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  1. Open Access 17-05-2024 | OriginalPaper

    Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Health Insurance Coverage: If, How, and When? An Integrated Knowledge Translation (iKT) Delphi Key Informant Analysis

  2. 23-11-2021 | OriginalPaper

    Health Care Utilization for Privately and Publicly Insured Children During Autism Insurance Reform

    We examined the effects of insurance type on health service utilization among children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) following autism insurance reform by analyzing the most recent data from the 2019 National Survey of Children’s Health.

  3. 26-05-2021 | Report

    Brief Report: Impact of COVID-19 in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Analysis of a National Private Claims Insurance Database

    The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a detrimental impact on individuals with disabilities. Data from FAIR Health’s FH® NPIC (National Private Insurance Claims) database, one of the nation’s largest databases of private insurance claim records …

  4. 01-09-2020 | OriginalPaper

    Cochrane Insurance Medicine: looking back, looking forward

    Research in the field of insurance medicine (IM) has increased in a number of countries stimulated by the recognition of IM as a specialty with particular broad research needs. In several countries, research lines have been established in the …

  5. 01-09-2018 | OriginalPaper

    The development of a common understanding regarding terms used in social insurance, disability and insurance medicine across Europe – the Babylon project

    Each country in Europe has its own unique system for the assessment of claimants for social security, disability and other insurance benefits. This variability can make it difficult to understand the systems that other countries use and thus …

  6. 01-02-2018 | Interview

    Regina Kunz, directeur en oprichter van Cochrane Insurance Medicine: ‘Insurance medicine needs to be evidence-based’

    To accompany the launch of our new Cochrane Corner series, we met two key people of Cochrane Insurance Medicine: founder and director Regina Kunz (1962) and co-director Jan Hoving (1968). About the need to create knowledge in the right way and to …

  7. 01-09-2018 | OriginalPaper

    How to handle dilemmas in insurance medicine

    In their daily practice insurance physicians (IPs) are confronted with complex decisions in which they have to make a trade-off between the individual’s interest and the interest of society. This can lead to ethical dilemmas. ‘Moral Consideration’ …

  8. 01-09-2018 | OriginalPaper

    Criteria of a cognitive concept of objectivity for use in social insurance medicine

    ‘Objective finding’ is the traditional medical criterion for objectivity. In many cases in social insurance medicine, however, no objective findings are present. An issue, therefore, arises about additional criteria of objectivity that also could …

  9. 01-09-2018 | OriginalPaper

    The assessment by insurance physicians of functional limitations related to mental disorders among disability benefit claimants

    We investigated under- and over-recognition of functional limitations related to mental disorders by insurance physicians (IPs) in disability benefit claimants with and without mental disorders. The sample consisted of 247 persons claiming …

  10. 01-02-2018 | OriginalPaper

    Insurance medicine in clinical epidemiological terms: A concept paper for discussion

    Under the flag of insurance medicine, many physicians seem to do comparable work in different European countries. For a large part, their work has to do with sick leave and work disability, fields with major societal impact and implications.

  11. 01-09-2018 | EditorialNotes

    Welcome to the TBV EUMASS special issue for the XXIInd EUMASS Congress of Insurance Medicine in Maastricht!

    EUMASS (the European Union of Medicine in Assurance and Social Security) is an organisation aiming to follow and spread scientific knowledge and ‘good practice’ in Insurance Medicine in Europe.

  12. 01-02-2018 | OriginalPaper

    Oefentherapie effectief bij chronischevermoeidheidssyndroom: In samenwerking met Cochrane Insurance Medicine en Cochrane Work

    Is oefentherapie effectief bij mensen met het chronischevermoeidheidssyndroom ten aanzien van vermoeidheid en fysiek functioneren?

  13. 18-03-2019 | OriginalPaper

    Insurance-Reimbursable Mindfulness for Safety-Net Primary Care Patients: a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

  14. 19-10-2019 | OriginalPaper

    Prevalence and Economic Burden of Autism Spectrum Disorder in South Korea Using National Health Insurance Data from 2008 to 2015

    The prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is increasing worldwide. We investigated the economic burden of ASD in South Korea using a nationally representative data source. The direct medical and non-medical costs, and indirect costs …

  15. 01-01-2017 | OriginalPaper

    Cochrane Insurance Medicine (CIM): bekendheid en interesse onder verzekeringsartsen

  16. 01-09-2018 | OriginalPaper

    Utilisation of nationwide register data to assess the effectiveness of changes in sickness insurance legislation on work participation and analyse sickness absence and disability retirement trends in Finland

    This paper presents examples of various ways of utilising for research purposes large nationwide registers, originally collected for administrative purposes. Merging registers with information on sociodemographic factors can help understand trends …

  17. 01-12-2008 | OriginalPaper

    Modernising The Insurance Physician Training Curriculum

    In the clinical specialist training curricula in general, and in the curriculum of insurance physicians in particular, modernization is introducing a clear structure. Training is oriented towards the competences of the specialists and t

  18. 01-03-2010 | OriginalPaper

    Disease oriented work ability assessment in social insurance medicine.

  19. 01-04-2015 | Report

    Hoe verantwoord zijn kortdurende behandelmodellen? Evidence-based of insurance-based zorg?

    Kortdurende behandelmodellen zoals het KOPmodel zijn populair bij enkele zorgverzekeraars. Volgens deze verzekeraars is het KOP-model zo effectief en efficiënt dat ze behandelaren verplichten om het in de Generalistische Basis GGZ (GBGGZ) te gebruike…

  20. 01-05-2015 | News

    Cochrane Insurance Medicine: een nieuwe bron van wetenschappelijke kennis voor de verzekeringsgeneeskunde

    Cochrane Insurance Medicine is een nieuw initiatief om wetenschappelijke kennis te verzamelen en ter beschikking te stellen aan de verzekeringsgeneeskundige praktijk.

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