The data
We performed a secondary data analysis of RCT data to establish a longitudinal association between BMI and HRQoL. The WRAP trial is a multi-centre, non-blinded multi-arm UK-based RCT. The full protocol and earlier trial results have been reported elsewhere, including the 12 and 24 month change in EQ-5D-3L by randomised group [
15]. Participants were recruited from 23 primary care practices in England (October 2012 to February 2014). This trial was registered with Current Controlled Trials, number ISRCTN82857232. Recruitment criteria included a BMI greater than 28 kg/m
2 and aged 18 years or older. Exclusion criteria were planned or current pregnancy; previous or planned bariatric surgery; current participation in a structured, monitored weight-loss programme; participation in other research; eating disorders; and non-English speaking or special communication needs. Eligible individuals were identified from an electronic register. Participants were randomised to one of three arms: brief intervention, 12-weeks of a behavioural programme, or 52 weeks of a behavioural programme. The behavioural programme involved attendance at a local WW (formerly Weight Watchers) meeting once a week for the duration of the programme. WW is a widely available behavioural weight management and wellness commercial program that has been studied extensively [
16]. Participants allocated to the brief intervention were given a 32-page printed booklet by the British Heart Foundation of self-help weight-management strategies [
17] and research staff read a scripted introduction that drew attention to each section of the booklet.
Data collection was originally scheduled at baseline and 3, 12, and 24 months. At 5 years an additional study data collection was conducted, with data collected for 69% of participants.
Measurement of weight and Body Mass Index
All participants attended appointments at a study centre or General Practice (GP) at baseline, 3, 12 and 24 months. Height was measured to the nearest 0.1 cm using a stadiometer. Weight was measured to the nearest 0.1 kg. Participants who were unable or unwilling to attend a 12-month visit (primary outcome measurement) were asked to provide a self-measured weight. At 5 years, the majority of participants attended a measurement appointment at a study centre, with 17% and 11% of participants providing measurements from GP notes review or self-report, respectively.
HRQoL measures
HRQoL is a multi-dimensional concept that measures perceived physical and mental health through domains related to physical, mental, emotional, and social functioning [
18]. At baseline, 3 months, 12 months, 24 months and 5 years all participants completed the EQ-5D-3L questionnaire [
19], to measure quality of life. The EQ-5D-3L is designed to produce a HRQoL score that is preference-based and set between the values of 0 (death) and 1 (full health), however like many preference-based utility instruments, it produces scores that are deemed to be ‘worse than death’ and therefore have values of less than 0. This score when combined with life years can be used to generate QALYs for health economic evaluation.
Comorbidity measures
Comorbid conditions and health events associated with obesity were collected within the trial. These comorbid conditions were included in our analysis to adjust the analysis for their effects on HRQoL. The data is not exhaustive of all health conditions, but includes health conditions associated with obesity.
Diagnosis with type-2 diabetes was indicated from GP record data recording a diabetes diagnosis, or diabetic medication. In addition, participants were classified as diabetic if they report Hba1c > 47 mmol/mol at a study visit. Clinical events related to coronary heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, stroke (including Transient Ischemic Attack), or cancer were recorded from GP records. Events relating to coronary heart disease, stroke and peripheral vascular disease were combined into a single cardiovascular disease category due to low incidence events.
Anti-depression medication, hypertension medication and statin use were collected in the trial from GP records. We use records of anti-depression medication as an indication of depression in our analyses due to the strong association between depression and EQ-5D-3L. Hypertension and statin use are less likely to be associated with quality of life so were not included in our primary analyses but were included in sensitivity analyses.
We considered several model specifications to include comorbidities including adding each comorbidity individually, together, with interaction terms and as an index of multi-morbidity combining diabetes, cancer, CVD and depression. Cases of anti-depression medication were added to the multimorbidity index. Missing data for anti-depression medication were assumed to indicate no depression for the multimorbidity index in order that the observations were included in the analysis.
Statistical analysis
To explore the cross-sectional data, we report mean (Standard Deviation) EQ-5D-3L scores by BMI categories at baseline (28 kg/m2-30 kg/m2, 30 kg/m2-35 kg/m2, 35 kg/m2+). A one-way ANOVA assessed the statistical significance of differences in EQ-5D-3L across categories.
To explore unadjusted relationships between weight loss or weight gain and changes in EQ-5D-3L over the course of the RCT, we segmented the data into two phases. The first phase of the trial up to 12 months assessed the relationship between weight loss and changes in HRQoL. In the second phase of the trial, we assessed the effect of weight maintenance and weight regain on HRQoL. We summarise EQ-5D-3L between baseline and 3 months and baseline and 12 months by weight loss categories (weight increase, < 5% weight loss, ≥ 5% and < 10% weight loss, ≥ 10% weight loss). We explore the relationship between weight maintenance/regain and changes in EQ-5D-3L between 12 and 24 months and 12 months and 5 years by looking at the mean change in EQ-5D-3L for weight maintenance/regain categories (> 10% weight regain, > 5% and < 10% weight regain, < 5% weight regain, weight loss). The differences between EQ-5D-3L across categories was assessed using a one-way ANOVA.
We used regression techniques to adjust for covariates and unobserved heterogeneity within RCT participants. For our first regression analysis we estimated the impact of BMI on EQ-5D-3L using a generalised least squares fixed effects model. The fixed effects model specification was compared with a random effects model, and selected based on the Hausman test. The model specification is expressed as follows:
$${EQ5D}_{ij}={\beta }_{1}+{\beta }_{2}{BMI}_{ij}+\beta {X}_{ij}+{\upsilon }_{i}+{\epsilon }_{ij},$$
where EQ-5D-3L is estimated as a function of BMI for an individual i, and time j, and a vector of time-varying covariates
\({X}_{ij}.\) The model includes a time-invariant individual specific term (
\({v}_{i}\)) known as unobserved heterogeneity and, a time-variant error term (
\({\varepsilon }_{it}\)). EQ-5D-3L responses are limited at 1 and -0.594, and unlikely to be normally distributed with a large cluster of observations at the maximum score of 1. A sensitivity analysis in which a random effects Tobit regression specification with limits at 1 and -0.594 is estimated to test the robustness of the results with an alternative specification. The Tobit model explicitly accounts for the limited nature of EQ-5D-3L distribution and does not allow predicted values of EQ-5D-3L above 1.
The model specifications estimate the EQ-5D-3L conditional on BMI, adjusted for potential confounders (age and comorbid conditions). Demographic variables that were time invariant cannot be retained in a fixed effects model specification. We report three model specifications, the first with covariates for BMI, age and age-squared but without including covariates for comorbidities (model specification 1), the second includes the covariates of the first with the addition of diabetes, CVD and cancer (model specification 2), and the third specification includes the covariates from the first but with an index of comorbid diabetes, cancer, CVD and depression (model specification 3). Interactions between comorbidities were considered, but did not substantially improve the model specification based on the Akaike Information Criterion [
20] and Bayesian Information Criterion [
21], so were not included in the final analysis. An alternative set of analyses in which weight, rather than BMI, was included as the main explanatory variable were investigated and the results are reported in the supplementary material.
Our second set of analyses investigated the relationships between changes in EQ-5D-3L between observations and changes in BMI, adjusting for baseline EQ-5D-3L and baseline BMI (model specification 4). In model specification 5 we test the impact of including an interaction term to stratify the analysis for periods of weight loss from weight regain to allow asymmetric effects. An ordinary least squares regression specification was used, with robust standard errors. The model specification can be expressed as follows:
$${\Delta EQ5D}_{ij}={\beta }_{1}+{\beta }_{2}\Delta {BMI}_{ij}+{\beta }_{3}loss*\Delta {BMI}_{ij}+\beta {X}_{i}+{\epsilon }_{ij},$$
where EQ-5D-3L is a function of BMI for individual i, and time j, an additional variable is included for negative changes in BMI to estimate an alternative slope for weight loss compared with weight gain. We include a vector of covariates
\({X}_{ij}.\) Covariates included baseline EQ-5D-3L, and randomised group. The model includes a time-variant error term (
\({\varepsilon }_{it}\)). We explored the impact of comorbidities index on the relationships between BMI and EQ-5D-3L in model specification 6. We report results in the supplementary material for an alternative set of analyses in which weight change, rather than BMI change is the main explanatory variable. Time periods between trial observations are not equally spaced (3 months, 9 months, 12 months and 36 months). We stratified the analysis by time period to observe the consistency in the relationship between BMI and EQ-5D-3L across trial periods, also reported in the supplementary material.
We used the Wooldridge test for attrition bias [
23]. No problems with attrition were identified so in our final model specifications we conducted complete case analysis (Tables S1 and S2). However, in the supplementary appendix we report regression specifications where only participants attending follow-up at 5 years are included and missing data for EQ-5D-3L, BMI, Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) and comorbidities are imputed using multiple imputation with chained equations (MICE). Missing data for age were imputed manually based on age reported at baseline. We estimate imputed variables conditional on baseline age, BMI, sex and randomised group. We imputed 40 datasets for the final regression analysis and assumed that BMI and EQ-5D-3L were normally distributed. All statistical analyses were conducted using STATA 15 [