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DDG-Jahrestagung 2024 

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"actualiteit" sorteert op publicatiedatum. "relevantie" houdt ook rekening met factoren zoals de frequentie van de zoekterm in het resultaat.
Er zijn geen resultaten voor de zoekopdracht.
  • Gebruik de correcte spelling.
  • Probeer andere trefwoorden voor een beter resultaat.
  • Probeer bredere termen voor een beter resultaat
  • Gebruik minder trefwoorden.

Search Operators:

„ ... ... “ Finds documents with exactly this word group, in exactly this word order and spelling (e.g., "employer branding").
AND Finds documents with both search terms (e.g., sales AND bonus).
OR Finds documents with one or the other search term (e.g., porsche OR volkswagen).
Blank Space Finds documents with all search terms. Blank space is understood as AND (e.g., man robot production).
NOT Finds documents with no appearance of the word behind NOT (e.g., ford NOT "harrison ford").
COUNT(...)>n Finds documents where the search term is mentioned at least "n" times."n" may be any number (e.g., COUNT(gear)>8).
NEAR(..., ..., ) Finds documents with both search terms in any word order, permitting "n" words as a maximum distance between them. Best choose between 15 and 30 (e.g., NEAR(recruit, professionals, 20)).
* Finds documents with the search term in word versions or composites. The star * marks whether you wish them BEFORE, BEHIND, or BEFORE and BEHIND the search term (e.g., lightweight*, *lightweight, *lightweight*).
? Finds documents with the search termn in different spellings."?" allows only one character (e.g., organi?ation).
& + - Special characters are understood as AND (e.g., Miller Bros. & Sons).

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