Social experiences over the life course, and particularly during sensitive periods of development, can shape one’s biology and behavior in a manner that has long-term physical and mental health implications (Davis & Narayan,
2020; Felitti et al.,
1998; Hentges et al.,
2019). “Sensitive periods” are developmental windows during which biological systems (e.g., central nervous system, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal [HPA] axis, immune system) undergo rapid growth and organization and evidence heightened malleability to environmental inputs. The fetal, childhood, and pregnancy periods are established sensitive periods over the life course (Aschbacher et al.,
2021; Davis & Narayan,
2020). Experiences of stress and adversity, defined as experiences or conditions that threaten, or are perceived to threaten, physiological equilibrium (Loman & Gunnar,
2010; Weinstock,
2005), during sensitive periods of development may have especially enduring impacts on health (Davis & Narayan,
2020). Accumulating work suggests that these impacts may span generations and play an important role in the development of children’s behavioral and emotional health outcomes. Given the high prevalence of childhood adversity among adult women
1 (Frankenberger et al.,
2015; Mersky & Janczewski,
2018) and exposure to violence and stress during pregnancy (Burns et al.,
2015), efforts to elucidate their long-term, intergenerational impacts would not only inform the provision of child mental health care but also the improvement of population health across the life course.
Recent examinations have reported that maternal childhood adversity (Rowell & Neal-Barnett,
2022) and stress during pregnancy (Clayborne et al.,
2021; Hentges et al.,
2019) are each associated, as separate predictors, with children’s increased risk for internalizing problems, suggesting that there may be intergenerational transmission of risk and pointing to the potential value of better understanding these associations. While a long line of literature has demonstrated prenatal origins of child mental and physical health, very few studies have simultaneously examined maternal stress exposures during
and prior to pregnancy. To advance etiological understanding of child anxiety and depression and help pinpoint the most impactful developmental windows for upstream trauma prevention, a life course perspective that simultaneously considers maternal exposure to adversity during
multiple sensitive periods of her own development is needed. Further, extant intergenerational work has focused primarily on
risk factors for child anxiety and depression, with little consideration of factors that may protect or support individuals exposed to such risk. In order to develop broadly impactful programs and policies that benefit the mental health of children and their families, examinations of community-level modifiable sources of potential resilience and protection for children are needed. The current study’s aims were to advance the work in this space through examination of the unique effects of maternal stress exposure during childhood and pregnancy, well-powered tests of sex differences, and the potential protection conferred by residing in a well-resourced neighborhood.
Maternal Exposure to Stress During Pregnancy and Offspring Internalizing Problems
Women’s rate of exposure to major adversities during pregnancy is unfortunately high, as nearly three-quarters of mothers report at least one major life stressor, such as separation from their partner, death of a loved one, and job loss, in the 12 months before childbirth (Burns et al.,
2015). Major stress exposures can directly impact maternal mental and physical health during pregnancy (Dayan et al.,
2010; László et al.,
2013) and indirectly impact a range of offspring outcomes in childhood, including externalizing problems, internalizing problems, and physical illness (Bush et al.,
2020; Van den Bergh et al.,
2020). In closer examination of links with childhood internalizing problems, maternal exposure to stress during pregnancy, ranging from perceived psychosocial distress to severe exogenous environmental events such as floods, has been associated with increased risk of offspring anxiety and depression (Clayborne et al.,
2021; Hentges et al.,
2019; McLean et al.,
2018). Though this body of work is compelling, with some exceptions, most studies have focused on outcomes in young children and relied on parent reports, raising concerns about time-limited programming effects and potential rater bias in tested associations (De Los Reyes et al.,
2015). In addition, despite evidence that maternal exposure to major life events during pregnancy is associated with child outcomes, even after adjusting for maternal subjective ratings of psychological distress during pregnancy (Rudd et al.,
2022), most studies have relied on maternal self-report of subjective distress rather than more objective accounts of stressor exposures.
To date, only two studies have simultaneously examined maternal childhood adversity and constructs related to pregnancy stress in the prediction of childhood internalizing symptoms (Letourneau et al.,
2019; Thomas-Argyriou et al.,
2021). Measurement of maternal pregnancy stress exposure varied; one study used a biomarker of HPA axis functioning during pregnancy (Thomas-Argyriou et al.,
2021) and the other assessed maternal mental health (anxiety and depression) during the perinatal period (Letourneau et al.,
2019). Both studies found that maternal exposure to childhood adversity and pregnancy/perinatal stress-correlates each independently predicted parent-reported offspring internalizing symptoms, providing compelling foundational support for these relations. However, neither of these prior works examined child internalizing problems beyond the preschool period, which precedes the typical developmental timing of onset of internalizing symptoms. Thus, investigation into the longevity of observed associations is merited, particularly with child self-reported symptoms. The current study addresses these gaps through testing associations between maternal exposures to childhood and pregnancy stressors and child-reported anxiety and depression in middle childhood.
Variability in Associations Between Maternal Stress Exposure and Child Internalizing
Not all families or individuals exposed to adversity suffer negative outcomes (Baldwin et al.,
2021). Ecological systems theory emphasizes that individual-level factors (e.g., sex, age, temperament) and nested, interconnected environmental contexts (e.g., family, school, neighborhood) interact with social experiences to impact child development over time (Bronfenbrenner,
1994). Thus, when possible, tests of stress effects on children should consider such individual- and context-level influences. Child biological sex and neighborhood quality are considered in the current study.
Child biological sex may affect the impact of maternal stress exposures on child mental health, with evidence pointing to the intrauterine hormonal milieu as guiding the development of such potential sex differences (Bale & Epperson,
2015). Despite numerous theoretical perspectives positing sex differences and non-human animal literature supporting it, empirical examinations of maternal exposure to stressors during childhood or pregnancy and sex differences in offspring internalizing have been inconclusive. While some prior work has found evidence for differential effects by sex (Davis & Pfaff,
2014; Letourneau et al.,
2019), others have not (O’Donnell et al.,
2014), highlighting the need for additional inquiry, particularly in adequately powered, diverse samples. Sex differences are also relevant to the development of internalizing disorders. Depression is more common among girls than boys in adolescence (Altemus et al.,
2014), and it is possible that these effects have intergenerational and/or prenatal roots. Thus, examination of contributions of maternal stress exposures in interaction with sex as children age into the middle childhood period may shed light on the development of sex differences in child depression and anxiety.
Moving to environment-level influences, previous work considering the social ecological contexts that influence how maternal stress affects child development has mostly focused on promotive or buffering factors in the family, such as parent mental health and parenting (Ahmad et al.,
2022; Eckshtain et al.,
2019; Grant et al.,
2010). While valuable for informing family-based psychosocial interventions, family factors are more difficult to rigorously assess, such as through direct observation or clinical interviewing, in large cohort studies. It is important to increase focus on the role of broader ecological systems that impact caregiving and expand the burden of responsibility for health promotion beyond individual caregivers to include larger structural programs and policies with wide-ranging impacts on all families. Examinations of community-level protective factors, such as neighborhood quality, have the potential to inform universal health promotion and policy.
Adverse neighborhood attributes (e.g., poor physical maintenance, crime) have been linked to greater anxiety and depression in children (Butler et al.,
2012) and stress and depression in pregnant women (Giurgescu et al.,
2015), findings that highlight the role of neighborhoods for internalizing problems in families. A few health-promotion-oriented studies have found that positive neighborhood attributes (e.g., social cohesion) may buffer associations between postnatal family-level adversity (e.g., maternal depression, harsh parenting) and child mental health (Delany-Brumsey et al.,
2014; Silk et al.,
2004), but no previous work has examined whether neighborhood quality buffers the effects of maternal stress exposure prior to the child’s birth on offspring psychopathology.
The current study sought to advance the literature on the development of childhood anxiety and depression through an approach that combines intergenerational, life course, and ecological systems frameworks. We address a range of current gaps in the literature through simultaneous consideration of maternal history of exposure to major stressors in both her childhood and pregnancy, use of a large sociodemographically and geographically diverse sample, child self-report of their internalizing symptoms, consideration of sex-specific associations, and examination of an objective neighborhood-level protective factor. Primary aims were to: (a) examine unique associations between maternal exposure to adversities during childhood and pregnancy and offspring’s anxiety and depression symptoms at age 8–9, and (b) determine whether these associations differed by child biological sex. Given prior findings that maternal childhood adversity and pregnancy stressors each predict mental health problems in childhood, we expected both factors would independently predict both outcomes. As the evidence for sex moderation has been inconsistent, we did not hypothesize a direction for those potential interactive effects. In addition, in the first exploration of neighborhood quality as a potential buffer of intergenerational stress effects on children’s mental health, we examined a geospatially-linked assessment of neighborhood-level resources, as a moderator of the relations between maternal adversity and child internalizing. We pursued these aims by utilizing harmonized data from the ECHO-PATHWAYS Consortium (, a large, multi-cohort longitudinal sample of sociodemographically diverse dyads across six U.S. geographic regions.
Descriptives. Table
1 provides the demographic and psychosocial characteristics of the current sample. Briefly, children (51% female) were 8–9 years old (
M = 8.83 years;
SD = 0.66) at the time of the assessment and represented diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds. Mothers, on average, self-reported relatively low levels of depression at the outcome timepoint (t-score
M = 46;
SD = 8). In regard to outcome measures, 37% and 15% of children were above the clinical threshold for anxiety and depression, respectively. Predictors were positively intercorrelated (
r = .26), as were outcomes (
r = .53). Missing data on the predictor variables was low (5% CTE, 3% PSLE), and comparison of the maternal stress exposure measures revealed that CANDLE participants reported higher levels of PSLE than TIDES and GAPPS (p < .001). GAPPS participants reported slightly lower levels of CTE than CANDLE and TIDES (p < .05). See Supplemental Tables S1-S3 for additional descriptive statistics of exposures and outcomes.
Predictions of child anxiety and depression symptoms. Bivariate correlations revealed that maternal CTE had a weak, positive association with child depression symptoms (
r = .08); PSLE positively associated with child anxiety symptoms (
r = .15) and depression symptoms (
r = .13). Table
2 presents results from the primary regression analyses. Minimally-adjusted regression models (Model 1) indicated that maternal CTE was not significantly associated with child anxiety or depression, but maternal PSLE was positively associated with child anxiety symptoms (
β = 0.12, 95%CI [0.07–0.17]) and depression symptoms (
β = 0.11, 95%CI [0.06–0.17]).
Table 2
Associations of CTE and PSLE with anxiety and depression symptoms and effect modification by sex in the pooled sample using multiply-imputed data
| Model 1 | Model 2 | Model 3 | Model 1 | Model 2 | Model 3 |
CTE | 0.01 (-0.05, 0.06) | -0.02 (-0.08, 0.04) | 0.03 (-0.11, 0.05) | 0.02 (-0.03, 0.08) | -0.01 (-0.07, 0.05) | -0.02 (-0.06, 0.10) |
PSLE | 0.12 *** (0.07, 0.17) | 0.09 ** (0.03, 0.14) | 0.13 ** (0.05, 0.21) | 0.11 *** (0.06, 0.17) | 0.08 ** (0.03, 0.14) | 0.12 ** (0.05, 0.20) |
CTE x Sex | | | -0.02 (-0.09, 0.13) | | | -0.07 (-0.17, 0.04) |
PLSE x Sex | | | -0.09 (-0.20, 0.02) | | | -0.08 (-0.19, 0.02) |
R2 | 0.08 | 0.15 | 0.15 | 0.08 | 0.13 | 0.13 |
In fully-adjusted models (Model 2), CTE remained nonsignificant, and PSLE retained its independent positive associations with child anxiety (β = 0.09, 95%CI [0.03–0.14]) and depression (β = 0.08, 95%CI [0.03–0.14]). While statistically significant, PSLE effects were small in magnitude, and smaller than some covariate effects (i.e., race/ethnicity and household size for anxiety; pre-pregnancy BMI, household size, and site for depression). Model 2 accounted for 15% and 13% of variance in child anxiety and depression, respectively. Of note, PSLE effects on anxiety and depression passed correction for multiple testing (p < .025). See Tables S4-S5 for all regression model coefficients.
Sex moderation. Tests of sex moderation revealed that the associations between PSLE and child anxiety and depression symptoms did not differ by child sex (Table
Predictions of clinical thresholds. Logistic regression results showed that each additional PSLE was related to a 9% (95%CI [1.02, 1.17]) increase in the odds of child-reported anxiety occurring at or above the clinically significant threshold (Table S5). In addition, this finding passed correction for multiple testing (p < .025). No associations with clinically significant depression symptoms were detected.
Tests of neighborhood quality as a protective factor. In bivariate analyses, COI was significantly negatively correlated with both child anxiety (r = − .28) and depression (r = − .22). However, when included in fully-adjusted regression models, COI did not have a significant main effect on either child anxiety or depression, nor did COI moderate maternal stress effects of either CTE (p ≥ .5) or PSLE (p ≥ .7). In sensitivity analyses in which the child race/ethnicity covariate was removed due to established high covariance between COI and race/ethnicity (see Supplemental Tables S3-S4, Model 2b), the COI interaction term remained nonsignificant for both outcomes, though the negative main effect of COI on child anxiety became significant.
Sensitivity analyses. We estimated the influence of specific study sites on the pooled results in leave-one-site-out sensitivity analyses (see Figures S1-S2 in Supplement). Patterns of association were mostly similar, except the PSLE effect size was larger when removing the Memphis site (the largest subsample). Sensitivity analysis using listwise-deletion (n = 1118 for anxiety, n = 1116 depression) were consistent with the results of the multiple regression using MI (N = 1389), as shown in Figures S1-S2.
An intergenerational, developmental lens is critical to understand the etiology of and best prevention and intervention strategies for children’s anxiety and depression. In a large, sociodemographically diverse, multi-cohort, multi-site, longitudinal sample of mother-child dyads, the current study examined whether maternal exposure to adversity during her own childhood and pregnancy predicted children’s internalizing problems at age 8–9. When examined simultaneously, maternal exposure to pregnancy stressful life events (PSLE), but not maternal history of childhood traumatic events (CTE), uniquely predicted children’s self-reported anxiety and depression symptoms, as well as their likelihood of clinically significant anxiety, after adjustment for a range of confounders and possible mediators. Neither child biological sex nor objectively-assessed neighborhood quality moderated the effects of maternal stress on child internalizing symptoms. These findings suggest that maternal history of childhood trauma may not have a measurable, sustained association with children’s internalizing symptoms at age 8–9, whereas maternal exposure to stressors during pregnancy does predict child anxiety and depression at this age. Further, these effects appear comparable across boys and girls.
These results contribute to understanding of intergenerational influences on childhood psychopathology in several key ways. First, though biological embedding of stress across the life course has a growing evidence base, maternal history of adversity has rarely been considered in prenatal programming studies of child mental health. Simultaneous examination of maternal exposure to stressors during sensitive periods of her own biological and psychosocial development—childhood and pregnancy—allows understanding of unique contributions from mothers’ histories, with current results highlighting the apparent long-term associations of prenatal stress exposure with offspring mental health after accounting for maternal childhood trauma. Second, while there are notable exceptions (e.g., Madigan et al.,
2015; Maselko et al.,
2016; Ramchandani et al.,
2010), much of the empirical work on maternal stress and childhood mental health has used mostly White, middle- to upper-income samples, with many residing in countries with vastly different healthcare and family support systems compared to the United States (e.g., Norway, Canada). Our use of an epidemiological sample of mother-child dyads from six distinct geographic regions of the U.S., reporting a wide range of household income and education levels, with almost half of the women identifying as a person of color, demonstrated replication of PSLE effects in this sample exposed to U.S. culture, policies, and perinatal care. Confidence regarding the robustness of the current findings is bolstered by sensitivity analyses demonstrating the strong consistency of the observed effects when the sample is comprised of various subsets of the seven sites, and when comparing imputed to complete-case dataset results. Lastly, this multi-reporter study addresses a significant limitation of prior research on maternal stress exposure and child mental health related to shared reporter across the predictor and outcome measures (e.g., maternal stress and child anxiety). Due to the difficultly of comprehensive measurement of childhood mental health in epidemiological cohorts because of time constraints on data collection and developmentally appropriate linguistic and cognitive limitations in young children, many studies (including our own, at times) opt for parent-report of child psychological functioning, which may be discrepant from child self-reports (De Los Reyes et al.,
2015), as symptoms may be less apparent to caregivers, relative to externalizing behaviors (Kolko & Kazdin,
1993). Thus, our detection of associations using child-report of anxiety and depression symptoms advances confidence in the burgeoning evidence related to intergenerational stress-health associations.
We observed that maternal PSLE was a robust predictor of childhood anxiety and depression, over and above maternal CTE, sociodemographic confounders (e.g., household income, maternal education, race), and factors potentially on the mechanistic pathway between maternal prenatal stress and child mental health (e.g., birth outcomes, maternal depression). In addition, maternal PSLE predicted likelihood of clinically significant child anxiety symptoms. These effects of prenatal stress are consistent with the DOHaD framework, whereby the developing fetus is impacted by maternal experiences and behaviors during pregnancy in a manner that promotes fetal survival but affects long-term health (Barker,
1998; Van den Bergh et al.,
2020). Our research group has also demonstrated the dual effects of maternal PSLE and CTE on parent-reported early childhood (age 4–6) total behavior problems in this sample (Bush et al., under review). The effect estimates obtained in the current analyses are notably smaller than those found in early childhood, which indicates a possible attenuation of the effects of maternal childhood trauma and pregnancy stress as their children age, suggests potential for differential impacts of pregnancy stress on internalizing and externalizing problems, and underscores the value of multi-reporter analyses in future work.
Contrary to prior findings (Rowell & Neal-Barnett,
2022), maternal CTE was not a significant predictor of either child anxiety or depression in our primary analytic models. The current study is the first to leverage child self-report of internalizing in this line of inquiry, and the null findings suggest that maternal CTE may not have lasting impacts on child internalizing when children, as opposed to caregivers, are asked to report on their symptoms. There are, however, two important considerations in the interpretation of these associations. First, unlike prior examinations of maternal CTE and offspring internalizing, our primary models analyzed CTE simultaneously with PSLE. In our unadjusted models, when PSLE was not included as a simultaneous predictor of child internalizing, CTE did appear to have a weak bivariate association with depression symptoms. This attenuation of the CTE effect after inclusion of PSLE suggests that covariance between maternal childhood and pregnancy stress exposures (recall they were mildly correlated) may have contributed to attenuated effects. It is also possible that the more proximal timing of PSLE to childhood internalizing, relative to the more distal timing of the CTE, contributed to its more potent effect on child internalizing problems. Second, the 3-item CTE measure assessed only three major types of childhood traumatic exposures (physical and sexual abuse, exposure to violence), and wording on the sexual abuse item did not include exposure to childhood sexual abuse between the ages of 13 and 18. Thus, though these three exposures reflect significant traumatic exposures and their sum score has previously been associated with a variety of maternal-child outcomes in one of the cohorts of this sample (Adgent et al.,
2019; Ahmad et al.,
2021; Browne et al.,
2022; Roubinov et al.,
2022; Steine et al.,
2020), they may not capture the full range of maternal childhood adverse experiences that contribute to the intergenerational transmission of stress. In addition, the PSLE measure used here included both interpersonal as well as economic adversities, which may provide a more complete picture of stress exposure. Thus, although the current null CTE findings within this strong study design add much-needed evidence to this field of study and point to the potential for maternal childhood trauma having attenuating impacts on offspring mental health over time, future work is needed to evaluate these associations with a more comprehensive measure of maternal childhood stress exposure.
Importantly, our findings in this large sample did not provide evidence for sex differences in the associations between maternal stress exposures and child internalizing problems. Prior investigations of sex differences in vulnerability to maternal stress exposure have yielded inconsistent results; while some have found girls to be at greater risk of internalizing problems (Davis & Sandman,
2012), others have found greater internalizing risk among boys (Letourneau et al.,
2019), and yet others have found no significant sex differences (O’Donnell et al.,
2014). Some of this inconsistency is likely due to variability in study design across prior studies, including in measurement of maternal stress, child age when internalizing problems were assessed, and sample size. The smaller (Davis & Sandman,
2012) or developmentally earlier (e.g., age 2, Letourneau et al.,
2019) studies found support for sex differences, but of note, O’Donnell et al.’s (
2014) study of 7,944 children from 4 to 13 years of age did not. In this first study to date to utilize child self-report of internalizing symptoms, in our sample of 1,389 dyads, we found that maternal stress exposures did not differentially associate with boys’ and girls’ self-reported anxiety and depression at age 8. These results increase the weight of evidence supporting a lack of sex-specific effects in middle childhood. Examinations at adolescent timepoints are important to fill in the understanding across developmental course.
Results from exploratory analyses on the potential protective effect of neighborhood resources and opportunities were also null. Our measure of neighborhood quality, the Childhood Opportunity Index (COI), is a multi-sectoral, empirically-derived summary measure comprised of 29 indicators that measure neighborhood-based opportunities for children (e.g., neighborhood/school poverty, quality of early childhood education centers, access to green space); however, the COI’s scoring and item weighting results in a measure that primarily reflects socioeconomic factors in a neighborhood (Noelke et al.,
2020). As neighborhood poverty is not distributed equally and is a sequela of de facto residential racial segregation via redlining (Heard-Garris et al.,
2021), it is possible that our analyses obscured the main or moderating impact of neighborhood on internalizing problems by covarying for race and ethnicity. In sensitivity analyses excluding the race/ethnicity covariate, the COI interaction remained null, but the main effect of neighborhood quality on child anxiety reached statistical significance, such that higher neighborhood quality was associated with lower levels of anxiety. Given the change in results subsequent to omission of race/ethnicity from models, future work to untangle intersections between structural racism and neighborhood quality will improve understanding of neighborhood effects and their potential to shape maternal stress exposure effects on children’s mental health. In addition, ascertaining neighborhood effects is complex as a number of dimensions, such as conceptual and operational definition and measurement of neighborhood, influence detection. Our objectively-based measure had notable strengths, yet evidence demonstrates that perceptions of neighborhood boundaries and qualities vary greatly by individuals (Lee et al.,
2017), and our study did not capture individual family-level exposures to or perception of neighborhood attributes, nor did it assess factors such as community cohesion, which is known to play an important role in healthy child development (Delany-Brumsey et al.,
2014). Findings here provide an initial step in the quest for identifying modifiable structural level factors that can buffer the impact of stress across generations, but additional investigation of neighborhood protective factors is needed.
Several limitations should be considered in the interpretation of current findings. First, maternal stress exposure during childhood and pregnancy were both assessed retrospectively. Although prospective collection of stress exposure is ideal, retrospective reports of significant life events (e.g., severe illness, death of a close relative, or relationship changes) have been found to be valid and robust to recall bias over time (Krinsley et al.,
2003; Ramos et al.,
2020). Second, because our exposure measures captured different multi-domain stressors (3 items of childhood traumatic events vs. 14 items of a range of pregnancy stressful life events), cannot be used to interpret relative effect sizes across maternal exposure developmental windows. Future research with more comprehensive measurement of CTE is needed to directly compare stressor exposure in these two life course periods, as well as assessment of total lifetime stress exposure of mothers from birth through pregnancy, and during the postpartum period, which were not measured in a harmonizable manner across the current cohorts. Such inclusion of total lifetime stressors, in addition to childhood and prenatal stressors, would illuminate the role of timing and sensitive periods for the intergenerational transmission of stress on health. In addition, both of the stress exposure measures assessed only whether the mother had experienced adverse events during the specified time frames (childhood and pregnancy), not how frequent or severe the exposures were, qualities of stress exposure that are also known to impact health (Shields et al.,
2022). Third, while the current measures of anxiety and depression have been validated in eight-year-old children, it should be noted that there is considerable variability in emotional knowledge and awareness at this age. A multi-informant approach, as well as clinical interviewing, would enhance confidence in these findings. Fourth, while the current examination conceptualized maternal depression as a mediator of associations between maternal stress exposures and child internalizing symptoms, maternal postnatal depression may also be a key moderator (Eckshtain et al.,
2019) and should be examined as such in future research. Last, the estimated effects from our analytic models may be biased by unmeasured confounding variables. The intended use of the current findings is to inform future studies, including prevention and intervention trials, and clinical programs of the importance of intergenerational perspectives in the development of child psychopathology.
Our findings related to maternal exposure to childhood trauma suggest that it may not have enduring impact on child internalizing in analyses adjusted for prenatal stress exposure, sociodemographic factors, and other potential confounders. Although this finding is not conclusive, it is promising in that it suggests that women with childhood adversity histories may not carry mental health risk forward to offspring. On the other hand, our findings do point to maternal exposure to stressful life events during pregnancy as an important target of prevention and intervention efforts. Reduction in the rate of women’s exposure to major life stressors during the pregnancy period must be a public health priority, to improve women’s health but also to break cycles of adversity and endow future generations with foundations of health (Leckman,
2017). That said, many thriving families have a caregiver with a history of adversity who, nonetheless, demonstrates resilience. Policies that have evidence as being beneficial to expectant and new families include enhanced perinatal Medicaid coverage (Roman et al.,
2014), increased parental leave (Jou et al.,
2018), and perinatal cash transfer programs (Troller-Renfree et al.,
2022). In addition, programs that help reduce women’s distress during pregnancy have been shown to have intergenerational benefits (Noroña-Zhou et al.,
2022). Current findings suggest that these policies and programs may benefit the prevention childhood internalizing problems. Further inquiry into modifiable, structural-level health-promoting factors that influence intergenerational pathways underlying health is needed inform specific policies to address child mental health problems.
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