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  1. Open Access 18-12-2023 | OriginalPaper

    Parental Monitoring of Early Adolescent Social Technology Use in the US: A Mixed-Method Study

    Parental monitoring of digital media use evolves throughout childhood and adolescence and become increasingly important when autonomy seeking on social technologies emerges during early adolescence. We investigate a survey cohort of 248 US parents …

  2. 16-08-2023 | ContinuingEducation

    RETRACTED ARTICLE: Improve Students' Fast Reading Ability Based on Visual Positioning Technology

    In this paper, we propose a method to evaluate reading ability based on visual localization technology, which is used to evaluate reading ability and obtain the semantic structure of articles to be read; The pupil of the evaluator shall be …

  3. Open Access 14-04-2024 | Online First

    The Importance of Practicing at Home During and Following Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Childhood Anxiety Disorders: A Conceptual Review and New Directions to Enhance Homework Using Mhealth Technology

    Practicing newly acquired skills in different contexts is considered a crucial aspect of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for anxiety disorders (Peris et al. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 56:1043–1052, 2017; Stewart et al. Prof Psychol Res …

  4. 16-08-2023 | ContinuingEducation

    RETRACTED ARTICLE: Examining the Impact of Assistive Technology on the Talent Development Path in AI-Driven Vocational Education

    With the development of AI in various industries, more and more countries have positioned AI as an important path for national development. At the same time, China has also made new breakthroughs in the direction of AI. How to add AI driven talent …

  5. 31-08-2023 | ContinuingEducation

    RETRACTED ARTICLE: Integrating Big Data and Assistive Technology to Improve College Students’ Public Mental Health Quality During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    The Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) suddenly broke out in a large area in December 2019, and now it has become a “global pandemic”. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines COVID-19 as a serious global public health emergency of high …

  6. 11-09-2023 | Online First

    RETRACTED ARTICLE: Assistive Technology-Based Analysis of Students’ Foreign Language Anxiety Using Distributed Machine Learning and Intelligent Affective Computing

    Language learning anxiety is one of the most important affective variables affecting the effect of language learning. Sensor technologies involve devices that generate a digital output based on the detection of some physical phenomenon in terms of …

  7. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Hoofdstuk

    The need for technology training for endoscopic surgeons

    Innovation has always played a major role in surgery, and the advances of the last 50 years have demanded surgeons update their skills along with technological progress. Mastering endoscopic techniques is becoming more relevant with regard to …

    Pietro Riva MD, Dr. Deborah Keller MS MD, Prof. Silvana Perretta MD
    Gepubliceerd in:
    The Technical Principles of Endoscopic Surgery (2024)
  8. 23-09-2023 | Online First

    Examining the Impact of Assistive Technology on Psychological Health, Family Education, and Curriculum Research in Japan: Insights from Artificial Intelligence

    This study aims to analyze the effect of psychological health based on artificial intelligence agent technology on the implementation effect of Japanese family education. By combining mobile agent technology and education thought, the system …

  9. Open Access 20-07-2023 | OriginalPaper

    Feasibility of self-reported health related quality of life assessment with older people in residential care: insights from the application of eye tracking technology

    The world’s population is ageing and increasingly there is pressure on systems designed to care and support older people in many countries. There are calls to improve aged care systems and protect vulnerable older people from poor quality care.

  10. 04-03-2023 | OriginalPaper

    Peer Connectedness and Social Technology Use During COVID-19 Lockdown

    During the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, adolescents relied on social technology for social connection. Although some research suggests small, negative effects for quantity of social technology use on adolescent mental health, the quality of the …

  11. Open Access 30-05-2023 | Online First

    Participatory Methods to Engage Autistic People in the Design of Digital Technology: A Systematic Literature Review

    Participatory design (PD) has been a focal point of many scholarly articles and attributed to the success of design firms such as IDEO and Continuum (Continuum, 2022 ; IDEO, 2022 ). Companies such as these specialise in the innovation of new …

  12. Open Access 12-05-2023 | ReviewPaper

    An introduction to health technology assessment and health economic evaluation: an online self-learning course

    Cardiovascular diseases impose an enormous burden on patients and society. New health technologies promise to lower this burden; however, novel treatments often come at a high cost. In the Netherlands, health technology assessment (HTA) is …

  13. Open Access 09-05-2023 | EditorialNotes

    Individual, societal and clinical burden of cardiovascular disease: health technology assessment to guide new diagnostics and treatment strategies

  14. 08-11-2022 | OriginalPaper

    The Effects of Young Children’s Callous-Unemotional Traits on Behaviorally Observed Outcomes in Standard and Technology-Enhanced Behavioral Parent Training

    Behavioral Parent Training (BPT) remains the current standard of care for early onset behavior disorders (BD); however, problem behaviors characterized by relatively high callous unemotional (CU) traits are linked to poorer treatment outcomes …

  15. 25-01-2019 | E-learning

    Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology H14 Assisted reproductive technology

  16. Open Access 11-01-2022 | OriginalPaper

    “You Feel Like You Kind of Walk Between the Two Worlds”: A Participatory Study Exploring How Technology Can Support Emotion Regulation for Autistic People

    An increasing amount of technological solutions aiming to support emotion regulation are being developed for Autistic people. However, there remains a lack of understanding of user needs, and design factors which has led to poor usability and …

  17. 06-04-2024 | Online First

    Feasibility and acceptability of measuring prenatal stress in daily life using smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment and wearable physiological monitors

    High levels of stress during pregnancy can have lasting effects on maternal and offspring health, which disproportionately impacts families facing financial strain, systemic racism, and other forms of social oppression. Developing ways to monitor …

  18. Open Access 19-02-2022 | OriginalPaper

    Feasibility and Acceptability of Technology-supported Sexual Health Education Among Adolescents Receiving Inpatient Psychiatric Care

    Mental illness in adolescence is associated with high-risk sexual behaviors including multiple sex partners, infrequent or inconsistent condom use, and nonuse of contraception. Inpatient psychiatric care represents a promising setting to provide …

  19. 05-02-2022 | OriginalPaper

    How can we Best Use Technology to Teach Children to Regulate Emotions? Efficacy of the Cognitive Reappraisal Strategy Based on Robot Versus Cartoons Versus Written Statements in Regulating Test Anxiety

    Test anxiety has a high prevalence in children and is associated with lower academic performance. The main purpose of the current paper was to investigate the efficacy of using technology based tools, in the form of a robotic agent and cartoons …

  20. 27-07-2021 | OriginalPaper

    Meta-Analysis of RCTs of Technology-Assisted Parent-Mediated Interventions for Children with ASD

    Technology-assisted parent-mediated interventions improve accessibility and are acceptable but not proven to be effective. We conducted a systematic search of 6 databases. We included and analysed results from studies on social and communication …

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