines for interpreting results and discuss the most influential nodes and their connections.
Interpretation of Temporal and Contemporaneous Edges and Centrality Metrics
Centrality indices should be interpreted carefully (Bringmann et al.,
2019; Dablander & Hinne,
2019). We used centrality measures to identify the most influential thoughts and symptoms. However, referring to nodes as “influential" implies a causal relationship, which is inappropriate for longitudinal data. On the other hand, interpreting a directed temporal relationship as a mere association between nodes is also inappropriate, as it reduces the meaning of that relationship by neglecting the temporal dependencies between variables. Although time-series data will not elucidate true causality, it can indicate how variables depend on each other. This is especially obvious in the case of strong auto-correlations that are typically present in time-series data, often referred to as
inertia (Jongerling et al.,
2015). For example, take "Fatiguability", which can be caused by many life events outside the network (e.g., sleep quality, workload, emotional exhaustion after a breakup). No matter what the full set of causes is, how tired one feels now depends on how tired one felt before (in our case, during the previous four hours). If one is very tired at moment 1, one will also feel very tired at moment 2. Alternatively, if one is just a little tired at moment 1, at moment 2, one will also be just a little tired. Suppose one takes a 15-min break between moment 1 and moment 2. Same as before, the break has an evident causal influence on the tiredness at moment 2. However, the effect of the break depends on the initial tiredness levels. If one is extremely tired at moment 1, after a 15-min break, one will feel just a little less tired, as opposed to the situation where one is moderately tired at moment 1, after the same break, one will feel a little tired.
The same principle applies to directed edges between different nodes. For example, in our network, "Difficulties concentrating" at moment 1 predicts "Fatiguability" at moment 2. Let us assume we know the actual cause of the two variables: quality of sleep of the night before. Even though the low quality of sleep causes "Fatiguability" at moment 2, it also depends on how difficult it was to concentrate at moment 1 (i.e., struggling to concentrate on tasks is even more tiresome than just concentrating). Therefore, when referring to the centrality of a node and its influence on other nodes in the temporal network, we imply this type of temporal dependency. Bridge Outdegree and Bridge Expected Influence will indicate the influence of a node on other nodes from different communities. In contrast, bridge indegree will indicate how dependent a node is on nodes from other communities. For example, in the anxiety network, the thought “I can’t stand this anymore” had the highest bridge outdegree centrality, indicating that the intensity of anxiety symptoms at moment 2 depends significantly on the presence of this thought at moment 1, even if we cannot be sure this thought is the true cause.
In the contemporaneous network, the interpretation is more straightforward. Contemporaneous networks illustrate the associations of nodes at the same moment in time. Thus, high centrality refers to the connectedness of a node with other nodes assessed at the same moment. For example, in the contemporaneous anxiety network, “Restlessness” had the highest Bridge Strength, which indicates that when someone reported having felt more restless than usual since the last beep, they were also more likely to report more negative thoughts than usual in the same time span. In contrast, the symptom “Muscle tension” had very low centrality, indicating that experiencing this symptom was very unlikely to be accompanied by a negative thought.
Given that our observations were spaced 4-h apart, it is also important to take into account the time frame of the proposed psychological processes when interpreting the results. The timeframe necessary for a thought to trigger an emotion is typically considered to be instantaneous (Beck,
2011, Chapter 3). Therefore, the temporal resolution of our design might be insufficient to capture the longitudinal component of these relationships, which might be better reflected in an undirected edge in the contemporaneous network (Epskamp et al.,
2018). However, negative emotions (e.g., sadness, worthlessness) can persist for an extended period after the negative thought that triggered them. Additionally, negative thoughts are known to be repetitive and persist through worrying and rumination (Calmes & Roberts,
2007). That is, ruminating over the thought “I am no good” will entertain the emotion of worthlessness throughout the entire time of having this thought. In the same way, one will continue feeling anxious as long as that person worries that “I will fail”. Relationships between cognitions and emotions that unfold over a longer timespan can result in edges in the temporal network.
Centrality of Thoughts
The most central negative thought in both temporal networks of anxiety and depression was “There’s something wrong with me”. Participants that reported having this thought were more likely to experience worry, irritability, depressed mood, worthlessness, and anhedonia at the next measurement moment. As this thought can be considered oriented towards the self, this result is congruent with the already documented effect of low self-esteem on anxiety and depression (Sowislo & Orth,
2013). Other thoughts related to the inadequacy of the self were also highly central in the depression network: "I'm no good" and "I don't like myself". In contrast, in the anxiety network, central negative thoughts generally referred to the adversity of present or future events: “I can’t stand this anymore”, “Something awful is going to happen”. In the contemporaneous network, there was no clear superiority in the centrality of thoughts or symptoms. “Restlessness” and “Difficulties concentrating” were the most central in the contemporaneous anxiety networks, while “Depressed mood” and “Worthlessness” were the most central symptoms in the contemporaneous depressive network, meaning that these symptoms are the most strongly associated with the presence of negative thoughts.
Regarding the centrality of thoughts, “There’s something wrong with me” and “Something has to change” were the most central in the anxiety contemporaneous network. At the same time, “Nobody cares about me” and "There is something wrong with me" were the most central in the depression network, indicating that these thoughts were associated the most with the presence of symptoms, or in other words, they were associated with the highest level of distress.
The thought “I don’t like myself” was central in both temporal networks but had many negative symptoms indicating that it predicts the decrease of some symptoms (“Restlessness”, “Irritability”, “Difficulties controlling worries”, “Depressed mood”, “Suicidal ideation”) and negative thoughts. A previous study has shown that internalised self-criticism is associated negatively with depression when controlling for self-compassion (Joeng & Turner,
2015). In other words, self-criticism has a small protective effect against depression, but because it is also associated with low self-compassion, it worsens depressive symptomatology. It is possible that having the thought “I don’t like myself” reflects this mechanism. However, as expected, most thoughts reflecting self-criticism were positively associated with anxious-depressive symptomatology. Different participants might interpret some thoughts differently, even though they have generally negative content. For example, “I don’t like myself” could be interpreted as a need to improve and induce a temporary superficial sense of being motivated, while “There is something wrong with me” could be interpreted as an inability to change anything and lead directly to feeling depressed.
Centrality of Symptoms
In the temporal network, symptoms generally had higher bridge Indegree than thoughts. “Irritability” had the highest indegree centrality in the anxiety network, and “Depressed mood”, “Anhedonia”, and “Worthlessness” had the highest Indegree in the depression networks. This indicates that these symptoms are the most common reactions to an automatic negative thought from a preceding measurement occasion. It is important to emphasise that the symptoms mentioned above represent emotional responses and were highly Indegree central, while symptoms that represent physiological responses (e.g., “Difficulty concentrating”, “Psychomotor agitation or retardation”, “Muscle tension”, “Fatiguability”) had low Indegree, which indicates that their presence and severity depend less on negative cognitions. It is possible that physiological symptoms of anxiety and depression are an effect of the previous night's sleeping difficulties, which we were not able to account for because of different levels of variation of sleeping difficulties (from one day to another) and all other variables (from one measurement occasion to another) (Tkachenko et al.,
2014). Another plausible explanation could be that physiological symptoms depend on negative emotions (Flett et al.,
2012) and have low centrality in our network because we accounted only for connections between negative thoughts and all the symptoms.
The main limitation of this study is the low diversity of the sample. We used a non-clinical convenience sample composed mainly of young females. Thus, it is unclear if our results are generalisable outside the female student population. For example, the high centrality levels of thoughts referring to self-criticism could be explained by the fact that self-criticism is generally more present in young people than in adults and elders (Kopala-Sibley et al.,
2013). As another example, high centrality levels of “Difficulties concentrating” could be attributed to the high stakes the inability to concentrate has in students' academic performance. This symptom might be less distress-inducing in other age categories that are not constantly required to engage in tasks that involve the concentration of attention or have already developed necessary attentional resources to engage with more ease in such tasks. Despite having a non-clinical sample, we obtained an adequate level of variance, which was possible to be modelled into a network. Even with a sample as homogeneous as we had, we were able to achieve the purpose of this study, namely, to analyse temporal interactions between negative automatic thoughts and anxiety-depressive symptoms and identify negative thoughts that could be more relevant to be targeted in therapy. Another limit is the inability to include “Sleeping difficulties” in our network model. As mentioned before, “Sleeping difficulties” cannot vary within a day, similar to all other variables included in the network. Including variables with different levels of variation in time-series networks is currently a methodological challenge for network analysis and cannot be easily addressed (Bringmann et al.,
Strengths and Implications
The main strength of this study was the introduction of a theoretical framework to guide the selection of nodes included in the network, as opposed to the traditional phenomenological approach in network analysis studies. By doing so, we showed that through longitudinal network analysis, it is possible to identify thoughts that are much more distressful than others and that can be prioritised in cognitive therapeutical interventions. Of course, the cognitive content that individuals can come up with is difficult to nearly impossible to be summarised in a few thoughts. Instead, it might be more beneficial to consider the thought that we identified as the most central “There’s something wrong with me” to be a mere indicator of a higher category of cognitions involving self-criticism, and the prioritised targets for cognitive therapeutical interventions should be negative thoughts related to self-criticism. Future research could adopt a dimensional conceptualisation of thoughts to provide more generalisable recommendations. For example, The Children’s Automatic Thoughts Scale groups negative thoughts into four categories: Physical Threat, Social Threat, Personal Failure, and Hostility (Sun et al.,
2015). Applying a similar analysis to these four categories would help gain insight into which negative thoughts are the most distress-inducing and should be prioritised in children's psychotherapy. Studying individual thoughts could be more relevant for idiographic n = 1 network studies. In the case of a network built after intensively monitoring a single individual, focusing on single thoughts will be much more relevant as it will directly give insight into what thoughts can be targeted in therapy.
Another strength of this study is the reasonably well representation of anxious and depressive symptoms. While most time-series network studies include only a few core aspects of studied disorders due to the complexity of administering multiple times per day a large number of questions, we successfully measured and modelled the daily dynamics of almost all MDD and GAD DSM-5 symptoms. Additionally, we were able to do so while also having a reduced rate of dropouts, uncommon for ESM studies (Wrzus & Neubauer,