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1986 | OriginalPaper | Hoofdstuk
4. Mycoses
Fungal infections of the foot affect the cornified epidermal layer and the nails. The organisms responsible are yeasts or dermatophytes. The conditions are chronic with exacerbations during the summer, the acute phases being favoured by sweating or a humid environment. While other parts of the body can be affected without alteration of a general healthy state, Grigoriu (1975 a) has estimated that 15% of cutaneous diseases of the foot are due to mycoses. Sabouraud (1910), Emmons (1910) and Kaufmann and Woef (1914) all isolated dermatophytic organisms, while Haren and Brown (1950) extracted nystatin and actidione from the mycelia of Streptomyces noursei. Achten (1964) contributed specifically to the onychomycoses, with specific reference to the histopathology of the nail.