Vol. 28, No. 6, 2010

The authors have reported two instances of miscoding in their analyses. The following corrections are as a result of their re-analysis.

Page 464: The final sentence of the second paragraph of the abstract should read: “Submissions that include a modelled economic evaluation and have a higher cost per QALY get approved less often than submissions without an economic modelling (p = 0.01).”

Page 468: Table II, numbers under the variable ‘Type of economic modelling’ should read:

Table II
figure Tab1

Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) recommendations for meetings held between July 2005 and March 2008; univariate analysis of the effect of potentially confounding variables on the likelihood of PBAC approval

Page 469: The final sentence of the second paragraph of the Cancer versus Non-Cancer Drugs subsection should read: “Of the CUAs presented, a significantly higher proportion of non-cancer drug recommendations had a reported cost per QALY of ≤$A45 000 (29% vs 21%; p < 0.001), while a higher proportion of cancer drug recommendations had a reported cost per QALY of >$A75 000 (17% vs 3%; p < 0.001).”

Page 470: Table III, numbers under the variable ‘ Type of economic modelling’ should read:

Table III
figure Tab2

Comparison of cancer vs non-cancer drugs for recommendations made at July 2005 to March 2008 Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) meetings

Page 471: Multivariable Analyses subsection

The first three sentences of the second paragraph should read: “After adjusting for the other variables, the estimated odds of approving a cancer drug were 0.63 (95% CI 0.30, 1.31) times the odds of approving a non-cancer drug, but this difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.2). In terms of economic modelling (p = 0.01), the odds of approving a submission were lower if the cost per QALY was >$A45 000. Compared with CMA or no modelling, the odds were 0.18 (95% CI 0.07, 0.49) for >$A45 000.”

The fifth and final sentences should read: “The odds of approving a submission with an estimated cost to the PBS of ≥$A10 million per year were 0.48 (95% CI 0.24, 0.94) times the odds of approving a submission with an estimated cost to the PBS of <$A10 million per year (p = 0.03). The model was a reasonable fit to the data (Hosmer and Lemeshow[15] goodness-of-fit test = 3.19, df = 7; p = 0.9).”

Page 472:Table IV should read:

Table IV
figure Tab3

Multivariable logistic model results (n = 221)

[Chim L, Kelly PJ, Salkeld G, et al. Are cancer drugs less likely to be recommended for listing by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee in Australia? Pharmacoeconomics 2010; 28 (6): 463–75]