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14-06-2024 | Review

Working memory involvement in action planning does not include timing initiation structure

Auteurs: Stuart T. Klapp, Dana Maslovat

Gepubliceerd in: Psychological Research | Uitgave 5/2024

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A fundamental limitation in the type of information that can be retained in working memory is identified in this theoretical / review article. The analysis is based on studies of skilled motor performance that were not initially conceived in terms of working memory. Findings from a long history of experimentation involving reaction time (RT) prior to making a brief motor response indicate that although the parameters representing the goal to be achieved by the response can be retained in working memory, the control code that implements timing of action components cannot. This lack of working memory requires that the “timing code” must be compiled immediately prior to the moment that it is to be utilized; it is not possible to be fully ready to respond earlier. This compiling process increases RT and may also underlie both the psychological refractory period effect and the difficulty of generating concurrent motor actions with independent timing. These conclusions extend, but do not conflict with, other models of working memory.
The duration of speech for words may increase when there are more syllables per word even though syllables are internal to the elements for which onsets are timed. Although this increase in duration of the action elements has little, if any, influence on RT it can have other consequences. An example is the “word length effect” in which the number of words that can be recalled in a memory span test is reduced for words that take longer to pronounce. It is questionable whether the span of immediate recall represents working memory (Klapp et al., 1983).
A similar relation was reported by Maslovat et al. (2014, Experiment 2) in which RT increased with the number of key presses when the number was precued (i.e., simple RT) but not when there was no precue (i.e., choice RT). The interval between the participant’s presses was longer in the no-precue condition than in the precue condition. Participants in the no-precue condition may select only the first press (which would be needed regardless of the number of presses eventually required). If it turns out that a second press is required, additional processing occurs, during the interval between taps, thereby lengthening the inter-tap interval without influencing RT. An analogous interpretation seems to fit a surprising finding for task switching. The RT becomes shorter rather than longer when the task is switched (Brown & Koch, 2023). After a task switch participants may postpone some processing to occur during the action rather during RT. This interpretation is consistent with the result that a task shift caused the first action element to be executed more slowly.
Magnuson et al. (2008) reported results that also fit predictions of the Two-Phase Model. Study time increased as a function of the number of elements (presumably due to response selection) and RT also increased with number of elements (presumably due to compiling the timing code).
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Working memory involvement in action planning does not include timing initiation structure
Stuart T. Klapp
Dana Maslovat
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Gepubliceerd in
Psychological Research / Uitgave 5/2024
Print ISSN: 0340-0727
Elektronisch ISSN: 1430-2772