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Economic Disadvantage in Complex Family Systems: Expansion of Family Stress Models

Auteur: Melissa A. Barnett

Gepubliceerd in: Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review | Uitgave 3/2008

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Economic disadvantage is associated with multiple risks to early socioemotional development. This article reviews research regarding family stress frameworks to model the pathways from economic disadvantage to negative child outcomes via family processes. Future research in this area should expand definitions of family and household to incorporate diversity and instability. This expansion would be particularly relevant for research among low-income ethnic minority families and families with young children. This line of research would highlight specific pathways to target to prevent the onset of early parental and child dysfunction.
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Economic Disadvantage in Complex Family Systems: Expansion of Family Stress Models
Melissa A. Barnett
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review / Uitgave 3/2008
Print ISSN: 1096-4037
Elektronisch ISSN: 1573-2827