Overt and imagined action seems inextricably linked. Before undertaking a difficult motor task, people often experience themselves imagining what they intend to do, and the form this imagination takes (e.g., imagining intended outcomes or motor behaviors) affects task success and subsequent learning (e.g., Land et al.,
2014; Woolfolk et al.,
1985b). Sometimes, people even imagine behaviors they will execute at a much later time and in a different environment, for example, when they mentally play through the actions of their sport from the privacy of their home. Again, this form of motor imagery—sometimes termed mental practice, mental training or motor imagery training (Schack et al.,
2014; for definitions and conceptualizations, see Morris et al.,
2005)—affects later performance (for meta-analysis, Driskell et al.,
1994; Simonsmeier et al.,
2021; Toth et al.,
2020) and is recommended by most professional coaches (Mayer & Hermann,
2019). Purely mental practice can even increase measured muscle strength, from simple finger contractions to leg pressing and triceps extension, albeit not to the same extent as physical practice (Yue & Cole,
1992; for recent replications and review, see Paravlik et al.,
2018; Reiser et al.,
2011; Smith et al.,
Studies from experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience support this coupling of overt and imagined action. There are tight correspondences between the timing of imagined and overt actions (Decety et al.,
1989; Wohlschläger & Wohlschläger,
1998; for a critical review, see Guillot & Collet,
2005), between the activated brain structures in parietal and premotor cortices (for reviews, see Lotze & Halsband,
2006; Hétu et al.,
2013; O’Shea & Moran,
2017), and between the lawful regularities that govern the kinematics of both overt and imagined action (e.g., Fitts’ law, Decety & Jeannerod,
1995; two-thirds power law, Karklinsky & Flash,
2015; Papaxanthis et al.,
2012). Moreover, several studies show that motor imagery can engender (sub-threshold) activation in the muscles used in the imagined behavior (Guillot et al.,
2010; Jacobson,
1932; Lutz,
2003; Munzert & Krüger,
2018; Shaw,
1938), and, conversely, that executing motor actions makes imagining the same actions easier and imagining different actions harder (e.g., Wohlschläger,
2001; Callow et al.,
2006; Guillot et al.,
2013; for a broader review of the effects of such “dynamic motor imagery”, see Guillot, under review). The link from imagined to overt behavior is so strong that it provides the basis for several (stage) magical phenomena. In Chevreul’s pendulum and the Ouija board, for example, seemingly supernatural motions happen simply because participants’ imagined motions are, unbeknownst to them, translated into subliminal hand and finger movements that are made visible by the devices (Cantergi et al.,
2021; Chevreul,
1833; Easton & Shor,
1977; Wegner et al.,
A standard explanation for these findings is that imagery of action is an intrinsically motoric process. This view assumes that motor imagery, in a form of
neural re-use (e.g., Anderson,
2010), draws upon the same neuronal networks and cognitive processes that underlie action execution itself (Jeannerod,
1994; Jeannerod & Decety,
1995). As a potential mechanism, it has been proposed that the brain predicts—via forward models—the sensory consequences that each of its motor commands will produce, so that it can anticipate the visual, tactile, and proprioceptive sensations that will soon be registered (e.g., Miall & Wolpert,
1996; Sperry,
1950). During overt action, such predictions may allow the actor to filter out predicted sensations (e.g., Reichenbach et al.,
2014) or to correct for movement errors before they happen (e.g., Desmurget & Grafton,
2000; Shadmehr et al.,
2010). During imagery, the same forward models could be used offline, triggered perhaps by sub-threshold motor commands, and allow one to mentally play through how different actions will unfold, without the signals ever reaching the muscles (e.g., Jeannerod,
1994; Jeannerod & Decety,
1995; Kilteni et al.,
In these proposals, motor imagery is often described as “neural simulation of action” (e.g., Jeannerod,
2001), “covert execution” (e.g., Scheil et al.,
2020), and imagined actions are taken as “real actions, except for the fact that they are not executed” (Jeannerod,
2001, p. 103). In essence, these accounts hold that people can imagine their actions because the motoric structures of the brain can, in some form, pretend that the imagined actions are currently executed, and project their perceptual consequences into the imagination, so that one can watch them unfold in front of one’s mind’s eye. Imagination, therefore, has the same timing, is governed by the same regularities, and activates largely overlapping brain structures as overt action.
A different view on motor imagery
The previous section describes the “standard” conception of motor imagery. In this article, we would like to advance a markedly different conceptualization, which turns the proposed relationship on its head, and which—as we argue further below—provides a closer match to the extant data. On this view, the links between imagery and overt action do not arise because action imagery is intrinsically motoric, but—conversely—because the mechanisms people use to control their voluntary behavior are intrinsically imaginistic. In other words, the observed overlaps emerge not because motor imagery recruits motor-based resources but because every action we execute is planned, initiated and controlled through imagery (e.g., Colton et al.,
2018; Hommel,
2009; Hommel et al.,
2001; Janczyk & Kunde,
2020; Pfister,
2019; Pfister,
2019; Pfister et al.,
2014; Prinz,
1997; Shin et al.,
This proposal is not new. In fact, it is the classic solution of the ideomotor theorists (e.g., Carpenter,
1852; Harleß,
1861; James,
1890; Lotze,
1852) to the puzzle of how people can achieve voluntary control over their body movements, given that they have very little actual insight into the actual working of their motor apparatus. Even the simplest act of reaching and grasping requires complex coordination of a multitude of muscles, most of which a person is not aware of, including those in one’s back that prevent one from falling forward when extending one’s arm. The reader could ask themselves, for example, where in fact the muscles they use to control their finger movements are located, what produces the sounds when they snap their fingers, or how they make a bicycle go left or right. Surprisingly, most people answer these questions incorrectly, even though they have performed the actions many times (see
1 for answers). This “executive ignorance” (Turvey,
1977) into the motor activities that make up our daily lives was neatly summarized by William James: “we are only conversant with the outward results of our volition, and not with the hidden inner machinery of nerves and muscles which are what primarily sets it at work” (1890, p. 499).
Ideomotor theorists argue that imagery is the trick that people use to gain control of a motor apparatus that is essentially a black box to them. The idea is that people do not try to—and actually cannot—directly control their “hidden machinery of nerves of muscles” (James,
1890, p. 499). They can only ever bring to mind a mental image of the “outward results” that they want to achieve, which then activates the motor patterns that will bring this result about. The mechanisms that are assumed to underlie this transformation of imagery into action are surprisingly simple and can be accounted for by established laws of associative learning. Accordingly, human agents learn to link, through a lifetime process of self-observation, the different efferent/motor activities that they produce, at first accidentally (‘motor babbling’), with the perceptual effects these activities reliably cause (Hommel & Elsner,
2001; James,
1890; Prinz,
1997). In short, they learn how their body movements look, feel, and sound, and how they affect the environment. The main argument is that as soon as a behavior and its likely effects are robustly associated, the mere
intention to produce any perceivable effect activates the motor pattern to which it was associated by previous experience. Thus people can purposefully control their black box motor apparatus, merely by thinking of the perceptual effects they wish to achieve: we imagine what it looks like to move our fingers, we bring to mind the sound of our fingers snapping, or where we want our bicycle to go next—and by the previously formed associations the corresponding efferent activities are recollected, without us ever needing to know how they internally realized: imagery of the intended “outward results” is enough to elicit the motor behaviors itself.
While such proposals of effect-based action control have been only rarely connected to the phenomenon of motor imagery, they form the core of modern accounts of effect-based action control (for reviews, see Shin et al.,
2010; Pfister,
2019), and are captured by recent ideas of action control through internal (inverse and forward) models (Wolpert,
1997) and predictive coding/active inference (e.g., Adams et al.,
2013). They are supported by a large body of evidence. A full review is not possible here (see Pfister,
2019), but studies have shown that any manipulation that helps people bring to mind the effects of their actions indeed activates the motor behaviors themselves, in line with the idea that both are closely associated. For example, participants execute actions more quickly when primed, just before execution, with an image of the finger (or other body part) movements they should make (e.g., Bach et al.,
2007; Brass et al.,
2001), even if this prime is only anticipated but not perceived (Kunde et al.,
2004; see Badets et al.,
2016 for review). In some cases, this priming is enough to inadvertently cause participants to execute actions they have been asked to withhold (Colton et al.,
2018). Even distal perceptual consequences of one’s actions (like a sound elicited by a button press) prime the motor behaviors that usually bring them about, provided they have been robustly associated before (e.g., Hommel & Elsner,
2001; Ziessler et al.,
Neuroimaging research is also consistent with the proposed tight coupling of motor and effect-related representations. In the last decades, it has become clear that, throughout the cortical hierarchy, neuronal populations often code for both, efferent (motor) activities and the afferent (perceptual) states they produce, to the extent that it has become increasingly difficult to delineate purely afferent or efferent regions. Regions in early and late visual cortex, for example, previously thought to play purely perceptual roles, have been found to be involved in action planning, and specifically to encode the effects one wants to cause with one’s actions (Kühn et al.,
2011; van Steenbergen et al.,
2017; Zimmermann et al.,
2018). A similar “common coding” (Prinz,
1997) of perceptual and motor components also exists in the parietal lobe (e.g., Monaco et al.,
2020; Oosterhof et al.,
2012) and the premotor cortex, where neurons have been identified that code actions equally when they are executed and when their effects are perceived, both visually and auditorily (i.e., “mirror neurons”, di Pellegrino et al.,
1992; Gallese et al.,
1996; Kohler, et al.,
2002). Even the primary motor cortex, often implicated in motor output exclusively, seems to play perceptual roles by representing the anticipated proprioceptive/kinesthetic consequences of one’s behavior (de Lange et al.,
2013; Gandolla et al.,
2014; Naito,
2004). Indeed, it has been argued that the motor commands it sends to the spinal cord may be, in fact, nothing else than proprioceptively coded goal states for one’s limbs (e.g., Adams et al.,
Together, therefore, there is ample evidence from both experimental psychology and neuroscience that actions are represented in terms of their intended effects, which then activate the motor behaviors to which they are associated. Recent proposals have extended this simple associative architecture towards alternative mechanisms for acquiring motor-perceptual links (e.g., propositional relationships, Sun et al.,
2022), describe how they can account for complex, hierarchical or multi-step actions (e.g., Kachergis et al.,
2014; Moeller & Frings,
2019; Moeller & Pfister,
2022), and how motor behavior can be dynamically adjusted in response to error, when actual motor output diverges from the intended goal states (Adams et al.,
2013; Kunde et al.,
2017; Wolpert,
If these ideas of effect-based action control are taken seriously, they lead to a subtle but—in our minds—illuminating re-conceptualization of motor imagery. Motor imagery, in such frameworks, does not rely on neural re-use of execution-related (efferent) structures in the brain, but instead reflects specifically the perceptual process through which people plan, initiate and control their action: the bringing to mind of the goal states—the effects—an actor wants to achieve: how they want their actions to look, sound and feel, when they are carried out. The difference to overt action is only that, during motor imagery, this imaginistic process is decoupled from the motor apparatus, to prevent the imagined action effects from inadvertently causing overt behavior.
Several—not mutually exclusive—alternatives exist how this decoupling may work. One possibility is that efferent activities are somehow inhibited (e.g.,Berthoz,
1996; Di Rienzo et al.,
2014; Guillot et al.,
2012; Rieger et al.,
2017). Another possibility is that the activation threshold to trigger associated motor patterns is deliberately upregulated to prevent an automatic outflow of efferent activity (see also, Berthoz,
1996). Both alternatives would make it possible for people to plan/imagine actions freely, without being in danger of inadvertently releasing the associated motor behaviors. In fact, this increase of the execution threshold might be the very reason for why agents can become aware of their action imagery at all. During most everyday activities, people move their body without experiencing the mental images they use to control these movements, suggesting that even weak, subliminal action images can drive motor behavior effectively (for evidence, see Kunde,
2004; Linser & Goschke,
2007). From an ideomotor perspective, the upregulation of the motor threshold may therefore be precisely what makes motor imagery possible. It allows people to imagine their actions strongly enough to be consciously experienced while still not eliciting overt behavior.
A recent series of experiments (Colton et al.,
2018) tested the idea that imagined actions are planned actions that are activated just below the execution threshold. Participants were asked to imagine—but not execute—different sequences of finger movements. In some trials, we unexpectedly strengthened this imagination through a visual cue that showed the effects of the action they currently imagined (e.g., a specific finger depressing), in the hope that this surprising additional activation would drive the action super-threshold and cause its involuntary release. This is exactly what was found. When imagery and visual cues were congruent and could therefore combine, participants found themselves sometimes executing actions they were asked to withhold. If, however, the visual cue did not match what was imagined, the likelihood of an accidental action slip was reduced compared to baseline (for similar evidence, see Kunde et al.,
2004; Maslovat et al.,
Other studies show that overt action can be effectively influenced even when the relevant action images are weak and remain subliminal, for example, when very briefly presented before participants make a relevant motor response (e.g., Kunde,
2004; Linser & Goschke,
2007). Importantly, a recent study showed that vividly imagined actions have stronger effects on subsequent motor behavior than even actions that have been explicitly prepared for action (Toovey et al.,
2021). This is consistent with the idea that motor imagery involves a hyper-activation of the movement images that people use to control their behavior so that they can be consciously experienced, while at the same time being prevented from causing motor output.
This conceptualization of motor imagery as (hyper-activated) effect imagery differs from conventional accounts in that it does not require information from output-related components of the motor apparatus. Instead, it conceptualizes motor imagery simply as the planning-related processes that otherwise shape’s people overt motor behavior (see also Glover & Baran,
2017; Jeannerod,
1994; Toovey et al.,
2021) by specifying its goals as well as those more proximal components that are important for action success (e.g., movements speeds, specific trajectories around goals, etc.)
2. In other words, human agents can imagine actions because they have done them over and over in their daily life and have internalized how they look, sound, and feel. From then on, they can then simply recall this perceptual knowledge to produce a vivid experience of the actions they want to imagine.
Importantly, while this account does not require a contribution of motoric knowledge, it does not imply that imagery cannot make use of it. In a radical ideomotor view, efferent (“motor”) activities are bidirectionally associated to the effects they will cause (cf. Hecht et al.,
2001; Hommel and Elsner,
2001; Hommel et al.,
2001). Via these links, imagining or intending a specific effect can bring about the associated motor behaviors, but—once they are selected—the activated motor behaviors can also activate the effects they will most likely cause. This is functionally important because the effects used to select a motor behavior and those it will cause do not need to be identical; any action will bring with itself changes that have not been explicitly intended. For example, one may intend to grasp a coffee mug, by anticipating the required visual and proprioceptive components of the movement trajectory towards the goal, as well as the specific points of contact with the mug, but without anticipating the tactile experience of one’s pullover’s sleeve moving across the forearm, when carrying out that movement.
Through these links, any motor behavior that is activated may, therefore, enrich or further constrain imagery with what is most likely to happen when it is executed. This associative activation of the effects an action will
also cause might be called a “prediction” and is functionally equivalent to the output of a forward model (cf. Kawato,
1999). Such a bi-directional associative architecture, therefore, fully implements the main functional mechanism of conventional accounts of imagery, through which (subliminal) motor activation can project ahead which perceptual effects it will most likely cause. The difference is that, in effect-based accounts, this motor-based prediction is not the default mode. Instead, it is considered as an additional, optional step, that one can draw upon only after motor activities have been accessed through the intended perceptual changes in the first place. There is still no pure “motoric” imagination that is not triggered by a prior imagination of the intended action outcomes. However, once a specific motor behavior that implements these desired effects is activated, it can be supplemented or adjusted through associations to the effects this motor behavior will also have, if carried out.
We believe that such effect-based accounts of motor imagery solve (or sidestep) most problems and inconsistencies in standard accounts. Note for example that, in standard accounts, imagery emerges from motor commands being fed to a forward model-like mechanism, which then plays through the sequence of perceptual consequences these actions will achieve. What is usually left open is where these motor commands come from in the first place. Why, if one already knows the sequence of movements one wants to imagine, is it necessary (a) to identify the precise motor command that brings about this imagination, and (b) how is the relevant chain of motor commands selected, so that it matches this (sometimes quite complex) imagination goal? This ambiguity is even more pronounced if one considers that the mechanisms (i.e., forward models, efference copies) that are proposed to serve as the basis for this imagination are usually assumed to have evolved to predict the outcomes of actions that the organism does indeed execute (i.e., for anticipatory error control or filtering out expected stimulation). How then is it possible (c) to fool these mechanisms into completing the same job for actions that one does decidedly does not want to execute, because one only wants to imagine them? Effect-based accounts of motor imagery solve, or sidestep, all these problems by providing a straightforward associative account of how action imagery can affect the motor apparatus, and how, in turn, motoric activity can feed back into what people imagine.