DOI: 10.1055/s-00000028

International Journal of Sports Medicine

Issue 05 · Volume 30 · May 2009 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-18220


Physiology & Biochemistry

Faruque, M. U.; Millis, R. M.; Dunston, G. M.; Kwagyan, J.; Bond, V.; Rotimi, C. N.; Davis, T.; Christie, R.; Campbell, A. L.: Association of GNB3 C825T Polymorphism with Peak Oxygen Consumption
Gonzales, J. U.; Thompson, B. C.; Thistlethwaite, J. R.; Harper, A. J.; Scheuermann, B. W.: Muscle Strength and Pressor Response

Training & Testing

Pereira, G.; Morse, C.; Ugrinowitsch, C.; Rodacki, A.; Kokubun, E.; Fowler, N.: Manipulation of Rest Period Length Induces Different Causes of Fatigue in Vertical Jumping
Karlsen, T.; Helgerud, J.; Støylen, A.; Lauritsen, N.; Hoff, J.: Maximal Strength Training Restores Walking Mechanical Effeciency in Heart Patients
Mattila, V. M.; Tallroth, K.; Marttinen, M.; Ohrankammen, O.; Pihlajamaki, H.: DEXA Body Composition Changes Among 140 Conscripts
Hausswirth, C.; Le Meur, Y.; Couturier, A.; Bernard, T.; Brisswalter, J.: Accuracy and Repeatability of the Polar® RS800sd to Evaluate Stride Rate and Running Speed
Leyk, D.; Erley, O.; Gorges, W.; Ridder, D.; Rüther, T.; Wunderlich, M.; Sievert, A.; Essfeld, D.; Piekarski, C.; Erren, T.: Performance, Training and Lifestyle Parameters of Marathon Runners Aged 20–80 Years: Results of the PACE-study

Orthopedics & Biomechanics

Rochcongar, P.; Laboute, E.; Jan, J.; Carling, C.: Ruptures of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament in Soccer
Rubin, D. A.; Butler, R. J.; Beckman, B.; Hackney, A. C.: Footwear and Running Cardio-respiratory Responses

Genetics & Molecular Biology

Juffer, P.; Furrer, R.; González-Freire, M.; Santiago, C.; Verde, Z.; Serratosa, L.; Morate, F. J.; Rubio, J. C.; Martin, M. A.; Ruiz, J. R.; Arenas, J.; Gómez-Gallego, F.; Lucia, A.: Genotype Distributions in Top-level Soccer Players: A Role for ACE?