Uitgave 1/2002
Inhoudsopgave (8 Artikelen)
Commentary: Prevention/Intervention Trials and Developmental Theory: Commentary on the Fast Track Special Section
- Commentary
Stephen P. Hinshaw
Commentary: The Fast Track Project: A Seminal Intervention Efficacy Trial
- Commentary
Ronald J. Prinz
Intergenerational Transmission of Risks for Problem Behavior
Judith S. Brook, Martin Whiteman, Lu Zheng
Responsiveness in Interactions of Mothers and Sons with ADHD: Relations to Maternal and Child Characteristics
Charlotte Johnston, Candice Murray, Stephen P. Hinshaw, William E. Pelham Jr., Betsy Hoza
Cognitive Response Repertoires to Child Noncompliance by Mothers of Aggressive Boys
Theodore P. Beauchaine, Zvi Strassberg, Michelle R. Kees, Deborah A. G. Drabick